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chim chim cha boo 9:35 Sun Aug 27
These mass shooters in America...
Why the fuck do they always name them in the news? Let's face it, America is the world leader in improbable idiots becoming stars. They even had one who became president for fuck sake.

Why not try and do what we do when idiots run onto the pitch - rob them of the oxygen of infamy. I understand it doesn't deter EVERYBODY running onto the pitch, wankers will always exist, but at least give it a try.

By all means talk about the poor bastards the gunman shot but don't put the gunman's face, social media nonsense and shit all over the news.

It seem SUCH an easy thing to do if they insist on having guns.

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Bungo 3:18 Mon Aug 28
Re: These mass shooters in America...
eusebiovic 10:18 Sun Aug 27

I can another potential benefit to this. If 'real' ammo was vastly expensive, then it is highly likely that cheaper 'moonshine' ammo would soon appear in the US.

I would imagine that there would be a greatly increased chance of that going wrong and just exploding in the baddie's hand.

That would be such a shame...

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:21 Mon Aug 28
Re: These mass shooters in America...
It's a combination of 24/7 news coverage, improved satellite communications and t'internet, innit?

Thirty years ago all these not particularly devastating storms, routine summer fires and shootings outside of particularly glamorous ones in the USA would have gone unreported, or at least barely reported. But now pictures from all over the world are instantly available and 24/7 is a lot of telly to fill.

In 1985 I reckon only 'it's a bit hot in Greece again' and the Maui firestorm would have been widely reported. And only shootings involving white children in a rich country (unless there were literally hundreds of victims) or somebody famous like Marvin Gaye or Sharon Tate. In 1965 they wouldn't have even bothered with Marvin Gaye. Nobody in the UK media cared about Sam Cooke.

joe royal 2:11 Mon Aug 28
Re: These mass shooters in America...
This hate crime went under the radar. Answers on a postcard why.


Boycie 1:58 Mon Aug 28
Re: These mass shooters in America...
Joe Biden is not an idiot

eusebiovic 10:18 Sun Aug 27
Re: These mass shooters in America...
I agree with what Chris Rock once said...

You can't ban guns in America so if you want to make people think twice before going on a killing spree then each bullet needs to cost $5000

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