WHO Poll

Nutsin 9:47 Mon Jan 25
Summer dealings
I know this is a lil premature but I can't recall a time where the prospects for us hapless hammers have looked so promising..

Seeing as we will get a windfall of TV money this year, a brand spanking new, state of the art stadium and a good possibility of European football, maybe even Champions league. You would therefor have to conclude that we could sign practically any player available.

My question is who are the players you think we should replace/ upgrade and who would be their replacements?

Ibrahimovic for Carroll would be one of mine?

Who else is out there that you would love to see in the C& B next season?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

collyrob 4:04 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings

whufcroe 11:32 Mon Jan 25
Re: Summer dealings

How many games have you went to, to see all those players play?

Annony 2:11 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings

CHH 2:07 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
Embolo and Tore will do for me.

Assuming we sign Song and Lanzini as expected

Obama The Hammer 2:03 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings

Michy Batshuayi
Gokhan Tore
Manuel Lanzini
Alex Song (if performances between now and end of season merit it)
Alen Halilovic (L) (understudy to Lanzini and Payet)
Left back cover/competition - preferably a full back who could cover right side too

Release O`Brien, end loans of Jenkinson and Moses. Sell Jelavic.

That`s what I`d do.

Pagey 2:03 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
I don't think Benteke would suit our game at all. We already adapt slightly to accommodate Carroll and Benteke would be the same. God knows why Liverpool sold Carroll because he didn't fit their style and then bought Benteke?

Someone like Vardy would be much better. Fantastic pace, great movement and a brilliant workrate.

Full Claret Jacket 1:41 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
The massive influx of income from TV and Stadium move should easily fund a 'star' player in the summer.
We shouldn't need a big squad overhaul unless we find a load of players get poached. Hopefully most will want to stay at least a couple more seasons to see if we can match their ambition.

Grumpster 1:39 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
I'll stick to being realistic seeing as ibrahimovic wouldn't touch us with a barge pole and will be at a top champions league side.

Reckon benteke will be surplus to requirements at Liverpool and I think our play would suit him. Need to work harder though the lazy fucker.

Takashi Miike 1:32 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
yarmolenko would be a great signing

percyd 1:29 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
I'm simply happy that we have the best squad in years going into a new season. Across the back we have ample options, with potential in the wings (Burke, Oxford, Hendrie etc.). Byram coming in has solved the RB conundrum.

If Song signs on a permanent (having proved it is merited) midfield is in good shape. If not Song then a replacement for the DM job (Oxford?). And, as with defence prospects are in the wings (Cullen, Samuelsen, Dobson).

Another quality forward would be desirable, but let's find him from downstairs or a relative unknown from overseas on the cheap.

The hard part will be deciding who to release to free up wages if things are as tight as we're led to believe. Certainly, other than Carroll, there will be no great payroll relief to accommodate a 'star' player's wages. Apart from Joey O'B I can think of no-one senior to release?

The Fonz 1:04 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
Ali and Kane just to fuck off Spurs.

SteveJacko 1:01 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
Grant Holt

Full Claret Jacket 12:58 Tue Jan 26
Re: Summer dealings
A proper star signing for me would be someone like Lewandowski. We aren't in a position for signings like that though.
I'd love Mahrez or Kante from Leicester though. Both top notch and have Premier League experience.

whufcroe 11:32 Mon Jan 25
Re: Summer dealings
We don't need much, a striker, a wide man and really it unless Song's Man City performance was a one off then we would need a central midfield player

Maybe have a look at some young championship/league one talent as well

I think Zaza as the striker for around £15m and a couple of wide players;

Yarmolenko £20m
Kinoplyanka £20m
Insinge £15m
Berardi £15m
Insigne £15m
Bernadeschi £15m
Tore £12m
Ljajic £12m

Mart O 10:49 Mon Jan 25
Re: Summer dealings
Ibrahimovic gets away with strolling around in a massively dominant team, built around him, in a league that is much slower yet even more physical than the Premiership.

It suits him down to the ground, but I'm not sure that it'd work out so well in England. Anyway, beyond the fact that I wouldn't particularly want him, he wouldn't come.

Interesting to see that Chelsea are supposedly interested in Lavezzi. It really does make you wonder how well informed some of our clubs are. The player is notorious in the French media for his nightlife excesses, looks fat and consequently spends most of his time on the bench. People are laughing at the idea that a club like Chelsea would actually pay money for him.

Trevor B 10:00 Mon Jan 25
Re: Summer dealings
"funds carefully spent"

I would disagree with that in terms of Spurs. How many of the players they bought with the Bale money have been a hit? Eriksen. That's literally it. Chadli plays well in fits and starts and wasn't a bad buy for about 6/7m. Lamela? £30m? Do me a favour. Soldado 26m? Capoue? Chiriches? Paulinho??

I think you'll find that that they wasted most of the Bale money.

Eerie Descent 9:58 Mon Jan 25
Re: Summer dealings
'However much the funds are, it's still important to spend them wisely.'

Incredible, insightful stuff there, Alex.

If you ever by some complete stroke of luck manage to meet a woman, treat her nicely.

Alex V 9:55 Mon Jan 25
Re: Summer dealings
However much the funds are, it's still important to spend them wisely. I think even the likes of Chelsea and Man City with their fortunes have not dominated as much as they should because of poor spending.

Painful as it is to admit, Spurs and Arsenal are the models to follow. Better quality at a younger age, funds carefully spent. It was also Sullivan't stated aim when he took over the club to have top young players from the area playing for it, to create that connection between the club and the fans - I agree with him and now's the time to make it happen!

madeeasy 9:49 Mon Jan 25
Re: Summer dealings
messi for valencia
neymar for sakho

Far Cough 9:48 Mon Jan 25
Re: Summer dealings

A real statement of intent that

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