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Coffee 12:49 Thu Aug 15
Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Why are some people so evil?



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Lato 8:10 Fri Aug 16
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Appeal through POPLA, chances are the company after you will back off

ted fenton 8:02 Fri Aug 16
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Only ever had one from Parking Eye binned everything they sent me and they went away but that was around 8 years ago I think they have developed more clout so best to check out Martin Lewis.


Willtell 7:05 Fri Aug 16
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Hammer I am
Hold up there. Let's have a recap shall we?

You're the one being an obnoxious cunt about this.

You're the one accusing me of cowardice for suggesting Coffee pays his fine like a man.

And you're the one that feels entitled about stopping genuine shoppers from parking their cars because cheats like you fill the spaces.

Snowflakes is just name calling bluster for being taught a lesson in manners and being a decent citizen. Now fuck off and bother someone else with your pointless shit....

Lato 6:25 Fri Aug 16
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Would this be Smart parking by any chance?

Hammer I am 2:32 Fri Aug 16
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Ah I see, you have the monopoly on telling it how it is, but if someone tells you, they're a stalker? And I can cope thanks, you're the one that implied you were being picked on snowflake.

Willtell 2:22 Fri Aug 16
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
There's a clue in my moniker. I tell it like it is. If you can't cope with that - your problem.

Hammer I am 1:41 Fri Aug 16
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Been around long before you got here, just don't post much. Sorry can't remember singling you out especially, dont belong to any clique, tend to reply to people being particularly odious, sorry if you feel that's you more than most!

Willtell 1:18 Fri Aug 16
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Hammer I am 4:54 Thu Aug 15
"He doesn't need to, its not legally enforceable, do you always give up on the first whiff of grapeshot? French rubbing off on you?"

You're really turning into a stalker aren't you? What was your previous user name?

No not at all - just sick of people that think they have the right to park free while shopping elsewhere.

Never mind if others can't park because it's full of entitled cheats that squeal about it when caught.

riosleftsock 9:48 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
I remember when this was all just fields.......

Mike Oxsaw 9:46 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
If people stopped paying to park in car parks they they'd become economically non-viable and we'd have to knock them all down and build houses for immigrants on them.

Be careful what you wish for.

cholo 7:10 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
If there is one thing in modern society that makes worm absolutely furious, it's people flouting supermarket parking regulations, it's practically the slippery slope to anarchism.

BRANDED 6:05 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park

I only asked the question as I asked a local magistrate in my local boozer if you might get away with a genuine mistake and he said “ Is there a bloody great big sign at the car park saying what you have to do?”

I was t cunty enough to question his perfectly reasonable logic.

Coffee 5:42 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park

riosleftsock 5:41 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Coffee, you appear to have crashed out of the car park without a deal.

Your house will be full of twigs.

Coffee 5:32 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
What's next? Rapist, murderer, swindler, forger?

Coffee 5:31 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
You're very effective in upholding the interests of car park operators.

worm 5:29 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Are you a shoplifter, too?

worm 5:29 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
jumping to conclusions does not inconvenience anyone else by taking a parking space I'm not entitled to

Coffee 5:26 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
This is why the country is fucked.

People jumping to conclusions.

worm 5:25 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Coffee 5:16 Thu Aug 15

You haven't actually said you wont pay it. I'll concede that.

worm 5:23 Thu Aug 15
Re: Parking fine in a supermarket car park
Lee Trundle 5:17 Thu Aug 15

You can get fucked. Let him have his own debate

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