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JAC 5:34 Sun Feb 11
West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Bumped into one of the Cape Town hammers at the rugby 7s in December, spoke to a bloke on a West Ham beenie hat half way up Scarfell Pike a couple of years ago and just saw a bloke in a Dr Martins away shirt when I was driving down the seafront in Napier New Zealand.

West Ham are everywhere, anyone else seen/met fans in unexpected places?

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arsene york-hunt 7:41 Thu Feb 15
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
I was walking down the high road in Ulan Baatar, Mongolia and run into an old Mongolian chap wearing a West Ham London home shirt. When I asked him about it , he could not understand what I was talking about.

I was on an ice station in the Antarctic when I met a Walrus wearing an away west ham shirt.

Some or more probably all the above is a load of bollocks.

northbankboy68 4:36 Thu Feb 15
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee

eastham75 2:57 Thu Feb 15
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Back in the late 70's anew fella joined the company where I worked he was Israeli and was a Hammer cant remember why but him and his mates who came for a visit often came to Home games with me.

Percy Dalton 1:47 Thu Feb 15
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
I used to travel all round the world and met many west ham fans.
It I'm afraid wasn't because of the football but because of ICF and the Green Street crappy films that were about then.

Gaffa 10:02 Wed Feb 14
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Yaroslavl' in north-west Russia, back in 1996. There was a little supporters' club, headed by a chap who was born in Wapping but moved out to Yaroslavl' with his Russian mum after the break-up of her marriage. They were great guys and 'Bubbles' was sung on many an evening.

JAC 8:03 Wed Feb 14
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
One I forgot to mention was in a bar at Fishermans Village,Koh Samui Two years ago . We caught the second half of the game when we beat Arsenal 0-1 and Oxford played a blinder.
Bloke sitting in front of us was a huge lump of muscle ( had his bird in tow) and originally I thought he was Arsenal but he was West Ham and had a huge tattoo if the old crest, top bloke.

Next day we hired a boat and the owner ,a Manc ,reckons that there are more Hammers fans working in Koh Samui than supporters of any other team!

I wonder if G+S and that bird realise that we really care and are all over the globe?

Aalborg Hammer 6:49 Tue Feb 13
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Can't remember who it was but a Hammer was in Uganda and got up early to go up into the mountains to see the gorillas...he had a home shirt on and they had to wait for the first group of the day to come out before they went in...when that group came out,one of them was wearing a 1980 Cup final top

Far East Hammer 11:32 Tue Feb 13
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Probably the least expected fan was in Sibu, Sarawak (Borneo). I was wearing a WH top and this guy started chasing after me. I thought he'd had a few too many to drink so tried to slink away (bearing in mind that this is Iban (headhunter) country)

Turned out he'd studied in the East End and supported West Ham. We had a good few beers together, whilst he bemoaned his son support ManU.

Other unexpected West Ham conversations, via interpreters, a guy supervising the construction of a new bus depot in Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan saw my WH hat and started talking about Mark Noble. And in Nay Pyi Taw, I was asked what team I supported, being English. On my reply, the people in the meeting started discussing "Sir Bobby Moore"

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 4:58 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Swiss. One of the best city centre hotels ive stayed in. There was a casino kn there iirc which was interesting to say the least. Loved Warsaw massively. Lodz is a good city too

cup of tea 4:51 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
When I was last in Canada (Toronto) I went to a TFC game and wore a WHU scarf. Loads of TFC fans came up to me and starting talking about West Ham which was pretty good. I even swapped my scarf for a TFC one which saved me buying one at the ground which I was going to do anyway

Swiss. 2:59 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?

Was me and Steady who mentioned Champions Bar. I stayed at that Marriott. Loved it had 4 bars I seems to remember;;lounge, brasserie, vodka and sky bar;

Mr. Burns 2:57 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Furthest afield was "Hiking" on Fox Glacier in NZ. Women in the group had a Fila West Ham Baseball Cap on. Turned out it was her Boyfriend's but she said she followed us due to him.

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 2:30 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Someone mentioned Champions bar Warsaw earlier. Went there in 2004. was staying at the marriott opposite that palace of culture thing. Got chatting to a local, who managed to recite our entire first team. He proceeded to give me the best speed ive ever had, fucked him off and promptly walked about 7 laps of the city centre.

violator 1:57 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Family next door to us in Corfu once were all West Ham, bumped into a fellow Hammer that used to run a pub near me on a beach in Kefalonia, and one of the bar staff in Cuba came for a beer with us on his day off wearing a West Ham shirt and clutching a West Ham beach towel..

Swiss. 1:51 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?

Yeah I remember that. Not sure the Polish West Ham fans were there that night or another.

Willtell 11:27 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
One McAvennieeeeee 10:52
Pedantic tosser!

only1billybonds 11:10 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Out for lunch by Freemantle harbour yesterday and was taken aback to see a bloke in a Bolton Wanderers shirt and West ham shorts. Got chatting and over a beer hr told me he wears the shirt out of loyalty to his home town but as far as football goes it always was snd always will be west ham. Strange but nice bloke all the same.

Ace of Spades 10:52 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Whilst hungover one day in San Diego, walking over a bridge to a petrol station to get some much needed paracetamol I walked past a guy who said "IRONS" and I just carried on walking. If that was one of you, I apologise, I was extremely hungover.

One McAvennieeeeee 10:52 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
"I pointed out that WH sell 60,000 tickets every game and are the 17th largest club in the world."

She should have text back you were wrong.

"Anyway perhaps he was a Adrian, Chicharito or Obiang fan? He obviously couldn't follow a tiny club like West Ham in the City of Athletico and Real Madrid... "


Willtell 10:40 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
My daughter lives in Madrid and text me last week to say that a guy in the gym was wearing a WH shirt! She was amazed that someone in Madrid had even heard of the tiny little football club I support.

I pointed out that WH sell 60,000 tickets every game and are the 17th largest club in the world. She text back "you are funny Dad."

Anyway perhaps he was a Adrian, Chicharito or Obiang fan? He obviously couldn't follow a tiny club like West Ham in the City of Athletico and Real Madrid...

Josh 10:37 Mon Feb 12
Re: West Ham fans overseas.where you seen them?
Hanmer Springs, South Island of New Zealand. Two boys and their dad in the current WHU Shirt at the time. They had just immigrated over there.

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