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Mike Oxsaw 6:18 Fri Apr 5
UK house prices falling...
...a good or bad thing?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

joyo 5:33 Tue Apr 16
Re: UK house prices falling...
Is Oxbore on day realise from the asylum again?

Mike Oxsaw 5:36 Tue Apr 16
Re: UK house prices falling...
"global worming"??? People would probably pay good money to watch some of that. "Global warming" might have been a better choice of words...

Mike Oxsaw 5:33 Tue Apr 16
Re: UK house prices falling...
As an aside, is the government (approval of) building on or very close to current flood plains indicative of their attitude to/belief in (man made) global worming, or indicative of the type of life they expect those inhabiting social housing to endure?

mashed in maryland 10:43 Mon Apr 15
Re: UK house prices falling...
"The next government needs to commit to building social housing and ending Right to Buy."

If you drive round the country a lot, as I do, you'll see countless swathes of greenspace (often suspiciously close to floodplanes) being filled up with cookie-cutter new-build estates. The quality of these builds is a joke and there are people on social media who go round doing things like pulling bricks out the walls to show how bad they are. Under one name or another a lot of this ends up as "social housing".

Meanwhile a lot of London is unrecognisable from a few years ago cos of shiny new flats everywhere, the ones that don't go for about a zillion quid get used as "social housing". Britannia Village as an example.

I dunno how any future government could do any more of what you're asking for than the current lot tbh.

Personally would rather see dying towns (think any Victorian seaside resort) rejuvenated and cleared up and incentives for working people to buy or be housed ahead of doleys tbh but that's probably considered extremist these days.

Side of Ham 4:58 Mon Apr 15
Re: UK house prices falling...
Careful Oxsaw, joyo's silly name for you is one of his turn ons........shame he's such a dick to admit it on here.....hahahaha!

joyo 4:46 Mon Apr 15
Re: UK house prices falling...
Snide vs Oxbore...or Trannie vs Raspberry

Side of Ham 1:03 Mon Apr 15
Re: UK house prices falling...
So sitting on a forum spouting bollocks about how easily things can be sorted and not doing anything about it is not being a bottle job?......Step up sunshine we all know you are the man for the job Oxsaw........hahahahha!

Mike Oxsaw 12:19 Mon Apr 15
Re: UK house prices falling...
Side of Ham 10:24 Mon Apr 15

It's not me applying a label to myself, but you seem to have that need - however I'm definitely not a bottle job when it comes to raising, let alone having a go at difficult issues.

Matters not whether people (on here) wish to discuss or debate the matter - or, rather, it seems to matter to YOU, which is not my problem.

Many of the NHS issues can be solved fairly easily, but only if those with the power to implement the solutions carry unbiased, unfettered and apolitical sway.

Future AI will be useful but current IT protocols will be equally effective.

You've dragged this away from the original issue - falling house prices. Is that a subject you feel uncomfortable with?

Side of Ham 10:24 Mon Apr 15
Re: UK house prices falling...
Oh yes, oh so clever one…..you set yourself up as this font of knowledge where everything can be solved only to find it can’t because very few want to have anything to do with you…..crack on Oxsaw….YAWN…..

Mike Oxsaw 3:44 Mon Apr 15
Re: UK house prices falling...
Side of Ham 8:34 Sun Apr 14

So you've got a bought qualification - no surprises there.

Looks like you are saying that your solution to stopping the NHS spending too much money is to give them more money to spend, which, I believe, you are quite free to do with your own wealth.

Side of Ham 8:34 Sun Apr 14
Re: UK house prices falling...
My qualification for wanting you to crack on with your discussion to solve the nhs and encourage ‘political will’ is one of putting in since I was 16 and never stopping like millions of others in the UK, and to your credit I think you are the man of intellect to get this discussion going…..but wait a minute…..everyone just thinks you are a word salad all mouth bore…..so there never seems to be discussion from anyone with you on here…..shame eh?

Look forward to your next post to try and deflect from the fact you’ve made yourself to be an utter dick on yet another WHO forum subject….

Manuel 10:34 Sun Apr 14
Re: UK house prices falling...
Nutsin - Another attempt at a bite? How fucking sad is that, lol. I told you before I'm giving you a pass these days as it's clear you've lost the plot and require help. You missing mong, lol.

Nutsin 10:25 Sun Apr 14
Re: UK house prices falling...

Go to bed.

Manuel 10:21 Sun Apr 14
Re: UK house prices falling...
Christ, your dull. Seriously, just fuck off for a while with your nauseating all about you shit and put in on Facebook instead.

Mike Oxsaw 9:54 Sun Apr 14
Re: UK house prices falling...
Manual devours every single thread on here out of fear on missing out of something.

He gets to read something about which he has no understanding then throws a hissy fit, for his own failings, at whoever posted it.

Amusing and worth every penny of the entry fee.

I, for one, hope he never goes too far and gets banned.

Nutsin 9:04 Sun Apr 14
Re: UK house prices falling...

Why don’t you take your own advice you constant bore.

Manuel 7:46 Sun Apr 14
Re: UK house prices falling...
Oxsaw - You know fuck all about fuck all, how about giving us all a break with your inane daily drivel and go out for a walk or someink?

Mike Oxsaw 7:38 Sun Apr 14
Re: UK house prices falling...
Side of Ham 6:04 Sat Apr 13

Kindly list the qualifications that you have for enabling ME with the task if fixing YOUR NHS.

There WILL be a point where the general public turn around and insist that no more money, for whatever reason, is thrown at the NHS until it sorts it's spending priorities out.

At that (too late a ) point there will be much wailing and much gnashing of teeth and a media (social and mainstream) crammed full of health related horror stories from the entitled that make today's NHS issues seem like the last chapter of Cinderella.

Side of Ham 6:04 Sat Apr 13
Re: UK house prices falling...

Once you’ve had your discussion on here and found how to solve the problems the nhs has you are going to need one of main parties to implement your ’political will’ to fix it…..

*Please note…..no one so far has wanted to discuss it with you…..but crack on Oxsaw…. :-)

zebthecat 3:17 Sat Apr 13
Re: UK house prices falling...
House price falls now are almost an irrelevance.
I bought my first house in 1989 with my brother on a super discount 12.5% mortgage rate with 2 friends renting for next to nothing to help pay the bills.
It took yonks to get to the price it was but the nub of it is when you decide to sell. Just enjoy your home.
The next government needs to commit to building social housing and ending Right to Buy.
That policy has helped people get on the housing ladder in the short term but enriched private landlords in the end game.

Mike Oxsaw 2:41 Sat Apr 13
Re: UK house prices falling...
Why the absolute assistance that "A Party" will come up with a solution?

Sounds like you're still stuck in the dressing room for this particular event, discussing the impact of Profumo Affair rather than thinking out potential solutions for this issue.

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