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zebthecat 2:33 Fri Nov 17
Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
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Sydney_Iron 11:26 Tue Nov 21
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
From the BBC

Leeds and Leicester - who were relegated to the Championship last season - along with Burnley - who were relegated in 2022 before returning - are weighing up whether to press ahead with a claim against the Toffees.

Had the 10-point deduction been applied in 2021-22, Burnley would have stayed up, as would Leicester last season if it had counted then. Leeds would have finished a place higher, but would still have gone down.

It has been reported Everton could potentially face claims for tens of millions of pounds.

The clubs have 28 days from the date of the ruling to decide.

If they do, barrister David Phillips KC, High Court judge His Honour Alan Greenwood, and chartered accountant Nick Igoe (former West Ham finance director), would hear their arguments.

In last week's ruling, Phillips KC referenced applications for financial compensation from a number of clubs, saying he was "satisfied" that they had "potential claims".

Everton have 14 days from the ruling to lodge an appeal.

RBshorty 6:36 Tue Nov 21
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
It’s too far back now for the club to be punished. It’s more of a case of agent going after player. Spurs will get a stern warning not to do it again.!

marty feldman 5:25 Tue Nov 21
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
They'll play the victim. Just like they did in 1993 . Were given a 10 points deduction then and got off due to media pressure. They stayed up narrowly that season as well would have gone down comftably if it stood .. Poor Swindon were denied promotion for way less a couple of seasons before . Status quo even wanted to play a benefit concert for the vermin cunts

eswing hammer 3:37 Tue Nov 21
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
Spurs have had a case by the Times come to light, when they transferred Jermaine Defoe they are said to have used an unlicensed agent in 2010 , same case and time as what Leeds and Luton were deducted 10 points , please let it be true !

Westside 7:27 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
Then the pandemic hit which massively fucked up their projected revenue streams plus they slipped out CL qualification

Every other club, had their revenues buggered by
Covid and they stayed within the profit sustainability rules,

Man City and Chelsea's cases are pending,.

As for dropping out of Champions' Lleague places, budgeting for that income, was pure fantasy for Everton. They've qualified for it once, nearly 20 years ago!

Everton have got them in the FFP shit because of stadium related costs and the impact of the pandemic. Yes they continued to buy players when they maybe shouldnt have but lets compare that with the Tottenham ground. Thy ended up spending nearly £1bn on their new stadium, more than double than planned. Repayment of the loans was based on a business model that required inco,e from CL qualification and hosting other highly lucrative events at the stadium. Then the pandemic hit which massively fucked up their projected revenue streams plus they slipped out CL qualification. So how the fuck have they been able to continue spending on players? Where has all that stadium debt disapeared to? how has that not impacted them one bit?

Spurs, have dealt with their stadium costs correctly in their accounts and all the costs have been charged correctly, to their balance sheet or profit and loss account, depending when the expenditure occurred. Expenditure which stays on the Balance sheet isn't affected by the profit sustainability rules. Everton tried to incorrectly include some costs in their balance sheet re their new stadium and shouldn't have done. They tried to hoodwink the commission, about funding of the new stadium, the commission ruled " the club had been “less than frank” in their submission and considered this to be an “aggravating factor in their culpability”.

Everton's card was even marked by the Premier League, in Augst 2021 about their spending, but still it continued.

Useless fact. On of the commission was Nick Igoe, West Ham's former financial director.

Russ of the BML 5:16 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
Sorry - That should day Everton are first club "charged with profitability and sustainability" rules.

Russ of the BML 5:13 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
RichyP 3:35 Mon Nov 20

"is their a hierarchy of rules as well as a hierarchy of clubs?"

No. Everton are first club to be "charged" for failing to comply with FFP so there's no previous. So your question is waffle.

"the 'big 6' colluded to leave the PL and form a super league...."

That's irrelevant. They were found guilty and punished.

