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Troy McClure 10:45 Wed Jun 10
Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
The Troyster is best man (natch) this summer for some QPR salad.

Costumes of choice - 18 of us will be cowboys (checked shirts, hats, inflatable horses) and the stag an indian....

... but here's the rub.... Not THAT type of indian

Dragging him round Lloret de Mar for 3 BIG nights this weekend cos Im a big boss drinker like.

Anyone been? Decent bars?

Thanks y'all

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Troy McClure 3:48 Thu Jun 11
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Oh good. Thanks all.

pdbis 3:17 Thu Jun 11
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Was based there for the fist 3 games of the 1982
WC.Took 12 hours to get to the stadium from Toilet DeMar.There were hordes of Scots who used to have running battles with English thugs every night. Two weeks half board,match tickets was £180. Don't know anyone who has been since 82 but I would imagine it is still a shit hole.

South Bank Exile 2:43 Thu Jun 11
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
22 of us from around Hackney and Bethnal Green went there in 1970. All I can remember is being in a perpetual alcoholic haze for 10 days, shit food, diarrhea, throwing up and fighting blokes from Luton, Jocks from Glasgow and local dagos, sometimes all at once.

Two of the Group got locked up and had to appear in court the following week so missed the flight home, and another mate had to have several stiches after being hit over the head with a beer bottle on the last night: He also missed the flight home.

Needless to say I never went back. I assume the place has improved in the meantime; it certainly couldn't get any worse.

shim 9:39 Thu Jun 11
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
First lads holiday there in 86.. Amazed to hear the queen vic & rob Roy are still going strong.. Was a shithole then, mostly remembered for fortnights continuous fighting with the Dutch & Germans, banging some stinky Scottish bird & my mate keeling over upon arrival back at gatwick & being rushed straight to hospital with alcohol poisoning.. They were the days..

DukeofDevo 2:15 Thu Jun 11
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Think of the first Inbetweeners film and then think of somewhere less classy!

That was Lloret in 1975, those were the days!

The Postman 12:14 Thu Jun 11
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Troy McClure Tossa.... That's the next town Tossa!! Get in a cab drunk. Call the driver a Tossa.. That's where you end up.Tossa quite a walk back too.

Troy McClure 11:46 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Ow c'mon kenny fuckin powers!

Kenny Powers 11:32 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Just got back from a beautiful place a few miles away from Lloret. I won't be revealing it's name.
Wouldn't want the wrong types spoiling it.

bruuuno 11:16 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
I went out with a chavvy 20 year old german bird who describes it as 'heaven'. Nuff said

Roeder-nowhere 10:23 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Nobody who lives in Catalonia goes near the place. Says it all.

Gentile 7:05 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Truly horrendous place, and that was 20 years ago,

Troy McClure 6:21 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Fuck. Will just have to get stuck in the booze then.

Zammo 4:53 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
went last year on a lad trip.

Shit, awful place. If you are 18-22 you might like it but i found it truly awful


The Postman 2:56 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Joe Royle .. Thats him Spooner.

joe royal 2:42 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
The Postman 2:08 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?

Smallish bloke round about 50 . always got a smile . bit of an old punk?

Lloret is ok for what it is
The pub by the sling shot (queen Vic) is great for football and fights
Few other night clubs in that area

On the strip you have the foam party's

2 fantastic steak restaurants in the old town

NDT 2:30 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
All waving hankies?

Lily Hammer 2:15 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Cowboys and Indians?

Will there be some bikers, builders and cops as well, Troy?

The Postman 2:08 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Mate of mine from Lives in lloret./Works in The Rob Roy Bar...

Far Cough 10:59 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
My first ever trip abroad back in the 60s, it was a good laugh

roltrader 10:57 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
He's shit

Troy McClure 10:56 Wed Jun 10
Re: Lloret de Mar - Anyone been?
Scando skirt about and get tooled up for the krauts. Right.

Expectations have been lowered.

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