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Justin P 6:51 Wed Nov 5
Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Would it work if he partnered either Sakho or Valencia up top with diamond behind?

I'm not so sure

but i'm a cunt

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

After8 5:31 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Fair point irons.

Eggbert Nobacon 5:10 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
why would he not play

Carlton has had plenty of playing time this season

He may not start every week but he will play

goose 5:10 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
nope. nowhere near mobile enough.

as soon as he plays, the oppo centre halfs know there's no danger him running in behind so they can push right up and condense the game.

ironsofcanada 5:09 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
After8 5:00 Thu Nov 6

Very well argued, you are not in politics by any chance?

I don't think we will get much for him in January either that's not point. That situation does not change other than getting worse, if you don't play him for a half season.

Two things that are quite simple in my opinion.

1) This is a perfect (competitive but not overly reliant) situation to what Andy Carroll can do at this point in his career. To see if he can score goals or at least be the focal point of scoring goals like he has been.

2) We should not be looking to play one "system" in perpetuity Andy Carroll can help with that.

After8 5:00 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Irons I don't see anyone paying for him in January. If you do then that's great. Personally I don't.

ironsofcanada 4:59 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
After8 4:57 Thu Nov 6

So you think his value will go up by not playing him for half a season?

After8 4:57 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Irons, I don't see anyone paying for him in January.

, 4:56 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
I think that he would do a better job than Ballotelli if he were at Liverpool.

Perhaps he could go on loan to the scousers.

ironsofcanada 4:54 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
After8 4:53 Thu Nov 6

You would keep him until the end of the season but not give him a chance?

After8 4:53 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
I don't think he can play in the system and we should look to sell him at the end of the season. It hasn't worked out.

dahonz 4:41 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Can the lumbering Carroll replace the high energy/pace of Valencia and Sakho? No. Can he bring a new dimension if plan A fails, Yes.

Therefore, I cant see him walking straight back into the team so more than likely we'll stick with the current system and have him come off the bench for starters until either injury or loss of form on our midfield/attack occurs.

DaillyShaggedMyWife 2:58 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Given the number of header's scored recently, I see no reason why Carroll couldn't work in our current system

boleyn8420 2:47 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Lets have a look at another side who play a massive lump up front, Southampton and Pelle. He is 6ft 4in tall and is having an excellent time up front because he is actually getting quality balls into the area for him to attack. Carroll should be able to do the same for us bearing in mind that we now supply a bit of ammo to the forwards.

Swiss. 2:09 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
We've been creating more quality balls into the box than before so I think the answer is obvious.

The Ghost of Braderz 12:51 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
What the one that allows us to creating lots of crossing opportunity and thus score goals mainly of the headed variety?

Yeah, I reckon he'll be alright.

Garth Algar 12:20 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Do you reckon Sullivan, Gold and Allardyce discussed this over a BBQ in the summer??

Passerby66 11:06 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
As has been mentioned already it is really important that we have different attacking options and styles if we want to continue this successful season.

We are still a bit of a surprise package to other teams because of the new players and the complete change in style that we have introduced this year but we are kidding ourselves to think that teams are not already focusing on how to nullify our attacking effectiveness. Eventually somebody will come up with a solution that neuters us to a degree and then everyone else will copy it. This is why having Carrol coming back is going to be vitally important for us this season and we should not even begin to consider selling him in January.

Imagine that the opposition spend all week on working out how to deal with the speed and direct running of Valencia and Sakho and we have struggle against them in the first half. How great would it then be to bring on Andy Carroll to batter them straight through the middle and give them something completely different to worry about.

Defensing against Sakho and defending against Carroll are two completely different matters and unless you are a top top defender it is going to be very difficult to do both. In our team for example I would be very happy to have Collins up against a Carrol type centre forward and defend in the air but I would be much less confident about him facing the pace and trickery of Valencia.

Horses for courses innit and the more different attacking options that we have available to us then the better this team is going to do.

ludo21 10:54 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Agree with Darby

If (when) we are comfortably 2/3 up on Saturday I would LOVE it for Carroll to come on for 20/30 mins to see how a 433 works and really go for the jugular!

Darby_ 5:15 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Against Stoke, Cole coming on allowed Valencia to drift wider, where he's more dangerous. The defence also becomes more compressed against a target man, which would give Downing more room.

It'd be interesting to see ALL THREE of them play in a genuine 4-3-3.

Far East Hammer 4:20 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Proper use of him (when fit) would be to offer an alternative to Sakho and Valencia. Hopefully not just the woeful hoofball of last season, but an opportunity to mix it around a bit, especially if & when our new system isn't being as effective.

If it turns out he can't cut it in such a role, or more likely serious concerns remain about his likely future ratio of minutes on the field to weeks off crocked, then sell.

balders 4:16 Thu Nov 6
Re: Could Andy Carroll play in our new system effectively?
Cause he can

Whatever he's injury problems have been , you cant discard he's talent

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