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bruuuno 9:35 Tue May 12
Past life regression
Does anyone know much about this? I have reason to believe that I may have had a past life

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Alfs 2:52 Thu May 14
Re: Past life regression
I watched documentary years back about this Aussie hypnotherapist that specialised in this kind of thing.

I went into it very cynical but by the end, I was pretty convinced that there is something to it. There were several stories but the most convincing was that of an Australian woman who, under hypnosis, became a 15th-century French peasant girl who worked for a wealthy family in (she named the town).

She described the family she worked for, the house that she lived in, her bedroom space. The documentary team found the house (now a ruin) and it was more or less as she described - apart from there was no bedroom, as she'd claimed.

So they brought in some archaeologists to do some digging. And they discovered it. The bedroom. It had been closed off for what they thought was probably 200 years.

On top of that, the Aussie woman had never left Australia in her lifetime.

There were a couple of other very convincing cases, too.

bruuuno 11:46 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
For the purposes of gank my job was actually as an IRONWORKER

Barty 4:09 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression

only1billybonds 3:53 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Nausea was the only feeling you had after looking in the mirror Swiss you rancid sack of snot

Swiss. 3:47 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
I'm sceptical as I'm sure most are. However in my frequent travels I was working in Boston for a short while. As I was driving from Logan to my hotel in Cambridge I has very weird feeling I'd been there before.

gph 3:46 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
"Do a lot of past life regression meditation, helps you forgive yourself and to focus on what you've learnt from your mistakes, basically."

You can't have made many mistakes.

Hammer and Pickle 3:06 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Thing is the point of Karma is to get out of it.

So trying to find out about past lives may not be helping you all that much.

bruuuno 12:51 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
, 12:04 Wed May 13

How at strange I have been reading Gita and the upanishads of late but that is not what made me think of it

Hallerinthemorning 12:39 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Would love to believe in it and like to think we have many lives but I would say that whatever you discuss in a regression appointment is purely your imagination. It feels strange as you prob didnt realise you knew about the things u mentioned but the brain stores things and a hypnotist unlocks it.

My wife did an online medium against my wishes 2 weeks ago and was told that one of her friends will announce they are pregnant during the lock down. Talk about throwing enough shit at something. Her friend told her last night she is pregnant and that apparently confirms that the medium has special powers.

These thieves in plain sight

Block 12:26 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Do a lot of past life regression meditation, helps you forgive yourself and to focus on what you've learnt from your mistakes, basically.

Helped me a lot, and I'm a bit of a fuckup.

Lee Trundle 12:10 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression

, 12:04 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Why not read the Bhagavad Gita and figure out how many lives to go before perfection is achieved.

Just as men discards worn out clothes and puts on new clothes, the soul discards worn out bodies and wears new ones. ( 2,22 )

Coffee 11:55 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression

Nurse Ratched 11:54 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
"Keep an open mind, there's a lot we don't know"


Coffee 11:40 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression

As I understand it, past life regression is not about mediumship, but hypnotism. The way it works, allegedly, is that the hypnotist takes the subject back through their life and then continues to the time they were born and goes further back. At this point, so it's said, the subject is in a previous life. Hence regression. Going back.

I honestly don't know if it's true or if it's just a new age fad. I've been hypnotised twice by someone who was training to be a hypnotherapist, and can highly recommend the experience. It wasn't to overcome an addiction or anything like that, just to reach a deep state of relaxation. You're in control all the time, you never lose that. I don't know how it works when a hypnotist gets people to do stupid things on a stage.

Keep an open mind, there's a lot we don't know.

cholo 11:14 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression

I also think it might be telling he has a child that died. So did a much more famous Doctor who also got heavily into mediumship, Arthur Conan Doyle.

Sven Roeder 10:09 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Im seeing blonde hair
Did anyone in your family have blonde hair?
Might be a bit mousy , Ooh maybe it’s brown ... the light isn’t great
It’s someone with a vowel in their name
Anyway they say hi and don’t marry that harlot

Coffee 10:07 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
The question is answered.

Nurse Ratched 10:02 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Who knows?

I think Cholo knows. As do I.

Coffee 9:36 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Maybe, cholo. Who knows?

cholo 9:30 Wed May 13
Re: Past life regression
Coffee wrote...

His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from “the space between lives,” which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss’s family and his dead son

All that goes to show is that even medical professionals can be duped by cold reading and that they're perhaps not as sceptical as they imagine.

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