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the house of freaks 7:51 Fri Feb 2
Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters

Fair play to the guy, shame the police officers couldn't have been "accidently" a bit slower off the mark. Ultimately sad and felt the guys pain

I'm sure you'd want to do the same

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Mike Oxsaw 12:40 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Infidel 11:10 Sat Feb 3

Probably similar reasons to those that kept Jimmy Saville free.

Infidel 11:10 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
What I would like to know is why this fella is safely behind bars but Weinstein is still walking around a free man.

Mex Martillo 9:09 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Deal, Mrs. Jones

Private Dancer 7:46 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Antly - Yea the NHS is fucked, as per Sydney Iron's thread the other week, Talking of which, where is he?

Ronald_antly 6:49 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Coffee 6:27 Sat Feb 3

He can be a bit of BRUTE at times, too.

Ronald_antly 6:48 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
My Mum?

Not doing too well, actually. She needs a new hip, but the NHS is in such a fucking state she's been waiting for ages, and can't afford to go private.
She can't get around without help, and is in a lot of discomfort

I'll tell her you were asking after her, though

Private Dancer 6:27 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
How's your Mum now, Antly?

Coffee 6:27 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
There are other descriptions.

Ronald_antly 6:22 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Prancer, you are such a fucking GEEZER!!

Private Dancer 5:50 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
2 minutes would be enough for me!

Hello Mrs. Jones 1:03 Sat Feb 3
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
By the way Mex. We dont want you in the US either so stay here.

HairyHammer 10:18 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Actually that cunt would enjoy that dildo, let's give him a bowl of shit instead.

HairyHammer 10:16 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Mike Oxsaw

That and a big 15 inch dildo too.

Mex Martillo 9:54 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Yes Mike, I consider myself very liberal, but I think execution would be fine in this case. Also not sure who would want to arse rape him?

Mike Oxsaw 9:36 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Roeder-nowhere 9:26 Fri Feb 2

Nah - not only does it cost society money to keep scum like that alive, some daft bint will rock up one day and try to marry him on account of him being misunderstood.

On top of that, the whole hand-wringing legal left will be on his case trying to spring him out and into a janitor's job at the school down the road.

Stiff & buried next to Bin Laden is the best option all around.

Roeder-nowhere 9:26 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
No Mike - that’s the easy option. They need to be forced to live as long as possible and to suffer for what they have done, if they have no grievance nor remorse to suffer psychologically then it should be forced upon them: regular arse rapings, beatings obviously, sleep deprivation, days without food the fed utter shit (ideally literally) that kinda thing. She be standard practice in prison for this type of scum.

Vexed 9:22 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
I'd like it to be a pill that induces an agonising and lengthy death rather than the quick cowardly suicide. Shame the dad didn't get hold of him, would have been good tv.

Mike Oxsaw 9:19 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
HairyHammer 9:01 Fri Feb 2

I've always felt that scum like that should be banged up in solitary with only a small cabinet for company.

In that cabinet is a suicide pill and a bottle of water.

No pressure. Their call. Job done.

Alfs 9:03 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
Fair play to the judge who didn't charge him for contempt of court.

HairyHammer 9:01 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
You would not wish it on your worst enemy.

There are laws and a system which will protect the bastard although how much protection he will get inside is any ones guess, I hope he is someone's bitch within a few day's and for the rest of his life as he rots in prison.
My guess is he will try very hard to kill himself.

Mex Martillo 8:24 Fri Feb 2
Re: Father asks court for 5 minutes in a room with scum that abused his daughters
I don’t like the USA crimal system and police, I think it is a stupid country which I hope never to visit in the rest of my life.
But, I once read a story on the BBC that basically said a guy caught a male abusing his 5 year old daughter and then beat the abuser to death. During the beating that killed the abuser he phoned the police and told them to get there quick otherwise he would probably kill him. The police arrived and the abuser was dead. The police did not press charges and said it was fair enough. And I hate to say I thought it was fair enough as well and it gave me a slightly better opinion of the USA!

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