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Come On You Irons 2:53 Sat Nov 16
Prince Andrew
A bit of a cunt?

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Auntie Thermite 2:21 Sat Jul 2
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
Not all heroes wear 3 pairs of masks to fight off the mind virus of an imaginary pandemic, while demonstrating their non-existent virtues by cheering on murdering unborn babies, waving pedo promoting rainbow fag flags and yellow and blue symbolistic pleas for WWIII at the same time.

Israel Adesanya at UFC press conference speaks about Ghislaine Maxwell

God bless the remaining few with any shred of humanity left in tact.

Auntie Thermite 2:13 Sat Jul 2
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
I wonder if the daughter of the soviet KGB/isreali spy media magnate Robert Maxwell will even spend one day in jail?

Very little reported on and even less action with any further arrests and shutting down of the global pedo-blackmail operation, now all the facts are known and proven to be true.

Meanwhile every single second of the Amber heard v Johnny Depp show trial was aired live and pumped out 24/7 by every single news channel in the globalised hermetically sealed propaganda bubble called the failing and flailing West in its very last death throes*.

*One would hope, otherwise there really is no hope...

Alfs 3:16 Wed Jun 29
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
BRANDED 11:25 Tue Jun 28

That is changing though, thank goodness. We're seeing more high profile cunts getting what they deserve. Not enough yet, and yes, money helps, but the world has changed in the last decade.

I wouldn't be surprised if Gisselle was bullied/abused by the cunt who was her father. Abusers breed abusers.

joyo 3:08 Wed Jun 29
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
Putinsleftsock and more conspiracy theories crap
I await Hilary,Hunter and the Cabal bollocks to follow

riosleftsock 11:35 Tue Jun 28
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
Not sure what happened there.

I think George Carlin had it covered.

"Its a big club, and you ain't in it"

riosleftsock 11:35 Tue Jun 28
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell

I think George Ca

BRANDED 11:25 Tue Jun 28
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
Exactly how do these establishment types get away with this?

Money I guess.

smartypants 11:22 Tue Jun 28
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
She’s been well and truly thrown under the bus. I don't think I’ve read anywhere that she herself has physically abused anyone, nor has the media or the girls made any reference to any of the dozens of influential men involved.. literally headline news around the world with not one article asking the question on every readers lips

Mike Oxsaw 11:12 Tue Jun 28
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
The establishment will protect it's own.

Who are "the establishment"?

Well, all of the establishment involved here will come out of this squeaky clean, albeit of a lower public profile than before. Others will be thrown to the dogs,

As it is, as it always will be. It's 100% woke proof, too.

riosleftsock 10:26 Tue Jun 28
Re: Jizzdame Maxwell
Banged up for 20 years.

Trafficked minors for sex and despite the Feds having all the tapes and flight records of all visitors to LOLITA island, no other arrests seem to have been named and hardly anybody has been outed.

That's that then.

RIP Ghislaine, suicide some time next month I'd imagine when the cameras break down again and the guard is asleep

chim chim cha boo 2:39 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
Look at the window frame in the middle of the photo of Maxwell's photo of her without royal cunty bollocks and the tart. THAT is Photoshopped and not even good work.

Hervey should phone me as I have got a bridge to sell her.

Kaiser Zoso 2:27 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
Have you seen the photoshopped version Hervey has preposterously used? It's of a white wall and a doorway, with a woman just visible in the extreme right of frame.

Who the fuck takes a photo of a wall?

chim chim cha boo 2:23 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
I'm an accredited Photoshop user and can tell you categorically that picture has NOT been faked.

It's not 'interesting'. The cunt is a 24 carat lying nonce. Stop trying to defend the indefensible.

Kaiser Zoso 2:15 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
Does Hervey also explain the ongoing 'friendship' with a convicted paedophile, or is that too difficult on the Adobe?

Kaiser Zoso 1:09 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
What a desperate load of bollocks. How fucking thick do you have to be for this to be aimed at you?

cholo 12:58 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
Surely the correct response to someone having a 'fake photo as evidence is to tell them to do one, rather than chuck them £20m?

bruuuno 12:57 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
What’s the odds Meg teams up
With virg to make a tell all tv series about the whole affair? Imagine THAT

Far Cough 12:52 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
J.Riddle 12:35 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
Prince Andrews ex calls her a scam artist and photo fake. Andrews lawyers asked to see the original photo and she said she lost it, then quickly agreed a settlement.


Very interesting

Alwaysaniron 12:51 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
J.Riddle 12:35 Thu Feb 17

Another fucking hanger onner... Righto, we'd all cough up £20+m on the basis of every scam artist we come across producing a 'fake' picture. What a total load of utter bollocks. The upper classes still think that if you've not been to Eton you must be as thick as fuck and equally as gullible. Stuck up good for nothing cunts the lot of them..Exception is Her Maj.. She's ok

J.Riddle 12:35 Thu Feb 17
Re: Prince Andrew
Prince Andrews ex calls her a scam artist and photo fake. Andrews lawyers asked to see the original photo and she said she lost it, then quickly agreed a settlement.


Mad Dog 6:37 Wed Feb 16
Re: Prince Andrew
Headline daily express.

"Give it a rest' BBC Breakfast viewers hit out over Prince Andrew coverage 'Move on'"

Yeah, it's not like he kicked a cat or anything.

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