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claret on my shirt 7:28 Sat Aug 19
How bad is this guy. I'm yet to see him have a good game for us.

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threesixty 6:43 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
from what I can tell, the biggest problem we have at the club is the midfield. All the issue are there.

We don't have players who can keep the ball in the opponents half very well. We tend to need support which means the defenders push up to do this. Which wouldn't be so bad if they had pace, but they don't, so its easy for them to be pulled out of position.

It's often deceptive, because noble tends to like passing it around when he cant get forward, so that looks like he's in control, but he's not. It's ineffective. To the point where all he's doing is allowing their defence to get into a better shape.

Which then means we cant get to that area just outside their box without pushing our defenders up to help do it. Therefore leaving our "slow" defenders exposed.

the thing I see with the best defensive teams is that their defenders hang back. They are always in position to anticipate a break. The only team that don't do it is Arsenal, who routinely play with all the defenders on the half way line. Which is why they get caught out so much in transition.

At the end of the day we are crying out for someone like Cavarhlo who can really hold the ball in midfield and relieve the pressure on our defence to support noble etc..

I think its why a back 3 had worked for us for the last few months of the season because we could at least control the midfield better.

if a defender is racing back to cover a cross then we have committed too much (Southampton's first goal).
Defence needs to take up the correct position if they don't have the pace to cover.

franksfat&slow&wank 6:17 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
well he seemed fine at soton so I'd say there is other factors why his form is not so good
swiss of course covers come of that

Willtell 6:00 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
And me a neo-Frenchman too...

camel-with-3-humps 4:56 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
Stewie Griffin - Willtell has done you like a kipper. Ha, ha!

Willtell 4:27 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
stewie griffin
You have turned into a pathetic liar of a poster stewie. That's a bit of an over statement of the truth when what I actually said was -

"...after a couple of seasons of a lovely bloke as manager but tactical ineptitude I'd happily welcome Rafa but prefer a younger go getter..."

Is that the post where I was "advocating the appointment of Benitez"?

stewie griffin 3:42 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte

You wrote that. It tickled me.

Meanwhile, on another thread, you're advocating the appointment of Benitez who has, erm, spent the last month saying publicly that his players aren't good enough, despite the fact that he signed them all, and signing even more crap players.

Willtell 3:40 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
Something tickling you stewie?

stewie griffin 3:36 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte

"No point blaming the players. A good manager identifies weaknesses and buys to cover that weakness....

Who was daft enough to sign them in the first place? "


Private Dancer 3:35 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
Swiss - You should stick to banging super models and watching films with that type of garbage analysis. Still, Leroy agrees with you..

Willtell 3:20 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
I played CB for years and the one thing I always hated with was forwards running clear onto me on the edge of the box while trying to mark a running forward at the same time. It's most likely you will get skinned.

Forwards run at our back four all the time. We get hit on the counter over and over again yet we sign decent CBs but not speedy ones. No point blaming the players. A good manager identifies weaknesses and buys to cover that weakness....

Who was daft enough to sign them in the first place?

Norflundon 3:10 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
Of course your right it was noble and ayew that made him grab a bloke round the neck when the bloke didn't have the ball
This fella has been absolute dogshit from the day he signed and it's laughable to say it has anything to do with anybody else in the team

LeroysBoots 2:17 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
What Swiss said...........with bells on !

Trevor B 2:16 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte

at the time fonte was brought in he was an emergency signing to cover the loss of ogbonna, the board/manager thought that an experienced player of his pedigree should be able to slot seamlessly into the side, rather than looking for a younger, less experience player with no experienced of the league and country.

im sure we can all see and agree with their thinking, but hindsight is a wonderful things isnt it.

Mad Dog 2:15 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
He's far too slow, often out of position.

Juat look at saints first 2 goals on saturday

Swiss. 2:14 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
He's not shit. Problem is our midfield are offering no defence to our CBs. Noble and Ayew are a waste of space.

These 2 should never start. I would have preferred to have kept Cullen.

terry-h 2:10 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
Fonte's replacement at Southampton is the 23 year old Wesley Hoedt,who we were after a few months ago. So who thinks it's clever to keep on buying old fuckers past their sell by date,is it Sullivan or Bilic,or a combination of both.
I don't think the club is in particularly safe hands to be honest.

Rossal 11:28 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
"Sure he's 33 and slow but he is a decent CB and apparently another voice in the dressing room"

I dont think he has ever been decent for us, has always looked under par and certainly not shown much leadership at the back which we'd expect after captaining Soton for years

dealcanvey 11:12 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
West Ham fans are notorious for calling players shit/awful. In reality we all wish we were as shit as fonte is.

But something does have to happen to sort our defence out as we are leaking goal after goal and making stupid decisions. Our problem is we have no other CB on Reid's level so too often we are shifting between Ogbonna, Fonte, Collins and even Kayoute sometimes meaning we cant get a settled partnership going. Especially when Reid is made of chocolate and goes down in a warm up!

Willtell 10:57 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
Actually I think we might be going overboard a bit. Fonte is not shit. He has probably won more trophies than most if not all of our squad. Sure he's 33 and slow but he is a decent CB and apparently another voice in the dressing room.

The problem is the way the defence and midfield are organised. All defenders have problems when our midfield are always so overrun. I hope we don't get a rift between Fonte and Bilic now...

camel-with-3-humps 10:48 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
He's fucking shit. Snail-paced, ball watching clown.

Just checking in and getting that off my chest. Have a nice day everyone.

PistonHammered 2:28 Wed Aug 23
Re: Fonte
He's the wrong Type!

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