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fraser 9:56 Tue Aug 15
Fab isn't Happy
Lukasz Fabianski interview on Canal+ after being dropped by David Moyes

“I took the news awfully. Being honest, first of all, it was a massive shock. Second of all, the information made me angry. I wasn’t mentally ready for something like this.”

“The way the situation was handled feels weird to me. As you can probably feel my pain, all I will say is that through my work with the club, the coaching staff and the manager I deserved the situation to unfold in a much different way than how it happened and on Thursday.”

“I know it’s just my subjective opinion, but I feel like I should’ve been treated better in that specific situation.”

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SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:20 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Unless he is a complete moron, Fabianski would have known when Areola arrived that the club was transitioning.

2 years is a more than decent amount of time to come to terms with it.

dealcanvey 11:53 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Sounds like poor management of the players expectations.

Even if you don't say anything (which you should), giving him the number 1 shirt again this season probably made him think he was once again first choice.

The Ghost of Sven 11:22 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
He signed an extension in the summer didnt he?
Surely at that time it would have been explained that he would be transitioning to number 2 during this season ... maybe didnt expect it for game 1 ... but hardly a major shock.
Think he can fulfill that for this season and next and Areola has to prove himself as a viable number 1. Or we should be looking at a long term keeper next summer

swindon hammer 10:40 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Phil Parkes at his peak (Up to 1986) was a better keeper than Fabianski.

Fabianski at the ages of 36-38 was better than Parkes was at the same age.

Justin P 10:32 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Fuck him then

Side of Ham 10:24 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
…..and why would he dislike Moyes OTB?

On The Ball 10:07 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Mickey Rat 1:04 Wed Aug 16

Complete guesswork based on your dislike of Moyes.

GoalLazio 1:11 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
He’s thrown his toys out of his pram. Poor form at his age. Great goalkeeper in my view but makes sense to give Areola a run in the league who himself will be fucked off its taken this long.

Mickey Rat 1:04 Wed Aug 16
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Moyes is a dinosaur in his man management and tactics, he's managed to piss off players and his assistants so they leave given half a chance and we can't attract the most promising players who want to play in a modern progressive team

scouse kid 10:38 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Fab has been a decent keeper for us. But his body is falling apart always seemed to have hamstring about to fall off his body

Not in the Parkes or Ludo league for me. I would say Green played better for us in individual performances. Probably have Fab around the Hislop level myself

Eastside surge 8:29 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
I mean he's good and all that but he's no perry suckling!

Steady 7:31 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
And no he wasn’t 1st choice at Arsenal

Steady 7:29 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Eerie - if you think Ludo wasn’t as good as Fab, I take it you never saw him play. Even Alex Ferguson wanted to sign Miklosko, can’t see any of the top 6 ever wanting to sign Fabianksi

cholo 6:16 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
I'm not saying Moyes isn't an arrogant cunt, but without any details of how this went down how do we know Fab isn't just being a massive drama queen? Keepers who are used to being first choice have been known to get quite entitled.

Whatever the case is he shouldn't be going public imo.

wd40 5:42 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Next we be reading he has metal heath problems for being dropped.

A very basic goalkeeper compared to others.

Parks was a 8/9 even 10 many times out of 10 every game .
Every game !

Crassus 5:00 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
There are a couple of known facts around this as far as I'm concerned

1/ I don't know the background or how he was told
2/ I despise Moyes

So given his previous I'm doubtless inclined to pin the world's ills on the cunt

Whilst not doubting the propriety of the decision or his right to make it, I'd be staggered if he delivered it with the empathy of a shrewd man manager to a respected club servant in the twilight of his career

mallard 4:53 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Robert Green was better than Fab

Westham67 4:48 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Moyes is shit at man management that's why some of our better players left.

Eerie Descent 4:37 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
I suppose he could always go on strike, like Cresswell has?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:29 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Fabianski was bang-average last year and was fortunate to keep his place. He has been a good servant but is pretty much gone. All decent keepers can pull off an amazing save now and again, but Fab has begun to have too many, 'the keeper could have done better' moments. Incidentally, he was absolutely dire against Leverkusen and could have been dropped just for that.

As for the manner of his dropping, one man's 'they only told me on Thursday, is another man's 'I gave him every chance'. He's being paid a fortune to play professional sport - he's 38, them's the breaks.

The idea that West Ham would be anxious about losing him as a senior pro is risible. It's time for another decent keeper anyway. If he thinks he's been treated badly he can fuck off. Having said that, he's done nothing during his time here to suggest he would be unprofessional so I suspect that his comments are either out of context or just an unguarded expression of natural disappointment.

One things certain, there is nothing to see here and Moyes has done nothing other than an unpleasant part of his job. How the fuck do you tell someone nicely that their career is nearly over?

fraser 4:18 Tue Aug 15
Re: Fab isn't Happy
Fab has been a brilliant keeper for us but never ever has he been as good as Parkes.

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