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Eddie B 11:53 Tue Aug 19
ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Scum, fucking scum.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Dave Boozle 12:09 Wed Aug 27
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Very interesting perspective, cheers boss.

riosleftsock 12:03 Wed Aug 27
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Boozle, had trouble finding this


Dave Boozle 11:58 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Tex headwand malfunction there.

Dave Boozle 11:57 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
What was the Telegraph article Rio?

Dave Boozle 11:57 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
What was the Telegraph article Rio?

riosleftsock 11:47 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.

Yes, IS were trained by Mossad.

Hezboullah and Hamas - Mossad.

Al Qaeeda - Mossad.

Faulty spark pugs - Mossad.

You utter clown. (Clowns - mossad)

Organi5ed Chao5 11:28 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Not sure what to make of ISIS and their origins.

They turn up in Syria in the midst of the rebels having the upper hand and pinning the government forces back. Next thing you know, theres all this in-fighting and they start killing members of other groups.

The whole Israel/Gaza episode happens, and you don't hear a peep out of ISIS about it, despite the whole Islamic world being up in arms over the situation.

They 'liberate' lands in Iraq that were already liberated by previous groups.

Not much is known about Abu Bakr Bagdadi and yet he is declared the Caliph?

Golden Oldie 8:54 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Does it mention the leader of ISIS being trained up by mossad?

Or anything about the fact that every 'jihadist' organisation running arounf the middle east killing Christian priests and arabs only seem to atack those who aren;t friendly with israel?

Otherwise it will just be your everyday typical zionist media lies,

riosleftsock 5:50 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Cracking article in the Telegraph today about this. I'll see if I can find it...

Gavros 4:35 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Well Assad was turning a blind eye to them too as they were busy weakening the other opposition forces....and in Iraq everyone had turned a blind eye to the Sunnis as the government went Shia-loopy.

ISIS exist because of a massive power vacuum. If we dont move in to blow them out of the water, then someone else - the Turks, Iranians - will.

Capitol Man 4:04 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Got to imagine Turkey will be turning on them son. The decision to turn a blind eye because hey were fighting Assad is not looking like the brightest move.

Gavros 3:45 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Reading that the capture of Taqaba airbase over the weekend has massively weakened the Syrian regime and opens up an offensive on the Mediterranean and toward turkey.

only as matter of time now before they all get well and truly twatted. Hopefully with as many British jihadis out there as possible.

stirlinghammer 12:40 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Isis have certainly used the media to spread their terror. I have always called these cunts mediauddin rather than mujahuddin...they love the publicity. They know what language will magnify their message too...Robert Fisk wrote a good article about their use of the media today.

Gavros 12:29 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
He's suggested that Islamists are involved in 'false flag' events, which, to be honest, every government has been involved in at some point.

stirlinghammer 12:14 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Ridi explain what you have just cut and pasted please. Looking forward to your detailed explanation. What does it mean?

..pulls up chair.

Ridikzappa 12:05 Tue Aug 26
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Not only are Muslims "permitted" but they actively pursue it to promote Islam via al-taqiya.

For example, In the Israel /Hezbollah war, a photojournalist filmed a Lebanese man, strewing, for the purpose of emotional impact, the contents of a large cardboard box full of children’s stuffed toys amongst the wreckage and debris.

This was obviously for the benefit of a large contingent of international TV film crews who were about to be taken on a guided tour of the bombed buildings later that morning.

Photos of carefully placed baby’s bibs and dummies (pacifiers) also appeared to be extraordinarily abundant on the internet, as were “staged” photos of a “body” being removed from the piles of collapsed concrete. One sequence of photos clearly shows the “body” in question, alive and well, walking around with his “rescuers” before and after the “retrieval” of his dusty, “lifeless body”.

This is taqiyya by imagery!

Another example was the event that created a storm around the world of the Danish cartoon controversy in which cartoons of Muhammad were drawn depicting him in a less than flattering light.

What is less well know is that radical Danish imams added three false, “extremely offensive Muhammad “cartoons” to the twelve relatively mild ones published by Jyllands-Posten.”

It is suspected that they created these themselves to stoke the worldwide fires of muslim rage.

The ends justify the means; even if that involves blaspheming your own prophet.

Claims such as, Islam is a religion of peace, a small minority of Muslims are engaged in terrorism, or it's only a few fundamentalists, Islam is the fastest growing religion etc., etc are common examples of al-taqiya.

There are countless others.

The favoured stategy is to state a half truth. For example to cite numbers becoming Muslim but omit the greater numbers leaving and the natural poulation increase.

A famous example was to witness a fugative hiding in your house while sitting on a stool, get up and sit on another stool so that when the pursuers arrive and ask if he has been seen, to reply, "while I have been sitting here on this stool I have not seen that person."

The problem of lying leads inexorably to a total undermining of credibility.

If the Koran and Hadith and Muhammed give authority to this "principle" then the obvious logical contradiction arises, how does any know that the Koran itself is not a lie?

SilverSurfer 11:25 Mon Aug 25
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Scraper wrote...

Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Won't work. They're allowed to lie to infidels

so a pledge to their peers then.

even better idea.

NY_HAMMER 11:13 Mon Aug 25
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
It's not specific to UK

I can post a link to a video that shows the same problem in every one of the major European country ...

Scraper 11:04 Mon Aug 25
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
Won't work. They're allowed to lie to infidels.

SilverSurfer 11:03 Mon Aug 25
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.
stop the fuckers.

make them swear on their religion, that they will cause no harm to another human being.

Then if they do they are estranged and alone.

NY_HAMMER 10:37 Mon Aug 25
Re: ISIS behead American journalist James Foley.

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