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madeeasy 10:55 Wed Mar 27
View from the Opposition: Newcastle
After a run of 4 league games no defeats and a 2 leg win in Europe, we come back fresh from our international break with renewed hope of pushing on, maybe even attacking from the offset and pushing for a 4th European campaign next season.

Next up are Newcastle who seems to be as consistent as us lot this season, although not in euope.

I would like to thank this week’s Newcastle fan Jonny from https://newcastle-online.org for taking the time to answer our questions.

Last season you had New owners, great manager, money to spend and managed to get Champions League football. Whats gone so horribly wrong this season?

A bit of a cliché given that a lot of teams have suffered this season but in one word, injuries. We have lost the most players to injury and more importantly, the most amount of days to injury combined in the whole league, and by far. It’s not just the players lost to injury but the length they have been out for – Pope, Joelinton, Wilson, Willock, Botman and Barnes would all expect to be starters and all will have missed at least half a season, while Targett, Anderson, Murphy, Burn and Trippier have also had multiple weeks out.
Of course, the above also ignores losing Tonali for the full season as well – the less said about that the better…
While we managed to scrape together a first XI in the first 6 months, the real impact was on our style of play – last season was an aggressive, high energy pressing game that we simply couldn’t maintain this season. For the first 6 months our only bench options were a 34-year-old Matt Ritchie, Paul Dummett and Emil Krafth, meaning we typically played well first half but then frequently tired and fell apart after 60/70 mins.
By March, while we have players back our entire squad is exhausted and there is just zero consistency game to game.

What were your expectations for you this season and how disappointed does it feel seeing where you are now?

Honestly, not that disappointing. Most Newcastle fans knew the top four wasn’t realistic again this season, so a European place was the expectation. That’s still a possibility with a win on Saturday taking us a point behind West Ham. The overriding feeling is frustration at what might have been if it were not for injuries.

You had a couple of great Champions league nights, when you were enjoying those did you see yourselves falling out of the competition so quickly?

I mean, yes? The group of death in the CL was both entertaining and frustrating. The killer was the 5th game against PSG when, winning 1-0 away and second in the group, the ref gave an awful penalty against Livramento that was never a handball and the draw left us up against it.
In truth, all 3 of those teams are a level above us at present and I’m proud we gave a good account of ourselves. Beating PSG 4-1 was our most memorable game in a long time.

What has been the main cause for you drifting through this season like you are?

Injuries as per the above and their impact on stopping us getting any sort of run together. We also didn’t have the squad depth to go well in four competitions.
With Bruno going in the summer, possibly your best player, where else do you feel you need to strengthen next season?
I don’t think it is certain Bruno is going at all, but yes, he’s our best player and if and when he goes it will be a big blow.
We’ve been crying out for a solid DM regardless of whether Bruno goes, along with a right winger to replace Almiron. A new CB to compete with Schar, an attacking left back and a centre forward to replace Wilson who can no longer be relied on to stay fit are also needed.

What do you think of Eddie Howe and the job he has done?
He's done a magnificent job.

Taking us from bottom at Xmas without a win to 11th in the league in 6 months was impressive enough. Champions league in the following season was sensational.
What is most impressive about him (and what is overlooked by a lot of other fans) is the job he has done in transforming players like Joelinton, Schar, Almiron and Longstaff who were already at the club and looked so poor under Bruce into players that look at home at Champions league level.
My one criticism is that he doesn’t rotate enough – we got away with it last season but it has come back to bite us this season big time. Nobody really knows what is going on with Lewis Hall as well despite us committing to spend 30 million on him.

With the owners wanting to rival City and be at the top do you think he will be there long term?

I think they have shown already they are committed to him long term. Having said that, if we spend heavily in the summer and finish 10th the following season, it will become harder to justify. But you could say that about any manager.

Do you think he would do a good job at West Ham?

Yes – as above he has shown he can transform players already at the club. The likes of Bowen and Kudus would thrive under him. He’d be more energetic and front foot than Moyes.

