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13 Brentford Rd 12:14 Thu Sep 3
Names for a miniature Poodle?
Can't believe I'm posting this here but here goes with tin hat firmly fixed...

The wife has bullied me into getting an Apricot coloured male mini Poodle pup which arrives on Saturday and is still nameless as we're struggling for suitable Frenchish but not poncey names?

We have cats but Poodles get on well with them apparently. First dog for us but we've both had dogs when were younger.

She's set on Henri but no way am I am calling him that for obvious football reasons!
I like Pepe but she says it's not French enough and it reminds me too much of the ex Liverpool keeper FFS.

Good people of WHO?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

13 Brentford Rd 6:32 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Ag ag. Looks like s little bear at the mo.

Swiss. 6:22 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Have you checked for hooves?

13 Brentford Rd 6:20 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Cheers MPI. At least some got it and aren't so bitter & angry that they need to insult and point score on every thread.
Gus is very sweet, not greedy or motivated by food which is unusual and very clever as Poodles are.
Right choice of dog and name.

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:33 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
ChillTheKeel 12:20 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?

This was a good old WHO laugh with me thread and the stalking and points scoring as been at a minimum compared to most.

I have rather enjoyed it, I wish Rattywhitepooshivermess a long and happy life.

Razzle 12:38 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?

Nurse Ratched 12:34 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?

ChillTheKeel 12:20 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Zzzzzzz yet another 'look at me' thread by the camp idiot.

Mr Kenzo 12:16 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
*What do you do for an encore. Torture cats? *

*Raises Eyebrow*

13 Brentford Rd 12:14 Wed Sep 9
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Charming. What do you do for an encore. Torture cats?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 3:03 Tue Sep 8
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Miniature Poodle, you say?

Doesn't matter what you call it, as long as it ends in R.I.P.

Nurse Ratched 1:52 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Yeah, he's still around.

13 Brentford Rd 1:46 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
I remember Gus too.
Di s he still post?

Aberdeen Iron 1:25 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Is there not a DOG icon thingy yet then?

BRANDED 1:23 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Gay Useless Sod ?

Nurse Ratched 1:20 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Yeah. Top chap.

Coffee 1:20 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
13 Brentford Rd 1:16 Mon Sep 7

Direction is OK, label is not.

Council Scum 1:19 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
I remember Gus, nice fella

Nurse Ratched 1:17 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
There was a WHU forum poster called Big Gus. I know him rather well in real life. The fact that you have called your little gay dog 'Gus' has provided me with amusement.

13 Brentford Rd 1:16 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Is that the Labs name too?.
Though it was just called The Hound.

Coffee 1:02 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
North Bank will be delighted.

13 Brentford Rd 12:32 Mon Sep 7
Re: Names for a miniature Poodle?
Decided on Gus (Gustave)

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