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LeroysBoots 9:39 Sat Aug 18
Noble / Wilshire
Who ever thought this combination would work ?

Neither has pace

Time and time again we are carved up due to these being exposed, they gave zero protection to the defence today

Don't criticise the defence, criticise the midfield

The elusive DM we searched for all summer is needed even more now

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Ronald_antly 12:40 Sat Aug 25
Re: Nobel / Wiltshire
Spandex Sidney wrote...

"Personally I'd rather have a foreigner in our team than a British player who grew up supporting spurs."

What if the Spurs supporter was REALLY talented, and the foreigner was Anderson?

Spandex Sidney 11:27 Fri Aug 24
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Whoops wrong thread!

Need to not start on the whiskey until 10am really :)

Spandex Sidney 11:26 Fri Aug 24
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Out of interest, serious question for those not wanting foreign players, why is this such an issue for you? The days of picking up talent from within an E postcode are long gone. Are British players better? Arguably out of the top ten players in the Prem maybe 2 are British? Maybe one!

Personally I'd rather have a foreigner in our team than a British player who grew up supporting spurs.

BennyJay 10:53 Fri Aug 24
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Wilshere and Pirlo in the same breath. wtf.

Who next Balbuena the new Baresi

Fabianski like Buffon.

RM10 9:19 Fri Aug 24
Re: Noble / Wilshire
I’m astounded by how poor this manager is, far too many bloody foreigners

normannomates 9:14 Fri Aug 24
Re: Noble / Wilshire
resigned myself already for another typical whu season
occasional nugget amongst the mire.

one day eh..maybe

...and when you feel fucked off.. remember how you felt as a nipper..
go again the next week ...

before you know it ....25 yrs have passed you by.

hey ho..

fuck it...what else would you do on a saturday....

Stubbo 8:36 Fri Aug 24
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Pellegrini's view on them playing together:


Reckons Wilshere = Pirlo, and that they're a no if you need speed, but fine together if aiming for ball retention and possession!

orwells tragedy 7:06 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
theaxeman 6:54 Thu Aug 23

Couldn't agree more, not sure what people see in him. As Souness said, holds onto the ball too long. He gets unloaded a lot and spends too much time on his arse with his hands in the air looking for a foul when he can't get away from his pursuer.

orwells tragedy 7:02 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Capitol Man 6:47 Thu Aug 23

His miles are at a jog and his passes rarely give forward momentum.

normannomates 7:01 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
bernie 2.46

that old chestnut.

hes been dropped

theaxeman 6:54 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Noble is getting all the clog here and i think his time as a starter is up but Wilshere was fucking useless too and looks shot to bits through injuries, which i guess why arsenal ousted him.

LeroysBoots 6:53 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Miles covered stats = runs a lot yes, just not very fast !

Pass completion = To opposition players !

Capitol Man 6:47 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
orwells tragedy 6:37 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire

I think he has constantly been listed at the top of the miles covered stats as well as the passes stats.

LeroysBoots 6:43 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Spot on

All the top teams have energetic athletic players in that role

We have a bloke who is blowing out of his arse after 15 minutes but because he's a chirpy cockney and gets defended by the rose coloured specs crew

orwells tragedy 6:37 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Putting a shift in is the bare minimum prerequisite for a central midfield player, he should be covering more ground at a better average pace than anyone else on the pitch, thats what sets them apart.

selecta 6:34 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
I actually think a wheelchair would make Noble more mobile?

Capitol Man 6:33 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
LeroysBoots 6:26 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire

And with that Noble was often the only one putting a shift in.

I'm not saying Noble shouldn't be dropped in favor of Wilshire, who is a few years younger, but whoever holds the slot they need a more dynamic midfielder or two in there with them.

It was another incident that worried me rather than the goal. One of their players ran at Noble towards the box and Noble looked as though he was going backwards in comparison.

You can have one player who is like that if they are able to read the game and pull the strings of the side, but not two given the pace of english football.

Takashi Miike 6:32 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
he looks like nolan in his last year or so, legs have almost gone. is it all his fault, no. wheelchair's not much more mobile, it's a big decision MP has to make but it may have already been made if the reports earlier that Noble's an injury doubt are true

selecta 6:31 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Convenient back problem I’d say.

LeroysBoots 6:26 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire
Hold on a sec, we conceded 60 odd goals last season because our midfield went absent and didn't protect the poor defence, because if you hadn't noticed the modern game is all about pace and power, we offered neither last season or this thus far.

Noble needs dropping

easthammer 6:10 Thu Aug 23
Re: Noble / Wilshire

A capital assessment.

Although I have doubts about Noble he was not the most immobile of our players when that goal was scored. The four defenders all failed in their jobs, And only Zaba put in half a challenge.

I think Noble knows what to do but struggles to do it with pace. The defenders often look uncertain as to what position to take up and when to challenge and when not. Hesitation at that level will often get punished.

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