Do you feel hypocritical at hounding Ashley out of your club, calling his team the “Cockney Mafia”, while giving full support to your new owners who have a genuinely questionable human rights history? Or are the new owners ok because they are wealthy? Ron Eff

I find it odd you say we hounded Mike Ashley out - we were laughed at for a decade at protesting against Mike Ashley and the way he ran the club into the ground while he simply ignored us the entire time. There were far greater protests when we were relegated (twice) under his ownership and it had absolutely zero impact on him. We didn’t make him sell – he sold because he got a very good financial offer which he couldn’t turn down.
I don’t feel hypocritical about the new ownership – in fact I would say the media are more hypocritical than Newcastle fans on the issue. I’d ask one question – what exactly does the rest of the country expect us to do? Newcastle fans had no control over the takeover – all we have ever wanted to do is support our club and no amount of protesting would have changed the outcome two summers ago.
The idea that a working class city should abandon the (only) thing the entire city loves to do on a Saturday because the club has been purchased by a country that has nothing to do with them is at best naïve and at worst just feels like a southern led media punching down on fans that have only ever loved their club, regardless of their ownership.
I will however qualify all of the above by saying that the (small) portion of our fan base who chant about the Saudis, who wear tea towels on their heads to games and who actively defend the country as a whole on social media are morons. Sadly all clubs have them.

Given all the furore about the Saudi owners would you rather have Ashley back? Does anyone give you a hard time because of the Saudi human rights stuff? If so does it piss you off? Matthew Holmes

No I wouldn’t – I have a club to support again that has life to it and ambition and that means a lot. As mentioned above, we have zero control over the ownership of the club so suggestions Newcastle fans should be doing anything else do annoy me.

Beheading or hand cutting off, what do you prefer? Branded

I can’t say I’ve dabbled in either.

What's your story of being a barcode? You say you live in London now are you from the north or how did you get to support them? Was it because you felt sorry for them as a youngster when the Striker of the 80's Alvin Martin scored a hatrick against you in the 8 - 1 drubbing?

I was born and bred in Newcastle but moved to London after uni ten years ago for work, and have stayed here ever since! Thankfully the 8-1 was before my time!

What's it like following the stars and stripes with no stars? Mike Oxsaw

I don’t really understand the question ha. But it’s pretty good to be a Newcastle fan right now, despite the seemingly more idiots we have on social media due to our higher profile.
Exactly how hard do you punch horses? Pub Bigot
Given that the horse in question barely flinched, probably not very.

When the fixtures come out, we all look at who we have first and last game. But what is the one fixture that you want to know who you are playing home or away and why?

Normally it would be Sunderland for obvious reasons, otherwise I always check for home games around Xmas (so I can go with my Dad when I'm home for the holidays), Man United at home as that's always a special atmosphere, and Fulham away (pretty much the only London game I can get away tickets for without any bother).

Is it common knowledge in Newcastle that And and Dec have shared a bit of Bottom Intrusion? Mr Kenzo
Almost definitely.

Do you hate Spurs as much as we do? If so why? If not why not? as they seem to be slightly obsessed with your mob? Alwaysaniron

I actually put Spurs and West Ham in the same bracket in that I have a mild soft spot for both - they are both probably the only London clubs that I enjoy seeing win, particularly against Arsenal, Chelsea and the rest of the top six to bring them down to earth. Each set of fans seem grounded, realistic and passionate and I wouldn’t mind either of them winning something in the near future. I was rooting for West Ham in the conference league last season, I watched all of the quarters, semis and final and thought it was brilliant they won it.
I have never really noticed an obsession by Spurs fans with us – Aston Villa and Arsenal seem much more obsessed with us doing badly and generating a weird rivalry with us, especially over the last 2 years.

What are your thoughts on West Ham and our fans?

As above, a proper club with proper fans who care a lot about their club and can be trusted to turn out in numbers. Having been to the Olympic stadium a few times however it has been utterly soulless each time and I feel really sorry for the fan base having been moved there from Upton Park. I have quite a few West Ham mates as I live in London now and they are all sound when it comes to football.
I would say that Moyes has been treated poorly – I don’t think he is a good manager, I wouldn’t want him managing Newcastle but the abuse he has received has been out of order.

Games between the two of us are rarely boring. Any particular favourites vs most gutting? Pub Bigot

The 5-1 at your place last season was fantastic, especially as I was there. Going further back, the 5-0 at St James’ in 2011 was memorable for the ridiculousness of a Leon Best hattrick.
I wouldn’t say gutting as most people expected it at this stage, but losing 2-4 at home in 2021 when 2-1 up at half time was peak Steve Bruce.

