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chim chim cha boo 2:02 Tue Nov 21
So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
You utter cunts.

They actually WANTED us to die.

Utterly shocking, the biggest news probably EVER and you try and swerve it, you pea-brained gonks?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

BRANDED 7:00 Mon Nov 27
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?

Do yourself a favour

Find a nice retirement home

Its fucking video of the US government officials you massive bell

Mike Oxsaw 6:52 Mon Nov 27
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Confirmed on Twitter?

"Most likely" a lab leak, they say. Not confirmed at all then.

Twitter is all a bit "He said, you said, he said, you said", is it not?

Lee Trundle 6:39 Mon Nov 27
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Not looking good for Fauci, is it, BRANDED?

BRANDED 6:16 Mon Nov 27
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Lab Leak confirmed


BRANDED 10:45 Sun Nov 26
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?

The UK public expenditure is over a trillion a year


The average age of death hasnt changed much for a while.

Apart from that, your points are roughly right.

chim chim cha boo 2:19 Sun Nov 26
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?

I think you may be my new favourite poster, mate.

We're getting fucked up the bum and they are not even disguising it anymore.

Serious question, do we have the thickest fans in the world?

Boycie 10:03 Sat Nov 25
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Chim they’ve always wanted us to die. We don’t matter. They’ve been doing it for centuries and it will be ever so. Only difference is now they don’t invest in anything and run public services into the ground before our eyes. They don’t care if we all kill each other off. We do nothing but buy the tokens to play the game. Some people have more of the tokens and think they are one of them.

joyo 9:41 Sat Nov 25
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Oxbore's couple of health/lifestyle really are identifying as Trans and necrophilia,he's now a dead rimmer of Danny La Rue

Mike Oxsaw 12:31 Sat Nov 25
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
I've developed a couple of health/lifestyle affecting conditions following my 2 jabs; more noticeable than irritating, but still changes - and not for the better.

The Vaxpackers have already gone down a big long list of definite other causes with me, each of which did not change to create a trigger.

The "Vaccine" was the only new thing brought into the equation.

Side of Ham 11:56 Sat Nov 25
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
I mentioned this before on here but I know a good few blokes across all age groups who badly needed their routine and used their obsession with exercise to fill this void in lockdowns….often exercising for hours & hours on end…..add in that you should wind down from exercising of that level and then enjoying themselves going back to pubs etc being opened up and there is a huge danger there along with any that had the jabs…..

Jaan Kenbrovin 10:09 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Hope you've got a good life insurance policy, Jas.


goose 9:53 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
In 2021, more than 892,000 of the 3,456,000 deaths the U.S. experienced, or about 1 in 4, were “excess deaths.” In 2019, that number was 483,000 deaths, or nearly 1 in 6. That represents an 84.9% increase in excess deaths in the U.S. between 2019 and 2021.

Jasnik 9:37 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Also before covid I never had high cholesterol

but now my doctor wants me to go on Statins ....

Jasnik 9:35 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
I put on more weight which did start due to the lockdown and covid .. I have just kept it going once lock down went away as I was stuck in a bit of a rut..

goose 9:28 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Joyo you really are a moron. Even your attempts at insults are spazzy.

You think a 20% growth in excess deaths is down to obesity? Everyone suddenly get way fatter and die in the space of a year?

riosleftsock 9:19 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
The US actuarial stats on disability payments and early retirements in working age americans was fucking shocking.

Jaan Kenbrovin 9:15 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Goose never posted any conspiracy stuff.

Unless life insurance companies have slacked off against protecting themselves, there must be something to cause an increase in cardiac deaths and resulting payouts?

joyo 8:51 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
goosestep probably the cardic rates down to obesity,you seen how fat the Yanks are?
You're just posting more conspiracy theory knicker wetting bollocks,typical eyetie shitter

goose 6:26 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Excess deaths in 2023 continue to surge in the United States.

Life insurance executives and actuaries are alarmed.

Life insurers paid record levels of claims in 2021, the biggest one-year increase since 1918.

Younger adult death rate up 20% in 2023

15 – 19 years; % difference from 2019

2018, 1%
2020, 21%
2021, 28%
2022, 21%
2023, (Jan – May), 24%

30 – 34 years; % difference from 2019

2018, -1%
2020, 30%
2021, 42%
2022, 30%
2023, (Jan – May), 23%

40 – 44 years; % difference from 2019

2018, -2%
2020, 30%
2021, 45%
2022, 30%
2023, (Jan – May), 25%

Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages.

Mike Oxsaw 4:33 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
There's an undocumented/spoken about protocol in Sweden that basically runs along the lines of "The more foreigners you fuck, the higher your social status is."

Shagging a Swedish bird is just a box-ticking exercise.

Lee Trundle 4:24 Fri Nov 24
Re: So, we're not going to even talk about the outrageous covid inquiry Then?
Why not look at African countries and how they dealt with with covid, over Sweden?

259k deaths in a continent of 1.2 billion people living in cramped conditions, who weren't on lockdown, and barely any of them were vaccinated.

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