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Pentonville 9:23 Sat Sep 16
Russell Brand
Dispatches tonight could be about him so he has jumped in first dismissing claims and rumours and saying anything he did in past was consensual.
No doubt it will be said that this is The Matrix coming after him due to his opposition to mainstream media.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

yngwies Cat 4:32 Wed Jul 24
Re: Russell Brand
Brandy sound like he's swallowed the Oxford dictionary and thasuraus and is shitting it out sideways.

Mike Oxsaw 11:04 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
Quantum physics is probably best defined (by it's inventors) as the solution to the Dual Slit phenomenon.

What we seem to have happening here is the Dual Shit phenomenon. Close, but no cigar - or solution.

You're welcome

Jaan Kenbrovin 10:18 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
‘Haven't a fucking clue what you're going on about’

Like an orangutan making sense of quantum physics.

Mike Oxsaw 10:02 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
joyo 8:41 Sat Jul 20

You're the repeatedly triggered one - perhaps we need a Crowdfunding campaign "Save the Triggered One"...or maybe you just seek attention when even your squat-sharing tramp ignores you.

bruuuno 9:47 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
Oxsaw is like WHO’s own joe Biden. Joyo is WHO’s Cyril smith

joyo 8:41 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
"superfluous waffle".....oh the irony!

Mike Oxsaw 6:03 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
joyo 3:30 Sat Jul 20

First four words of that response describe you to a "T". The rest, like everything else you post is superfluous waffle.

Stick to chatting with that pissed up tramp you share your squat with.

joyo 3:30 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
Haven't a fucking clue what you're going on about you senile old peado
"night crew"?"cheery"?"boldly gone?you know?
Your dementia is worst than Biden's

Mike Oxsaw 4:06 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
joyo 3:05 Sat Jul 20

By your own admission, in a feverish attempt to ingratiate yourself with the night crew, you openly admitted to taking advantage of a young, disabled girl in poverty-stricken Cambodia.

Are you now saying that what you did was wrong and vexed, WHO's favourite rosy-cheeked, curly-haired chubby little cherub, shouldn't seek to go where you have already boldly gone?

He's got to pop his cherry sometime, you know.

joyo 3:05 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
vexed is a horrible little miserable nasty piece of shit who hates West Ham,but still don't think his destination will be your mud hut in the poverty stricken village near the Cambodian border

Mike Oxsaw 1:49 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
You trying to take this somewhere, vexxy, you cute little petal?

State your final destination and I'll try and help you get there, given that you appear to lack that ability to do so yourself.

Vexed 1:16 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
So you're a fan of two known nonces are you Oxsaw? Colour me shocked.

Mike Oxsaw 1:09 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
I like Brand, for the same reason I like (but don't support) Trump; they're both disrupters, challengers, not afraid to question the status quo or perceived wisdom (of the day).

If they're wrong, then they're wrong, but if they are right it seems piss everywhere starts to boil.

Some people simply can't accept change.

Sydney_Iron 1:01 Sat Jul 20
Re: Russell Brand
He is just doing what good portion of us do i reckon?

I was bit of a lefty and full of justice for all when i was younger, anti-capitalist, the rich were cunts, save the planet etc etc, not sure i really understood it all but as a lefty you just sung from the left hymnbook on such things!!!!

But as you age you start seeing the hypocrisy of a lot of it and the right, well center right, not the far right nutters! is maybe a bit more rational and not so filled with hate and envy, mind you i still find the religious stuff a bit stupid and nonsense!

Brand is a mad as a box of frogs anyway, seen a few of his podcasts, he rambles on using words i have never heard and some of the conspiracies are mind boggling to say the least!

Mr Anon 11:34 Fri Jul 19
Re: Russell Brand
deanjcrawford 11:17 Fri Jul 19
Re: Russell Brand
Not at all. You can change all you want, just like Russell Brand has.

so if you agree he's changed his view, why are you arguing against people that said he wasn't right wing in the past?

deanjcrawford 11:17 Fri Jul 19
Re: Russell Brand
Not at all. You can change all you want, just like Russell Brand has.

Mike Oxsaw 11:00 Fri Jul 19
Re: Russell Brand
Is there a law that states that once you've selected a political side/party (probably in 6th form or as a freshman) , you can never, ever change as your life evolves?

deanjcrawford 10:43 Fri Jul 19
Re: Russell Brand
Anyone still fancy arguing Russell Brand isn't right wing?


Dwight Van Mann 11:38 Sat Sep 30
Re: Russell Brand

show us on the long haired, open shirted doll where Russell Brand touched you?

onsideman 10:43 Sat Sep 30
Re: Russell Brand
deanjcrawford 5:12 Sat Sep 30

You're gonna make yourself ill if you don't let it go fella

BRANDED 6:09 Sat Sep 30
Re: Russell Brand

What crisps you fancy son?

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