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Nuclear Noodle 5:54 Thu Feb 12
Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
I will try and be as brief as possible. Day off today so decided to take my old man out for some lunch and then on to do some shopping. The old man walks with pain and is quite slow and is also awaiting a cataract operation as he doesn’t see that well these days – compounded by insulin controlled diabetes.

Lunch was fine and off we go to the supermarket. Shopping all done and my old man is slow walking out and behind us 2 youths about 17-18 years old and one pipes up “hurry up cripple” I turn around and ask them if they wanted to repeat that. They didn’t. We get outside and they have bikes locked up and go to unchain them. Next thing is one of them throws an empty can of coke at my old man that hits him on the arm and again shouts “fucking cripple”. Yep, I saw red – they saw me walk towards them and one of them scarpers but the other one was too slow so I grab his bike, stamp on it, smash the fuck out of it (bent wheels etc.) and then grab him throw him against the wall and get him by the throat. Next thing is I have an audience. Someone shouts “leave it mate” and I come to my senses just in time before seriously doing him some damage.

At this point I am in a haze and forget I am with my old man – luckily he is OK and apparently I didn’t even hear him shout at me to leave it. At this point the prick is wandering off to find his mate who is in the distance on his bike and I shout “go on then, fuck off and be thankful it is only your bike that is permanently damaged.

We ended up back in the supermarket having a coffee and with a few of the other people that witnessed this making sure my old man was OK. Didn’t think at the time the two pricks could have called for back up so probably should have got out of there rather than stayed.

Ironically no one from the store got involved – not even sure if any of it is on CCTV. Apart from when younger never been in an altercation like this so I guess it is a wait and see if anything happens. To be honest it is the last of my worries. Anyone that hurts my family I will always defend them in a way I see fit.

Anyway, the old man is OK and we aren’t telling my old dear as she will start piping up about being aggressive etc.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

JGW1 7:30 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
Suspect they were more like 13 or 14

Your mum 7:25 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
Shoulda striped the little cunts right up!

ooooh Morley Morley 7:07 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
I love these stories.

Alfs 4:23 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
If it were one of my sons that had acted like that I wouldn't have minded them getting a (deserved) slap but I'd be well pissed off that the bike got trashed as it would be ME who would have to buy a new one.

So yes, an overreaction.

DukeofDevo 3:38 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
I don't know what all these comments about grown man versus teenager are about, these shits behave like that because they think you won't do anything! Plenty of cases where teenagers gang up against individuals and hurt them.

These shits from the OP got off lightly with a mangled bike, a lot of people would have kicked his teeth down his throat!

Unfortunately in this day and age if you stand up for yourself you're likely to find yourself with a record, you have to wait for gem to swing first

ElmParkPikey 3:26 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
Well done. Pity you didn't smash the bike over the cunts head

danny dyer 11:38 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
Pwopa nawty.

diehardhammer 11:33 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
Justified reaction.

Would have done the same thing, probably lost my rag more to be honest.

A thorough well done. Taught those little cunts a lesson.

White Pony 11:14 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
I think it's a completely reasonable reaction.

Coffee 11:09 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
The Cult Of Bob 9:58 Fri Feb 13

Kill 'em, eh?

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:07 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
My Dad has earnt a basic level of respect from society in general and if anyone had shown him the level of contempt those young men did I would have blown my top too.

Dudley Moore 10:45 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
violator 8:57 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?

If only you'd have written RALEIGH

Dudley Moore 10:30 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
Don't see anything wrong with your reaction.

I would have flipped at the cripple comment and gone full Steven Segal on 'em.

The Cult Of Bob 9:58 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
It's well known that the overwhelming majority of cyclists are fucking cunts. Here seems to be just one more example thereof.

Coffee 9:41 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
Ron, you seem to wearing the coat of a trick cyclist.

Ronald_antly 9:38 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
Had the individual been about to leave in a car, would you have given his car a kicking?

I suspect not. I reckon you are prejudiced against bicycles. In fact, I'd go as far to opine that you are a rabid cyclist.

El Scorchio 9:27 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
I'd say a bit of an over reaction.

Barmy Fred 9:24 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
As laid out in the post I can relate to the red mist, Grabing the little shit by the neck by the neck fair dos, stamping on the bike a bit strange. even so in todays environment you would be seen as in the wrong.

Couple of years ago bunch of little shits chucking snow balls at a group of folk, told to piss - off more snow balls, one hitting our lass in the face, red mist - legged it over to them most of them pissed off, one stayed and faced up to me, I think I was expecting them all to fuck off. - I kicked the legs from under him and stuffed his head in a pile of snow beside the road and rubbed his face in the snow, let him up and he fucked off double quick. Grown man assaulting teanager, not clever when you look at it but in that situation I wasn't thinking - got a bollocking from our lass.

Joey Woodwork 9:16 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
'called for back-up'


Coffee 9:00 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
They're gearing up support.

violator 8:57 Fri Feb 13
Re: Overreaction or would you have acted the same way?
It's nice to share and have your mates on here RAYLEIGH around you

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