What West Ham player/s would you like in your starting 11?
A lot of Newcastle fans really wanted Paqueta before you signed him so we could play an all Brazilian midfield alongside Bruno and Joelinton. He looks a class act but the player that would improve us the most would be Bowen – he is the definition of an Eddie Howe player and would improve us so much.

FA Cup win and 9th or 4th but no Cup win?
FA Cup by a million miles, and every Newcastle fan would say the same. No trophies since 1955 will do that to you.

Up next we have Tottenham, what question would you like us to ask their fan?

As a club not yet affected by it hugely, what do you think of FFP and is it a good thing for the league as a whole (not just the top six)?
What are your favourite crisps?

These bad boys - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tyrrells-Crisps-24x40g-Mature-Cheddar/dp/B0BD59RTG1?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A3LC4NFIHXIHND

And finally your prediction for the game?

3-1 Newcastle – I think the two week rest will have done us good and while we aren’t as unbeatable at home as last season, I think we’ll have too much for West Ham with Isak and Bruno fit. We will be vulnerable on the counterattack though, and a lot will depend on how we manage that.

I would like to thank Jonny for his time in answering. I look forward to the few catch up questions. Hopefully they are more enjoyable for us then them..

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Pee Wee 10:11 Fri Mar 29
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Very good answer to the ownership question.

My opinion of Newcastle varies year to year. Sometimes in think they’re the Spurs of the North, thinking they’re bigger than they are with nothing to show for it.

Other times I quite like them. That’s where I am right now.

Matthew Holmes 12:33 Fri Mar 29
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Thanks Madeasy!
Bloke came over ok (except the Spurs thing- suppose he has a different relationship with them to us).


Alwaysaniron 1:54 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Bloke likes Spurs so is clearly a total and utter cunt!

Thanks though. Good read

Sarge 12:56 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Cheers Madeeasy - thanks for putting the work in on this

Good read.

BRANDED 12:50 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
The " view" of other supporters generally depends how many you know. If you know one your view would be completely biased to that individual. If you happened to know 20 and they were all absolute fucking cunts your view would probably tend to a version of the overall fan base.

I know one Newcastle supporter well and in person he's begrudgingly respectful about West Ham but still sees us as a smaller club. They are proper fucking odd cunts some times.

Banjo 12:24 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Good thread madeasy, enjoyed reading it and look forward to similar threads.

Hammer and Pickle 10:16 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Seems like a nice chap - agree with everything except the bit about the Moyes abuse being out of order.

Coffee 10:10 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Thank you, madeeasy. Very good and excellent to have this back. Keep up the good work.

stewie griffin 10:04 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Seems a nice chap, and agree with everything except the spurs bit.

GBHammer63 10:02 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Thanks, enjoyed that apart from the soft spot for Spurs and Moyes being hard done by.

Hope you keep it going.

Mex Martillo 9:37 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Brilliant Madeeasy, I didn't think you would pull that off.
I enjoyed the read. I kind of like Newcastle. Interesting the take on murdering owners, but true what can you do?

chim chim cha boo 9:06 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Let's face it, throughout the years Newcastle have been (like Man city before the oil barons) the West Ham of the north.

The bloke talks sense as far as I can see (bar the spurs comments) and obviously knows his stuff which made it an enjoyable read.

Some context is in order when reading his views, the next VFTO would be a tottingham supporter and would go something like 'oh my days, fam. We're going to batter dem wet spam 5-0. Day won't be able to get near us in their cup final fam. We're going to win the Champions league, ya hear me? Da pikeys are gonna get smashed fam'.

Save your ire until the big noses have a go.

Texas Iron 3:47 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Good read…


Manuel 3:44 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
No interest in what a Geordie maggot has to say, but I'll call him a cunt anyway :-)

mallard 1:32 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Excellent work!

Bit disappointing that he puts us and Spurs in the same bracket!

bruuuno 1:26 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Sounds like a right cunt

Mad Dog 1:14 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
He was doing so well until he said sp*rs fans were down to earth

And thanks

With Kind Regards 1:10 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Thank you madeeasy - your time and effort in doing this is appreciated.

charleyfarley 12:55 Thu Mar 28
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Thanks for doing these madeasy. I've sent you a WHOmail

madeeasy 10:56 Wed Mar 27
Re: View from the Opposition: Newcastle
Could a mod please tell me how I can change the colour of the fonts and any other bits that can help me make it look a bit better.


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