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Obama The Hammer 10:13 Fri Apr 24
Vaping - e-cigarettes
Just bought myself a vapour smoker today. Been smoking 20 a day for best part of 20 years.

So far so good. Quite like it in fact. Anyone else tried one? Anyone tell me what the first few days will be like switching to one from ciggies?

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David L 1:52 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Don't they use glycol in antifreeze?

I guess it might help on the cold winter nights.

defjam 1:47 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
I'll just stick to oxygen thanks, seems to work for me.

WHU(Exeter) 1:45 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Obama, I was smoking fro 13 years old to early 40s, 20 a day average.

started e-cigarettes couple years back and haven't bought a pack since, piece of piss, as it should be really, as it's the nicotine that's the huge addictive factor.

Scaleyback 1:23 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Co-incidentally, as I'm reading this thread, the VCT X1 , Smart 30 and VCT X1 0.5Ohm Coil I ordered on Thurs have just turned up. Stick THAT in your fucking pipe & smoke it!

smartkev 1:13 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Puff on mine pretty much non-stop.

Probably more addicted to nicotine now than I was on the fags.

But it's saving me a fortune. And I don't stink.

(Of cigarettes, at least)

Alfs 12:36 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
LJC - The vapour contains a mixture of purified water, food grade flavourings, propylene glycol, glycerol and nicotine.

bruuuno 12:06 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
He doesn't need to. He just knows.

LJC 12:05 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Thames, would you be able to list the chemicals in both? I would be interested to see.

bruuuno 12:01 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
And if you don't know the difference beaten combustion and vapourisation then you really shouldn't be commenting.

bruuuno 12:00 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes

Thames Ironworks 11:46 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes

How the fucking hell do you know?

The Kronic 11:58 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Thames Ironworks 11:46

Agree with you on the flavours available. On par with alchopops.

Thames Ironworks 11:46 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
The Kronic, read my post. As a way of weening people off then good.
But all these different flavours are like alcopops and appealing to kids. Long term use of these vapes will in time damage your health.

The Kronic 11:24 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Thames Ironworks 11:15

Based on what facts exactly? I 'vaped' and it stopped my dirty cig habit when fuck all else did.

Thames Ironworks 11:15 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Mm smoking an oil based substance flavoured with chemicals compared to a plant based substance mixed with chemicals. Not much different us it!
As a way of weening people from smoking to nothing at all then good, but with all the craze around it then it is no better.
Mark my words in 20 yrs time they'll say how bad these things really are.

defjam 10:51 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Vaping = Gay!

I know loads of people who literally carry their 'Vape' in their hand and puff every few minutes.

The governments must be laughing, getting people addicted to something else *Kerching*

Britannia Pub 10:48 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Bought the Aspire 6 weeks ago. Took me a week to find a liquid I liked and have not touched a cigarette since. Moved from the 24mg strength to 18mg strength and still okay. I look at it as a long process and am not putting any timescale on reducing the strength further. After the first few days the cravings ease off a bit and it becomes easier.

Smoked about 25 a day for nearly 40 years and the app on my phone tells me that I will save £4,100 pounds per year, how long I have been smoke free and hour many hours longer I should live.

claret50 4:49 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
What does a packet of cigs cost these day, £10? why not bank £70 into a separate account each week and be pleasantly surprised after a year.

Coffee 4:44 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
stomper, I'm very sorry to hear that.

stomper 4:21 Sat Apr 25
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
My incurable cancer is almost certainly down to smoking.
Just don't. It aint worth it

Thunderlips 11:55 Fri Apr 24
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Stick with it obama, I'm down to 0% nicotine now. Just over a year ago I started with one of those crappy wick devices and eventually bought an aspire nautlis mini. Some great flavours out there and beats smoking all the nasty shit that comes with smoking fags. You don't stink either.

Ridikzappa 11:02 Fri Apr 24
Re: Vaping - e-cigarettes
Save money on eCigs by emptying an full ashtray into a kettle, filling with water and inhaling the steam.

Create differnet flavours by adding toothpaste, orange juice or black currant squash to the water.

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