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Harpo Marx 12:45 Fri May 22
Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Have you seen the blog by him on OS? - I will do my best on Sunday and then say goodbye to everyone.

Fuck me - There all leaving!!.

BREAKING: West Ham United are delighted to confirm that Alex Song has rejoined the Hammers on a second season-long loan from FC Barcelona

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Lily Hammer 12:42 Sat Sep 5
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Good news I want to believe.

If he recovers from the injury that took his form away, and gets back the pre-xmas form, we could be well on our way to heights Idare not say too loud.

I hope Valencia hasn't lost any spring in his step either. Sounded like a nasty injury for a fast man with a good leap on him.

Get well soon the both of yous.

Norflundon 10:22 Sat Sep 5
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Him and Valencia back in October should give us a nice little push on

jack flash 9:11 Sat Sep 5
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Ready for selection in October

gank 2:39 Thu Sep 3
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
He may have had gold in there but his family would have stolen it while he slept.

Northern Sold 2:38 Thu Sep 3
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Can't see any gold in there Eddie so I'd say NO

Eddie B 2:34 Thu Sep 3
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Has he had his teeth done?

young woody 2:31 Thu Sep 3
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
dealcanvey 12:59 Thu Sep 3

Around November I believe

Steve P 2:27 Thu Sep 3
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Doesn't even look like him without the beard, or is it that he's stuck some of Nolan's timber on recently?

Fivetide 1:32 Thu Sep 3
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
He'll have to play well consistently to break into and stay part of our midfield now. Which is a good thing.

dealcanvey 12:59 Thu Sep 3
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Do we know when he will be fit and ready?

Northern Sold 9:58 Thu Sep 3
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
That went way over my head Sock.... I'll ask my 5 year old nephew what the fook you are rattling on about...

riosleftsock 9:49 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan

I have now found a way to read your threads on CEEFAX, via the CBEEBIES button.

Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy and Soldo's maties!!!

Its time to ride the NINKYNONK!!!

Northern Sold 8:57 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Ha Ha Ha... Eerie and P tag team.... fuck me I have seen it all now... crack on you pair of saps

Steve P 3:46 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
. . .and still have room for cricket

Eerie Descent 3:43 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Sold0, why do you keep getting involved on football threads?

You could write your entire football knowledge on the back of a postage stamp.

Northern Sold 3:33 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Sock... I started with teh good intention to watch us on SKY, BT Sport, Streams from Arabia ... then after 10 mins of Song's wayward passing I gave up and just came back at 4:50 to check the score on page 302 on teletext.... does that help you sap ??

chim chim cha boo 2:41 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
He was fucked around left, right and centre by Allardyce who may actually have had a bit of a point if Song was (unconsciously or consciously) protecting his damaged knee.

Once you're getting dropped for whatever reason (and one of the things that used to wind me up most about Allardyce was his nepotism and the way he constantly tinkered with a team) your form goes as you start to lose confidence.

He's had his operation, Barcelona have paid his wages while he's been injured and he's back in the fold. We've got ALEX SONG at WEST HAM for fuck sake. Rejoice!

cholo 2:38 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan

I was thinking the same.

And how many of Songs wayward passes were as little as five yards distance? Probably virtually none in reality.

isolated hammer 2:34 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
Not that I condone this type of attitude, but when Nolan was fit, he started more games and the system changed to accommodate that. We did go from a working system back to the old tried and tested and hey presto the whole team went to pieces.

riosleftsock 2:06 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
What I want to know is how it is possible for Sold to discern so much about Song's performance from watching Teletext.

Sven Roeder 1:59 Wed Sep 2
Re: Alex Song (Updated)- Signed on loan
My theory is that Song in this photo has a bit of Fat Ronaldo look to him.
And this means NS has flashbacks to his own 'mistakes' with convincing ladyboys and he lashes out at Song in response.

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