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joe royal 11:43 Sat Aug 5
Leverkusen V West Ham on YouTube

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Manuel 3:52 Sun Aug 6
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Ant L 8:29 Sat Aug 5

''Agree re Mubama. Unfair on the kid to expect much from him.''

No one is expecting anything from him.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 10:06 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Vexed 7:20


Mike Oxsaw 9:42 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Went away and busied myself after that toilet of a performance.

I'm back and I'm still pissed off at it all - it's almost as if Sullivan & Moyes have been given stuffed-to-overflowing brown envelopes by the media to put us firmly "back where we belong" so as not to threaten the sanctity of the media darlings this coming season - why on earth would you leave the team in such a state of unreadiness for the (main) competition ahead?

They can't afford to buy off Newcastle, so kill off the next potential threat - us.

How very DARE we play in Europe!!!

chelmsfordhammer 9:37 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Surprised we havent heard that its hard to do transfer business while we re in germany yet. I dont think ive ever known a side so ill prepared for the start of a season as we are are.

Well done west ham youve managed to bring us back down to earth in six weeks .

riosleftsock 9:30 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Vexed - take a bow son. The only thing I enjoyed about today's game was your paragraph below.

Norflundon 9:26 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
After a complete humiliation what a surprise he sends a coach out to talk he’s such a fucking weasel no wonder they’re all jacking and he’s got nobody left to work with
Can’t evff egg n man up and do his own talking, pretty sure it wasn’t billy mckinley that sets the team up like that

chelmsfordhammer 8:43 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Dont worry , we beat spurs pre season so everything is fine according to some.

Eerie Descent 8:29 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Don't worry about how shit we are now, we won our first cup in 43 years!

We're so small time, that winning the St Johnstone's Paint European trophy means we can't possibly strive for better.

Great stuff.

Ant L 8:29 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Watched the second half. Thankful I didn't lose 45mins of my life by watching the first half too.
Felt as though the XI who started the second half simply embarrassed themselves. Couldn't see a gameplan apart from "absorb the pressure and hope for something to happen". Agree re Mubama. Unfair on the kid to expect much from him.

Sadly obvious how terrible we were today.

El Scorchio 8:20 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Takashi Miike 8:06

I cannot disagree with that. Even with better players, we will still play piss poor football under him.

Hammer and Pickle 8:15 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
The very idea he’d play Soucek with Downes is outrageous. He could have bowed out after the tin-pot cup win with some credit, now he’s just floundering from one humiliation to the next.

Takashi Miike 8:06 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
"We need 4-5 players really urgently by the sound of it."

it'd just be 4 more players he doesn't know what to do with, he has to go

muskie 7:59 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Put quite simply it was 20th century football vs 21st century.

I actually hate Moyes now more than I hated Roedent. Another cunt who thought he knew it all.

El Scorchio 7:53 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Vexed 7:20

Ha! Thanks very much for that. If you don’t laugh, you’ll simply cry…

We need 4-5 players really urgently by the sound of it.

mallard 7:40 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V West Ham on YouTube
Superb Match Report from Vexed!

Capitol Man 7:37 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V West Ham on YouTube
Have to think the plan was to sac him and go with the new Tim bloke and a new manager - but changed their inns after we won the cup and decided to give Moyes another chance.

Trouble is Moyes doesn’t want to go ahead with the new transfer plans and so things have got jammed up - and we’re now in a right mess where nothing is being done.

Sullivan needs to either back Moyes or sack him.

Keep dreaming 7:35 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Come on guys, we are in Europe and that's what matters

Side of Ham 7:31 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
It’s disgusting he’s been allowed to fuck up 2 preseasons in a row and it’s even more disgusting that some will STILL defend him and his set up…..where are your standards as mine are higher than this shit and it does not represent the clubs fanbase at all…

Hammer and Pickle 7:29 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Good work Vexed - that should be going viral

Sir Alf 7:27 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
There is nothing to worry about according to Billy Mckinlay. “Little things to work on” and we were tired due to an early flight. Apparently Mckinlay is off too I just heard? Just been offered lead spokesman role for Putin on the Ukrainian “Special operation” such is his mastery of propaganda and ability to not fall about in hysterics as he speaks ? ;-)


Vexed 7:20 Sat Aug 5
Re: Leverkusen V Weat Ham on YouTube
Scorch - it was fucking diabolical. From the whistle to the end of the game we were comprehensively outplayed, out fought, and out thought and you'd have assumed it was weeks until our season starts by the absolute lack of preparedness on show. Moyes did his usual hand on hips with occasional clapping of hands that he once read about in a book about pretending to be a football manager. He then made a load of like for like subs just to make sure we don't put ourselves in danger of scoring a goal or god forbid string some passes together or display any semblance of a plan B.
We were lucky it was only four goals as at times the Germans were basically gang raping us. Our team's collective hoop will be red raw from this encounter such was the vigorous pounding they took. Of particular note was our hopeless midfield duo of Soucek and Downes who were absolutely abysmal, neither are talented players but the equally untalented Dogshit Xhaka took great pleasure in using our midfield duo for a lengthy bukkake session. Anyone else into the middle for Bournemouth will do better, even the pointless Connor Coventry - why is he even still here? Was better than both though. Both full backs got destroyed at Leverkusen's leisure, like they were playing a fucking kids team or something. Poor old Mubama up top touched the ball about three times and spent the rest running after terrible passes punted up field like a fuckin ballboy, it's just not fair on the lad to put expectation on his shoulders in this abysmal Moyes disgustathon of a side. Antonio came on a lolloped around and fell over a bit. Fuck off to Saudi you fat fuck. We are in big trouble and will surely lose against Bournemouth. Of course there will be some on here saying "it's just a friendly, remember in 1978 when we were this bad in preseason and we came 15th" type shit but they would be missing the point, we had most of our best team playing a week before the season and we could not get near them. Not a sniff. The oppo barely broke sweat. We are in trouble.

All in all I wish I hadn't watched it.

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