"Everton have got them in the FFP shit because of stadium related costs and the impact of the pandemic."

So what? Everton have been punished for breaching the Premier League’s profitability and sustainability rules, which limit the amount of losses a club can incur over a three-year period. It doesn't matter how.

"Man City have been found guilty of breaking FFP rules before, where was the points deduction?"

They were cleared at the court of arbitration. UEFA tried to ban them from Europe for two years due to "failing to provide the proper accounts to justify their finances". When they appealed it, it was found they had actually provided the proper accounts and so the ban was reduced to a fine. Some of the charges were also timed out due to it taking four years to bring them to light.

"Man City currently have 115 separate FFP breaches under investigation......"

That's irrelevant. It takes as long as it takes. In a court of law some cases start after others and finish before others. What's your point?

"So what happens? do they just get away with it?"


"As for Chelsea, what is coming to light now no doubt is just the tip of a massive fucking Abramovic shaped iceberg."

Indeed. And I hope they are also severely punished.

Manuel 5:10 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
Swiss. 1:49 Mon Nov 20

There are certainly no fly's on you, son.

Side of Ham 4:49 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
Adding to what boleyn8420 posted…they are also pissed in my opinion because they haven’t been treated like football royalty by the PL…..that is one of the reasons why scousers are fucking despised in football. They think they are football and could not give one fuck about other clubs….

joyo 4:36 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
8420...ag ag ag spot on

boleyn8420 3:59 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
How on earth can anyone's dislike/hatred of scousers cloud anyone's judgement. That is a judgement. A correct and fair judgement at that.

I haven't quite stopped laughing and I hope that any appeal is met with an additional 3 points on top. Plus they have to pay the 3 clubs relegated £100m each or some made up amount of money. Serves them right..... even if it is just for being fucking scousers. No clouded or otherwise affected jusdgement here, absolutely spot on.

Lee Trundle 3:44 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
The "Big 6" never wanted to leave the Premier League.

RichyP 3:35 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
I think far too many people are missing the bigger picture here and letting their dislike of scousers cloud their judgement.

Bottom line is the bias towards the so called big 6 has just been laid bare for everyone to see.

Rules are rules right? if you break them you should expect to face the punishment right? so why re the punishments equal depending on who broke the rules or what rules they broke? is their a hierarchy of rules as well as a hierarchy of clubs?

The 'big 6' colluded to leave the PL and form a super league, it was all but done until the shit hit the fan. They broke the rules but only got fined £22m split between the 6 of them which is fucking peanuts to those clubs so hardly a punishment or a deterent

Everton have got them in the FFP shit because of stadium related costs and the impact of the pandemic. Yes they continued to buy players when they maybe shouldnt have but lets compare that with the Tottenham ground. Thy ended up spending nearly £1bn on their new stadium, more than double than planned. Repayment of the loans was based on a business model that required inco,e from CL qualification and hosting other highly lucrative events at the stadium. Then the pandemic hit which massively fucked up their projected revenue streams plus they slipped out CL qualification. So how the fuck have they been able to continue spending on players? Where has all that stadium debt disapeared to? how has that not impacted them one bit?

During the pandemic 3 clubs (that i am aware of) borrowed significant amounts of money from the government to 'cover operating costs'. The clubs weer Liverpool, Arsenal, Spurs. How was that allowed? Isn't state funding/state aid against the rules? All 3 clubs certainly carried on spending a lot of money on players so what operating costs were those loans covering? whatever it was it didnt impact their transfer budgets.

Man City have been found guilty of breaking FFP rules before, where was the points deduction? They received an undisclosed fine which was reduced on appeal which will just be an operating cost for them so not a punishment or a deterrent

Man City currently have 115 separate FFP breaches under investigation, no matter whether people believe Everton cooperated or not, their case started after Man City's and has been concluded before any of Man City's. Why? because Man City have not been helpful, they have smothered it to the point of drowning in lawyers and resistance to the point the authorities may never get to the bottom of the charges. So what happens? do they just get away with it?

