WHO Poll

davese16 8:10 Sat Jan 26
pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
i like pellegrini, calm, in control, attracts players who may not otherwise have signed for us, and think he has handled the arnie saga very well, at last i feel we are progressing as a club, the club owners to their credit are letting him do the job he is paid for, 7th on the cards this year which should get europe, and theres still the cup, i think we should give mr pellegrini a longer contract, and the board should continue to back him.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

PwoperNaughtyButNot 12:11 Sat Feb 2
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
Alex - we did you select to ignore the bit where I said bar Slavs 1st season and then go on to challenge that we played better football in Slavs early tenure?

Utterly bizarre Corbyn level arguing skills there

Alex V 12:02 Sat Feb 2
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
>>> We’ve played the best football we’ve seen in years.

I keep seeing this assertion. I don't really know what it means. We're not playing better than Bilic's early tenure, are we? I don't think so.

I think there's a commitment to a more patient possession style. I can see that. But is it the best football? We had loads of the ball vs Bournemouth and Wolves, but it didn't come to much. There's a lot of question marks for me, and I don't see many answers just yet.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:12 Sat Feb 2
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
These performances have come at a time when

A) some players were hoping for a move away
B) the club were hoping to move some other players away
C) our star man was hogging the headlines about a move / more money
D) the manager had been instructed to put some in the shop window

We are a safe bet this season. The transfer window is shut. The sulkers will have to wind it in. The club will have to let Manuel make his own decisions.

This is a season of transition. It’s clear to see that Pellegrini wants to play football and this is what we have been crying out for for years bar 1 season under Slav.

I expect more experimentation, player rotation, tantrums, hidings, great wins and more this season.

Next season we judge.

Capitol Man 5:37 Sat Feb 2
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
This is a journey. It;s not going to be a smooth path. We’ve played the best football we’ve seen in years. Give the man time. If we are safe nice and early then we are moving forward.

Sir Alf 1:32 Sat Feb 2
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
eusebiovic 5:04 Fri Feb 1

spot on mate

A balanced, considered view a rare thing :-)

eusebiovic 1:28 Sat Feb 2
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years

eusebiovic 1:28 Sat Feb 2
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
The whole Wilshire thing is so nevitably depressing...

eusebiovic 5:04 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
I agree he is a good manager but is hampered by several things...

The squad is top heavy with mediocre players who don't have the best attitude or capacity to improve significantly...

Some of the better players we've signed are only here because their fitness concerns prevented them from joining bigger clubs. Lanzini, Yarmo and Wilshire are all here because the chairman took a punt...some might say the injuries are bad luck but certain players struggle to maintain strength and fitness - it's not always laziness sometimes it's genetic. You can't defy your genes regardless of skill and talent.

Yarmo has always had his struggles even at his best for Dnipro and at Dortmund he didn't meet their psysical demands. Lanzini was considered a prococious talent but lightweight in Argentina which is why we signed him as a 21 year old from the Middle East usually a destination for players at retirement age. Wilshire - need we say more?

It is what it is...Pell is doing O.K - it's going to be wildly inconsistent until he moves the deadwood and misfits on.

Just enjoy the good performances we've had this season

pdbis 3:31 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
Would be better off never playing Masuaka and Carroll again.

Willtell 11:46 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
Or just Pellegrini is our best manager since Harry Redknapp...

Northern Sold 11:35 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
pellegrini looking like our best OLDEST manager for years

pellegrini looking like our best HAIRIEST manager for years

pellegrini looking like our best CHILEAN manager for years

rochesterjohn 11:33 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
You have to set up with the players you have available not the players you don’t.
Pellegrini has one way of playing, he has his principles, well good luck with that cos with the squad we have available them principles are going to cost us a lot of dropped points.
4-4 fuckin 2 with the midfield and full backs we have is football suicide.
I keep saying it a front 4 of Yarmolenko, Anderson Lanzini and a firing Arnie then be as expansive as you like cos they’ll score bucket loads, a front 4 of a pissed off Arnie Snodgrass Antonio and Anderson will yield you very little in comparison, so you have to cut your cloth accordingly, something I’m not sure he’s capable of.

gph 11:21 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
I CAN buy the Arnie situation affecting the players.

