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Leatherhead Hammer 6:56 Sun Sep 29
This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
I can't believe the uproar over Silva's tweet to Mendy, who was clearly not offended at all. It was even spoken about, at length, on this morning's edition of Sunday Supplement. The party line was that it was unacceptable. Though I expected that to be the view of one of the guests, Darren Lewis, I was surprised the others, which included Martin Samuel, agreed.
The tweet was clearly banter between two 20 something mates, but the outrage mob want to build it up a something sinister.

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Leatherhead Hammer 12:42 Thu Oct 3
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
This is fucking ridiculous. Anyone who think this is a racist incident needs their fucking head tested.

Eerie Descent 7:24 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Danny Baker got sacked for less. At least he wasn't inferring a likeness or making a direct link.

Welcome to the UK in 2019.

I wonder if there will come a time when Trevor Nelson gets sacked for once getting Darren Day and Pat Sharp mixed up in the mid 90's..

Grumpster 7:16 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Always sounds harsh wishing death on people, but I wish all the people offended by things like this would just die and hopefully painfully.

Thick cunts dont realise that its them who are making the world a worse place with all of this pointless bollocks.

Sort of people who want others prosecuted for harmless nonsense like this, yet would fight to have people saved from the death penalty even if they've murdered 20 people as it wasnt a race crime.


w4hammer 6:50 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
if i was him id counter sue the FA for demafation of character and show the cunts up for what they are

On The Ball 5:16 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
He won't, but I dearly hope he defends himself.

Manuel 3:10 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business

Pagey 12:45 Wed Oct 2

''The world is fucked''

The world? No, the UK is fucked.

only1billybonds 2:56 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
This is an act of cowardice from the FA. They are running scared from the twitter gestapo. Fucking shameful episode

riosleftsock 1:23 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business

Twitter and WhatsApp are tools of white privilege.

The Jerking Knee 1:09 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Did someone call?

I note that WHO favourite Jacob Steinberg is frothing all over this. What a weasley little crettin he is

Moncurs Putting Iron 1:07 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Agree with everything said about the pointlessness of this charge.

But also agree has to be said that if you use Twitter expect to reach and be called out by the lowest common denominator who will read it entirely differently.

WhatsApp for mates.

riosleftsock 1:05 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Hermit Road 2:10 Mon Sep 30

The social justice political model is enabled by identity politics, you described it perfectly.

The concept is that most groups are oppressed, but they fail to realise that the oppressions are interlinked, co-dependent and sometimes entirely unavoidable.

The SJ solution is to identify and lift all of the perceived forms of oppression to enable everybody to be lifted up and freed from their chains owing an eternal debt to their political masters.

What actually happens is the offense-reapers compete with each other and accuse all parts of society of oppression and in order to remove the oppression, societal structures have to be torn down.

From chaos, comes order. (It doesn't).

Mike Oxsaw 1:03 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
You've got to be thinking what a pitifully useless life someone must have to put there nose in where it don't belong and try to make an issue out of this.

We get it. You're sad & lonely. That's YOUR problem; don't try to make it ours.

I.want.that.one 1:00 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Silva has a fascination with black skin, so one journalist wrote

Lee Trundle 1:00 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
The way I see it, the only people who see this as racist are racist themselves.

cornish 12:57 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Can't have banter with your mates now,what a crap decision.

Pagey 12:45 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
What a truly ridiculous decision. It’s so laughable that it’s not even worth commenting on any more. The world is fucked.

joe royal 11:59 Wed Oct 2
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Been charged by the FA.

joe royal 5:32 Mon Sep 30
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
John Barnes has a pretty good take on it .

Reckoned if it was compared to him then it would be racist as he is lighter skinned with small lips.

Simon Jordan said someone compared him with Prince Charming from Shreck so should he start jumping up and down?

That soppy cunt from the mirror was really trying to put words into Barns mouth but John was having nothing of it.

He even dragged up barns last quotes about race but stopped short of calling him an Uncle Tom . Barnes was not impressed.

Hermit Road 2:10 Mon Sep 30
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
I don’t think social media is to blame, that’s just the vehicle. You know it isn’t to blame because as has been said, if it was a lack person comparing a white person to a white cartoon figure, it wouldn’t be a problem.

The issue here is our cancerous approach to social cohesion which says that being white is flawed, and being black makes you a victim. It helps nobody, it’s divisive, and regressive in the extreme in that it seeks to categorise and label everyone with your individual worth being determined by the group you are assigned to. If you’re in the right group you have certain privileges, in the wrong group, you’re guilty of certain social crimes, all of this is decided by immutable characteristics that you can’t change*.

* The one exception is for white men to instantly become victims and raise their social standing by declaring themselves transgender.

Sydney_Iron 1:28 Mon Sep 30
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
Russ of the BML 11:02 Mon Sep 30

Mike Oxsaw 12:04 Mon Sep 30
Re: This Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy Tweet Business
goose 11:28 Mon Sep 30

This is true - WHO's limited appeal has, to date, given us many privileges a few would like eradicated and many have already lost.

It only takes another loon (like the "duchess") to start drawing attention to the site and someone will go for it.

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