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Coffee 2:18 Wed May 30
Veganism and vegetarianism
I genuinely admire people who become veg-whatever out of conviction. In some ways, I wish I could do the same.

But there's a wave of militant veganism around that's less than pleasant. In India, it's linked with Hindu nationalism and people have been killed on suspicion of keeping beef in their house.

Who will rid us of this dietary political correctness?

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Hammer and Pickle 9:12 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism

COOL HAND LUKE 9:07 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Is that the same as vaginism..?

Some people will eat anything...

13 Brentford Rd 6:30 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Ah but that would be too vague for the purpose of my story.

Pee Wee 6:13 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
I wonder if his dad's brothers wife would know

Sven Roeder 6:10 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Unfortunately that knowledge has died with the Dad’s fellow male child.
What DID he call himself?

Pee Wee 5:18 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism

'At my Dad's brother's funeral'

If only there was another way of describing 'my dad's brother'

Coffee 5:15 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
13 Brentford Rd 3:13 Sat Jun 9

On inspection it was fucking ham FFS.

Yes, feel free to laugh as I did see the funny side.


geoffpikey 5:00 Sat Jun 9
Re: Vaginaism and vegetarianism
Yeah. But they're not anti-chicken YET.

So that settles it.

Sven Roeder 3:25 Sat Jun 9
Re: Vaginaism and vegetarianism
So Google are anti-Egg?
The bastards

Son of Sam 3:18 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Ag @ Meat Free Meatballs

Why not just call them balls

geoffpikey 3:16 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Sky News:

Google has removed the egg from its salad emoji in order to make it more inclusive for vegans.

Jennifer Daniel, who works as a user experience manager for Google, announced the change on Twitter.

She tweeted that was "big talk about inclusion and diversity at Google" and cited the redesigned emoji as an indication.

"If you need any evidence of Google is making this priority may I direct your attention to the emoji - we've removed the egg in Android P beta 2, making this a more inclusive vegan salad."

This is REAL.

13 Brentford Rd 3:13 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
I saw that.
Pretty shocking, you have to wonder what else is in our food?
I know most fish contain plastic these days.

At my Dad's brother's funeral recently despite him not being religions he had requested no meat for the food as a lot of our family are ultra orthodox (my Dad's other brother's family) So even though they still wouldn't eat from a non kosher kitchen & source but he didn't want to offend them anyway.
I started tucking into what was supposed to be a veggie quiche and realised I was chewing on meat due to the strong flavour and texture which is obvious when you haven't eaten it for years.
On inspection it was fucking ham FFS.
I wasn't too bothered though obviously wished I hadn't eaten it but what can you do? Obviously not going to say anything or make a fuss at a family funeral but pork of all things.
Yes, feel free to laugh as I did see the funny side.

Coffee 3:00 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Oh dear.

The Food Standards Agency has begun an investigation following claims that traces of meat were found in food classified as vegan or vegetarian.

The Daily Telegraph tested 10 vegan and vegetarian products at Tesco and Sainsbury's and found meat in two.

According to the Telegraph's investigation, a German government-accredited food testing laboratory found traces of pork in Sainsbury's own brand Meat Free Meatballs, and traces of turkey in Tesco's Wicked Kitchen BBQ Butternut Mac.

Toe Rag 12:01 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Fucking veggies and vegans.

There’s no point in eating them.

Son of Sam 11:49 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
13 your a lucky guy, most of the veggies I meet are always banging on about how healthy they feel with their diet and how I should give up red meat etc and there is little if nothing on the moral/ethic front. Bit like reformed smokers and the God Squad.

Oh fuck it my breakfast was starting to become overcooked while typing this


Sydney_Iron 11:39 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Anthony Bourdain was just winding people up with those comments, got plenty of bites though, even in death and on WHO!!

Not saying all Vegetarians are odd or have issues but a good proportion of those I have met seem to? Just saying like....

Eerie Descent 11:32 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
I'm wondering whether being a 10/10 meat eater is better than being a 6/10 Jew...

gph 11:31 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Both alcohol* and coke are vegan.

*except when finings made from fish are used to clarify it

13 Brentford Rd 11:24 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
He showed his ignorance and arrogance with those comments as most do it for moral and ethical reasons not health.

Son of Sam 11:13 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
Happy, with all due respect there are probably about 7 billion Non alcoholic non cokehead dullards on the planet who have never brought me even a slice of entertainment. I found him both funny and very entertaining so that makes him great in my eyes. Each to his own.

Eerie Descent 11:09 Sat Jun 9
Re: Veganism and vegetarianism
"I do enjoy a tuna steak and fish and chips"

"The idea is that it's a more realistic modern form of the religion. Bit of a cheat arguably, on the scale of religious, 0 being athiest, 1-5 most people and 10 orthodox, I suppose I'm a 6 or 7?"

You are, without question, the best poster on this forum Road.

I'd insist you were on a wind up were it not for you being so sincere.

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