But, it's less an excuse than an admission of how pathetic they are, and they would be well advised not to use it.

w4hammer 11:07 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
i was listening to jason cundy moaning on about how poorly chelsea were at bournemoiuth and how it was ALL sarri's fault

I had EXACTLY the same conversation after our very own Bournemouth debacle where the score could well have been the same.

S0 have two very experienced, trophy winning managers been outhought by Eddie Howe?

I'd say in these example 25% is down to manager team setup before the game and 50% the players on the day and 25% to the manager on the day

In both theses games, Bournemouth didnt do anythiing different to what theyve done all season.. be very happy without the ball- defend in numbers- win anything in the air - and break clinically, from as deep as they like- with fraser king as the out ball. Encourage our wing backs to play as high as they like turn the ball over and crucify .

Which is what they did, both games ..Now you could make an excuse that we are short on players however the whole playing staff need to consider that what they thought they were going to do versus what actually happened

Without any creativity in this moribund squad, apart from Anderson when he feels like it, we have to rely on the players on the pitch to think faster and outwit the other side- and we week after week show we aint capable of this.

Arsenal , I thought was the manifestation of Pelli's model- patient, controlled, flair when needed- great result...

Now Im not so sure- maybe they were as bad as they looked that day and we were marginally better

Am i depressed this morning. Yes.

boltkunt 10:31 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
You're a massive cunt.

stewie griffin 10:23 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
To be honest I don't buy all the stuff about the Arnie situation affecting the players. Its a massive cop out by a group who have just performed badly 3 games in a row. It has been widely reported that the players understood his point of view - and given that the biggest piece of cuntery, from his brother, was BEFORE the arsenal game it didn't seem to have an effect then.
We just had a very nice run of fixtures in December, which even the retards on WHO had identified when the fixture list came out, and we won a few games. Since then, we've reverted to being much like the first part of the season; frustratingly inconsistent, and capable of performing like massive cunts.

Grumpster 7:06 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
It's a transition and none of what has happened recently has been completely his fault, with the exception of the dons game, where he did stick out a crap side, albeit one that should still have been good enough.

All that Arnie shit threw a massive wedge between the team and utterly killed the cracking team spirit we had going.

Hopefully this'll get sorted sooner rather than later, as otherwise it'll be a long last few months.

normannomates 5:37 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
4.11 same shit

previous managers you mention wouldnt have us trying to play half decent football where we are in the League with cards dealt... the man has passed muster IMO.

easy to jump on his back..
he has had a small core of players lately that have run out of steam...but will come again..
the likes of Arnautovic ..Carroll..shit pea ..Ogbonna..Obiang..Perez were needed over the last few months..and have made it clear they aren't interested in playing for us any longer...they couldn't give a fuck...
Arnautovic can fuck right off..

bag a hat trick monday?... nah

hes done as far as im concerned...fairweather cunts you never need

but that's the Managers fault ...

Chigwell 5:19 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
We need a manager who can motivate players to chase, press, and tackle. It depresses me to compare us with teams like Bournemouth, Wolves and Watford which do all those things and act like they know that they have to compete that way. Pellegrini is used to having expensive stars in his teams: we don't have such talent and I don't think he'll stay any longer than his contract requires.

normannomates 5:14 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
another day_ same shit

let's see if you post the same come Monday night.

AnotherDay_SameShit 4:11 Fri Feb 1
Re: pellegrini looking like our best manager for years
No not really. I've already said he is a good fit for us and he's had a load of injuries..my point is at this stage we could stall or go further South, it's hard to say right now.

Let's not start feeling too sorry for the manager though, he's got selection and tactics wrong in a few games recently and I don't see why he should get a free pass, previous managers didn't.

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