WHO Poll

Block 2:00 Thu Jun 27
What's for lunch?
You fat cunts?

Chicken Baguette, Ribena and Sea salt Kettle crisps for me.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

ManorParkHammer 1:22 Fri Jun 28
Re: What's for lunch?
Going to the Green Goose in Bow.

Probably have the Jackfruit Burger and Chips washed down with two fruit ciders and three B&H Silver.

joe royal 12:20 Fri Jun 28
Re: What's for lunch?
Plenty of work transporting high end and prototype cars over Europe for 130 a day cash in hand should you need it.

Doesn’t pay enough for me to make or a priority.

ray winstone 11:20 Fri Jun 28
Re: What's for lunch?
KZ, no mate, I detected that one of the interviewers was a Tory so I called him a cunt and they ushered me out the door, back to benefit scrounging for me.

Kaiser Zoso 11:10 Fri Jun 28
Re: What's for lunch?
Did you get the job, winstone?

ray winstone 5:36 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Johnson 5:06 Thu Jun 27

Not every Tory hater is a benefit scrounging scrote....

Block 5:14 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Sarge son, haven't done agency for nearly 4 years now.

Sarge 5:12 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Was presenting at a lunch and learn which means I get to talk whilst the sarnies start to go off or be eaten by others.

Snaffled a few small rolls and headed off to the canteen for a fruit salad.

Bolty - are you still arranging viewings when people are out at work then rifling through their fridge for lunch ?

riosleftsock 5:09 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Stroganoff, pasta and pellegrino

Block 5:09 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
He's probably sitting indoors pretending to be a ninja turtle and put a tie round his head for the effect, the fucking weirdo.

Johnson 5:06 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Are you in court today, ray?

Not a chance you've got a job where you need to wear a tie.

simon.s 5:05 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Saving the halves until tomorrow, Sold0?

ray winstone 5:05 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
M&S Tuna layered salad with pasta, spilt most of it down me Peckham.

Block 5:04 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Are you a fucking hamster, Sold?

Northern Sold 5:04 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
My grub today at work...

1 bowl of Cheerios
1 brunch bar
1 bag of Chilli sun bites
1 hand full of wine gums
1 nana

... saying that ... that's what I have had the same day for about 10 years...

simon.s 5:03 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Best thing about away days are the meat and potato pies you get up north, that you can’t get down here.

I certainly have northern tendencies.

goose 5:02 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Some weird tuna fish cakes with rice.

It was shit.

Darlo Debs 4:59 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
simon.s are you.from.up north?

Bernie 4:56 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Beans AND gravy?


Block 4:35 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Because I'm not that kinda GUY, you fucking flange.

ChillTheKeel 4:31 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Why not take a photo of it, you utter shambles?

simon.s 4:29 Thu Jun 27
Re: What's for lunch?
Chicken mushroom pie, chips beans and gravy.

Can’t beat gravy on chips.

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