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Leonard Hatred 8:32 Fri Sep 2
EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day

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BubblesCyprus 2:08 Sat Sep 10
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Good watch that vid.Met Cloughie in Jeddah of all places spent most of his time in The British Embassy(Only place where thier was a fully stocked Bar with the real stuff ! )

Sir Alex 12:49 Sat Sep 10
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Takashi Miike 5:12 Wed Sep 7

So can you

eusebiovic 12:48 Sat Sep 10
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
I will never forget Cloughie calling Alan Sugar a " London Spiv" to his face on live TV back in the mid 90's...

It was on a late night football show presented by Saint and Greavsie...the face on the latter was a picture of shock

It was really funny...almost as funny as Michael Winner ripping Richard Littlejohn a new one for being rude to Lesbians on a live late night talkshow - which was around the same time

Buster 5:14 Wed Sep 7
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Not sure about that Miike. It wasn't all about Clough, Taylor was just as big a factor in the successes, hence Clough not doing as well when Taylor wasn't there.

Best double act in British football history though, without a doubt. I loved Cloughie.

Takashi Miike 5:12 Wed Sep 7
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
the greatest non west ham manager ever. ferguson can fuck off

Northern Sold 5:08 Wed Sep 7
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Me and a Work MATE being talking today about the I Believe in Miracles film... genius is a too small word for the bloke...

Takashi Miike 4:19 Wed Sep 7
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
sad sheepshagging cunt

Eddie B 4:13 Wed Sep 7
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day

So basically, Saunders made it up. Always funny to make fun of a dead bloke's alcohol problems.

13 Brentford Rd 12:10 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
l met him once and he said to me in typical cloughie style......."alright young man"
Still makes me smile now.

He also used to just hang out in his sons news agents and would chat to anyone.

Proper legend!

ludo21 11:41 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
You were right, that was EXCELLENT

The_Phantom 11:23 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Great stuff.
Loved Cloughie. Genius.

Steady 11:10 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Everyone has to listen to this, superb

Tomshardware 10:51 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Cough, he apologised to Brooking years later for that comment.

Far Cough 10:43 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Cloughie on Trevor Brooking, "He floats like a butterfly and stings like one"

Didn't stop him trying to sign Brooking and Bobby Moore though

Leonard Hatred 8:34 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
The day after he cuffed a fan round the ear, the press were at his front door.

"Have you anything to say, Mr Clough?"

"Yes I have, young man...get off my fucking grass".

Johnson 4:41 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Brian Clough was a fucking legend.

Will never forget us playing Forest the first game after he died.

Such respect from the West Ham fans on the terrace that day, he always admired us did Clough despite nicking points off us.

That's an excellent story.

HairyHammer 3:59 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Now that is a fucking brilliant story.

Brian Clough will always be Mr Football to me, what a crazy man and unusual character but you cannot help but love him.

Also Dean Saunders told the story like a boss.

Cheers Hatred, that really made me laugh.

Mart O 3:25 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Sydney_Iron 1:37 Sat Sep 3

On The Ball 1:50 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
I will always love his exchange with Teddy Sheringham when he signed for Forest.

BC - Hello, Edward.
TS - You can call me Teddy.
BC - Right you are, Edward.

Sydney_Iron 1:37 Sat Sep 3
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Enjoyed that, made me laugh, well told by Saunders.

Tomshardware 10:20 Fri Sep 2
Re: EXCELLENT Dean Saunders anecdote about Brian Clough on TS the other day
Great story, what would he have made of todays game I wonder.

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