WHO Poll

Sydney_Iron 5:21 Thu Nov 15
Theresa May
Don’t particularly like her or the Conservative Party but credit were its due.

Took on the leadership after the Brexit vote that just about every other senior Tory turned there back on, called an election, won it (just) to get a mandate and has now negotiated a Brexit deal that many thought would be all but impossible to do, gets continually snipped by Boris Johnson who didn’t have the balls to run for the top job knowing full well the very difficult position the PM would have with both implementing brexit and getting a deal with the EU, then has since got himself out of the cabinet but still spouts his bollocks and clings to the hope she will fuck up having done all the hard work so he can step up and take the credit.

Still reckon Brexit is a big mistake for the UK though, time will tell....

incase you missed it

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Sydney_Iron 9:01 Thu Nov 15
Re: Theresa May
Should of maybe posted this in the existing Brexit thread, its been running for how long and how many thousands of posts in???.......


Please delete

Barmy Fred 8:48 Thu Nov 15
Re: Theresa May
Treason - Cambridge Dictionary

(the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government:

The whole senior Tory part is guilty - they are fucking the country for purely party reasons or to make a coin by fucking the plebs, and the EU is trying to stop them!!

After8 7:56 Thu Nov 15
Re: Theresa May
We do NOT need any more politics threads!

joyo 6:37 Thu Nov 15
Re: Theresa May
I think the lying old bat has done a terrible job and think her days are numbered

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