As for Chelsea, what is coming to light now no doubt is just the tip of a massive fucking Abramovic shaped iceberg. I'm not holding my breath that they will get pushed for it though to the same degree Everton have, it will more likely get swept under the carpet as happening under an old regime so no case to answer for Tod and his billions

Side of Ham 1:54 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
I agree Swiss….and a very astute observation of you…

Swiss. 1:49 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
I think they are fortunate this happening this season with 3 much worse teams that 25pt might be enough for survival . I think they will stay up.

Russ of the BML 12:48 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
I don't buy all this bollocks from pundits that Everton "worked with the PL" and then get treated like this. They worked with the PL, were advised that they need to stop buying players, they didn't and were warned and then continued to buy players. So the fact they went over their spend limit by £20m is their own fucking fault.

Get your house in order and run your club properly. And if you don't and get caught then take the punishment.

As far as I'm concerned 10 points isn't enough. Should've been enough to relegate them.

And as for Man City and Chelsea.... Watch this space. The precedent has now been set. Although Man City may still win the league with a 10 point deduction.

Sydney_Iron 3:03 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
This is going to see Chelsea absolutely fucked, and that Todd geezer looking a right Burke!

Why on Earth he didn't request full access to the club's financial records before they spent billions on taking the club over I don't know. Was anyone at all surprised when it turned out that Roman's business acumen was sometimes dodgy as fuck?

Matthew Holmes 12:18 Mon Nov 20
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules

Apologies if done before

Side of Ham 12:05 Sun Nov 19
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
The Merseyside Derby is the only thing that makes Everton a tiny bit interesting and that’s been a foregone for many a season even if they’ve done well. Now they will be bogged down likely with claims from other clubs etc it will be even more one sided. I would also argue that having a league where no one is safe is as big a draw as having certain ‘brand’ clubs survive it just needs to be a good mix on the promotion side and not like last season. Basically Everton’s only contribution to the PL now is being one of the longest remaining in the top division other than that it’s what?

chim chim cha boo 11:33 Sun Nov 19
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
Mike, nah. Look at the Championship as I saw it when we were relegated.

When the fixtures came out I absolutely shat myself. SUCH big clubs, I was afraid we'd never get out of it. Palace made sure we didn't in the first season and Preston NE run us SO close I couldn't sleep for a week. Then Blackpool.

Look at the top six in the Championship.

Leicester, Ipswich, Leeds, Southampton, Preston and Sunderland. All of those teams would replace Everton easily, and us too if we got complacent.

It's the fact that we have such a strong second division keeping the churn rate of the PL ticking over that makes our league the 'best' (even allowing for fucking cheating VAR) in the world.

Mike Oxsaw 7:48 Sun Nov 19
Re: Everton docked 10 point for breaching FFP rules
chim chim cha boo 6:29 Sun Nov 19

Agree with every word on that, but for every "unknown" team that comes up from the Championship each year, the PL/UEFA have got to re-image THEIR brand to accommodate the upstart.

In the PL that means 5% of their games have to be sold harder each year than if they were matches between "established" PL sided. Nothing to do with the football, all to do with the advertising and sponsorship they can hang off each game.

That's a ball-ache I suspect they'd rather do without, which happened to also be a big business driver behind the attempted Super-League a few seasons ago.

I suspect that if the PL couldn't get away with an attempt at ditching promotions & relegations, then they would attempt to limit the teams that can be promoted to only those that had been PL teams in one or more of the previous 5 seasons, so they'd be easier to "integrate" into the system.

FWIW, I believe that for the next 4 seasons, across the English professional leagues, there should be one fewer teams promoted than relegated to ease the pressure on the players.

They won't do this though, as fewer games means less revenue - they'll simply plan for larger squads, possibly allowing full interchangeability between the 1st teams (as they are known today) and what used to be known as the stiffs.

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