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charleyfarley 3:40 Sat Feb 23
⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread

Cardiff City Stadium
9th March 15:00

Graham Scott: (13) 30 1

Etheridge, Peltier, Morrison, Ecuele Manga, Bennett, Gunnarsson, Arter, Hoilett, Camarasa, Murphy, Niasse.

Fabianski; Cresswell, Diop, Ogbonna, Fredericks; Rice, Noble; Anderson, Lanzini, Snodgrass; Chicharito.
subs:- Adrian Masuaku Balbuena Obiang Nasri Antonio Arnautovic

Cardiff 23/10: Draw 12/5 : West Ham 6/5

https://studiojunction.live/Huddersfield-Town009.php - beIN Sports - you get audio after clicking to unmute about 6 times which opens ads
https://studiojunction.live/Liverpool011.php – our match on TSN, audio as above



8 Snodgrass
6 Noble


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

HammerTime78 12:51 Mon Mar 11
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Re: ⚽ Aston Villa v West Ham - Official Match Thread

London Stadium
Mon 16th Sept 20:00

Jonathan Moss: (21) 73 5

Reid returns- Zabaleta suspended
Antonio, Byram, Fonte & Collins are all out

Wijnaldum is doubtful
Coutinho is out - Mane could feature


Aston Villa : Draw : West Ham



8 Snodgrass
6 Noble

diehardhammer 12:22 Mon Mar 11
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Rossal 9:39 Mon Mar 11
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Pellegrini had a shocker on sat.

Why didnt Antonio start? Possibly Arnie too Why Pellers went for Hernandez up top on his own ill never know

Showing faith in the side that beat newcastle, they let him down clearly

and why Anderson was hooked at half time when 1-0 is beyond me.

had a knock

Rossal 9:39 Mon Mar 11
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Pellegrini had a shocker on sat.

Why didnt Antonio start? Possibly Arnie too, they had a back 4 leaking goals and with their best defender gone and we dont try to stretch them. Nasri possibly could of started for Noble too. When we approach games looking to have the majority of the ball i dont get why we play Noble.....probably our worst midfielder on the ball.

We started the game awful and never looked like scoring or getting back into the game. Cardiff on the whole were dreadful, but our lack of intensity in our passing and everyone wanting to receive it behind the ball meant we offered little.

Noble and Fredricks were the worse 2 for me.......Hernandez not far behind. Why Pellers went for Hernandez up top on his own ill never know, and why Anderson was hooked at half time when 1-0 is beyond me.

Awful performance and got what we deserved but very poor from the manager too.

1964 11:28 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
We would miss him if he did

bruuuno 11:19 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Go and stick your head in an oven hairy

HairyHammer 11:13 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
To Ghostbuster tune

If in every game your shit and lame
Who you gonna call ? Them Hammers.

Conceding goals like a big black hole

Who you gonna call? Them Hammers.

Sorry could not resist it but this should be Pelegrini's anthem for this season losing to almost every weak arsed team this season.

13 Brentford Rd 7:48 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Agreed North Bank!
Why did we even buy Perez? Him and Pea are similar and neither are well suited to our style of play or the Prem.

Gaffer58 7:29 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
If the players are lacklustre and don't appear interested that's down to the manager, 5 minutes before kickoff he should be at them and have them geed up and ready to go, there's good managers, good coaches and good motivators, the top men are all three.

daveyg 7:23 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Agreed, I saw him do that last week too.
His attitude has meant Chicarito has played more often.
He played mainly on earning a penalty against Newcastle.
Not much else,he too doesn't chase down the lost cause. The only one of our strikers who does is Carroll.

Pellegrini made selection errors this week with Snodgrass and Pea playing ahead of Arnautovic and Antonio. I also think he should of taken Lanzini of last week after about 75 mins.
He has said in the past that Nasri could play in Noble's position,we wait and see.

Percy Dalton 7:16 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Forget about that he's looking for much bigger fish to fry than coming to us.
We'd be better looking for players that no one knows about as we're not a fashionable item at the moment.

