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joe royal 11:49 Sun Aug 6
Ian Watkins stabbed.

Can’t say I’m either surprised or sorry.

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El Scorchio 1:49 Tue Aug 8
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
zico 12:34

Likely these women were groomed by Watkins, but nevertheless, on a par with the seemingly ever increasing amount of scumbag parents and step parents who beat their infant children to death.

Swiss. 1:45 Tue Aug 8
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
I’m not a religious man but sometimes I wish there was a hell and this guy goes there.

bobbymoore 1:07 Tue Aug 8
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.

zico 12:34 Tue Aug 8
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Disgusting excuse for a human being, lowest of the low. But what about the two women, Jesus what sort of mother does that?! I assume that they were jailed and children placed into the care of their fathers or either foster care or adoption? Can you imagine how those fathers must have felt, and still do.

boleyn8420 12:28 Tue Aug 8
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
The only sad thing about this news is that the evil sick cunt is still alive, hopefully not for long though.

Mr Anon 12:17 Tue Aug 8
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.

Pentonville 12:57 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
"Had no idea as didnt anyone else."

don't know about that, saw a few interviews back in the day that suggested the band knew something, some nudge nudge wink wink jokes among them.

Only one I remember specifically was an interview where they were taking questions from fans, one called "babycakes" asked something like "what can I say about myself that will give me a chance of meeting Ian?", one of the band said "I think you already said it"

nerd 12:06 Tue Aug 8
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
I always wondered what went through Fearn cottons mind when she found this out , must've been torture for a few years . I know they werent together when convicted but still close enough to give you nightmares.

eusebiovic 11:56 Tue Aug 8
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Maybe the family wasn't so "decent" after all...

Roby 2:40 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
This was a very strange case.

Good looking bloke from a decent family, university educated, in a good band which had started to break out in the States too and would’ve been minted.

El Scorchio 6:32 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Yup. It’s creepy as fuck isn’t it. Very apt in his case as well.

joe royal 5:38 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
El Scorchio 3:41 Sun Aug 6

Watkins is the reason I hate to see grown men using kids text talk.

Lol etc. no need unless you are trying to appear younger than you actually are.

Mike Oxsaw 4:31 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
, 1:54 Sun Aug 6

Call what you like if it keeps your ego & comfort blanked fluffed up.

Here - have one of the zero fucks I give on the matter.

El Scorchio 3:41 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
I hope the stabber shouted ‘megalolz’ at the relevant moment of the stabbing.

Roby 2:40 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
This was a vey strange case.

Good looking bloke from a decent family, university educated, in a good band which had started to break out in the States too and would’ve been minted.

Would surely have had bird throwing themselves at him but he gets involved with deviant sex practices with animals and then kids / babies.

Surprised he didn’t end up in a maximum security place like Broadmoor. Talk about a spectacular fall from grace, he’s ruined his life as well as those of the victims.

joe royal 2:22 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
The women involved were never named, something to do with not identifying the victims.

, 1:54 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
MO, 1.31 I’m calling beard on that because you have not got, or never had, a mate.

Northern Sold 1:43 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Need John Mc, Terry Stokes, Wally and co to sort it out...


Eastside surge 1:36 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Remember reading about this case and couldn't quite believe what I was reading to be honest absolutely vile human being, I'm normally anti capital punishment but as a society it would have been safer all round if he would have been simply put to death!

claypole 1:32 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Was hoping he got what the ripper got. Loss of an eye

Mike Oxsaw 1:31 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Mate of mine was a guest of her majesty at HMP Wakefield for 17 years, but been out on licence for some considerable time.

Says he probably knows who tried it on and there will most certainly be another attempt.

As someone said, lowest of the low, even by lag standards.

Iron Duke 1:23 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Raping is bad enough, but going for children and babies must be the lowest depths of deprivation.

I’m surprised he’s lasted this long.

Northern Sold 1:23 Sun Aug 6
Re: Ian Watkins stabbed.
Sentencing Watkins and the two women at Cardiff Crown Court in December 2013, Mr Justice Royce said the case broke "new ground" and "plunged into new depths of depravity".

Watkins admitted the attempted rape and sexual assault of a child under 13, but pleaded not guilty to rape.

He also admitted conspiring to rape a child, three counts of sexual assault involving children, seven involving taking, making or possessing indecent images of children and one of possessing an extreme pornographic image involving a sex act on an animal.

The two women also admitted child abuse charges.

So the two Mothers gladly gave over their kids to him .... fucking hell.... hope all three rot inside after multiple multiple stabbings

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