North Bank 7:08 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Brentford we had decent offers for Pea and Perez too we should have just bitten the bullet and sold those two along with Arnie and bought Gomez

It would've significantly reduced the wage bill too

13 Brentford Rd 6:56 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
If we aren't going to start him what was the point of keeping him & offering him a new contract?
He has almost single handedly scuppered our season as before the China talk we were flying and were looking good for 7th, the CUNT.

Texas Iron 6:01 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
If China-Boy won't put the effort like yesterday...
...and Pea is crap...

Start Antonio down the middle...

eusebiovic 5:25 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Gazza_AZ 5:21 Sun Mar 10

Not convinced those two can play together...it's one or the other

Unless Pell uses the El Tel christmas tree formation...4-3-2-1...which nobody does anymore

Gazza_AZ 5:21 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Sir Alf - I do believe that we have the necessary players to play exactly as you describe. Pulling the other team all over the pitch - creating openings and then incisive passing to expose that weakness. I see us trying to do this - and have seen it all season.
However, for me the strange thing is the Felipe Andersen / Manu Lanzini partnership. I would have expected that together they would be better than the sum of the parts. BUT not on yesterday's showing. Andersen who was THE MAN - is playing a lesser role and deferring the ball to Lanzini - who is clearly not seeing the game as well as Felipe had been in previous matches - when we have looked exciting.
Heres hoping it is just Lanzini knocking off some rust - but playing those two together - has to work to our advantage - and I didn't see that yesterday.

. . 5:18 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
The result does not surprise me, I always treat the last 10 games of the season as a Cup Final. form and league position mean little

I feel the Team lacks belief and Motivation. Every Match we play until the end of the season means something for the Opposition be it Huddersfield Fighting against relegation or Chelsea Fighting for Champions League.

We need to believe we can get into Europe and Battle Harder than the opposition. I bet if they all got half a million bonus for qualifying for Europe we would not see players strolling around

mallard 5:18 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Has Arnie scored since this China bullshit?

eusebiovic 5:04 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Sir Alf 4:33 Sun Mar 10

Medel is no better than Sanchez. Mediocre players with poor disciplinary records. Nowadays you need to be a hard nut with a brain...rash challenges and off the ball skullduggery gets picked up by the cameras.

They are not the answer

Raymond Reddington 5:00 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
The sooner the cunt is sold the better, sold

Northern Sold 4:47 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
I don't know what the situation with Arnie is at the mo... don't know if MP is making him sub to show him who is boss.... but one thing for sure the lack luster trotting about not giving a fuck attitude he's shown since January is not helping us at all... point in question yesterday... he trotted back to midfield... we won the ball and on a break... and he was literally walking... not busting a gut to get in the area... he was walking... quite simply did not give a fuck

Sir Alf 4:33 Sun Mar 10
Re: ⚽ Cardiff v West Ham - Official Match Thread
On another point, the only 3 players worth their salt yesterday for me were Rice, Diop and Nasri for his cameo. It was probably the first time Fabianski could be questioned for a goal this season ( their second ) but he still kept us in it after tthat.

Like I say the only 2 players who put in a shift and performance were young lads of 20 and 21. Nasri was the only other one who did ok. He looked a better and certainly more effective player than both Lanzini and Noble on the day and was trying to create things.

Before the game Pellegrini had said Cardiff would be fighting for everything and the first thing we had to do was match them before we could play our game or be a "big team" as he calls it.

The mentality thing is part of the problem but he must also see some real areas of weakness.

2 fullbacks and lack of pace and movement in midfield and up front.

A slow build up playing in front of 2 banks of 4. They simply pressed and were shoving and pushing to stop us playing and it worked a treat. They also worked on stopping the game as much as they could all designed to stop us getting any kind of momentum not that we ever looked like we would.

Slow and lightweight summed us up. Trying to play like City and pull teams one way and another to create gaps is a fine approach but we lack the players of quality to do it in the aforementioned areas.

To cap it all we hear the owners are looking to only invest 25 million this season. We have players to get rid of but to get the quality in the positions listed above and we need will not be covered by 25 million and sales.

Pellegrini's purchase of Sanchez and supposed interest in Gary Medel is a real concern. Yet more slow and old, end of the road players.

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