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easthammer 8:47 Mon Oct 26
Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund

What do you think?
Good Charitable Action
Cheap Publicity?

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one iron 3:33 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Sir alf. that means in simple terms , greedy ,grabbers,horrible,untrustworthy.,and most people hate them.

Sir Alf 3:01 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Im just saying ...

The communal narcissist is entirely something else. I hadn’t heard of this category until I read Malkin’s descriptions, and perhaps you haven’t, either. This third type of narcissist is a relative newcomer to the party; the designation is only a bit over a decade old.

Surprisingly, while this narcissist shares characteristics with the other two—these are all people who continuously seek to validate their self-perceived grandiosity, esteem, entitlement, and power—this type focuses on promoting him or herself through commitment to others, communal goals, and the supposed ability to listen and connect. Yes, this is very counterintuitive (aren’t narcissists supposed to be out for themselves?), but a strong case has been made for these supposed do-gooder types. Here is how Malkin explains them in his book:

They regard themselves as especially nurturing, understanding, and empathic. They proudly announce how much they give to charity or how little they spend on themselves. They trap you in a corner at a party and whisper excitedly about how thoughtful they’ve been to their grieving next-door neighbor. That’s me—I’m a born listener! They believe themselves better than the rest of humanity, but cherish their status as givers, not takers."

Does this sound familiar?

one iron 2:43 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
fair play to him, but always a method to his madness,maybe his boy jack will pay the photographer girl he knocked for a tenner on his night out with his mates in london.she charged £80, she had a coke to drink, he stoped the money for the coke £10 pounds out of her wages,like father like son.

southbankbornnbred 12:42 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Sniper - I agree.

I'm sure our fans can differentiate between a generous charitable donation and how he acts as chairman of the club.

I just wish many more successful business folk also donate similar sums. The UK is suffering some of the worst child poverty etc in decades - exacerbated by the pandemic. That's the time when wealthy folk need to step up and show they actually give a shit.

Fair play to Sullivan for doing so.

Doesn't change my view of him as West Ham's chairman.

Sniper 12:38 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Credit where credits due, that’s a great thing fir him to do. Regardless of whether you think it’s just for publicity, it’s still a significant donation to a vital cause. Anyone who has worked with vulnerable families and children will know what a lifeline this sort of thing is, so fair play to him

Alwaysaniron 12:36 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
He's given £25k, some might think that is derisory, some might think he's done it for publicity. I think there's a bit of both in there but at least he's done something.

southbankbornnbred 12:35 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
I'm not going to criticise him for making a generous donation to a good cause. It's a good thing.

He's still a shite chairman, though. And I still want him out of West Ham faster than Marcus Rashford could give away the food Sulli's £25k buys.

Russ of the BML 10:50 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
ChillTheKeel 10:17 Tue Oct 27

I think what he means is free school meals always has been and always will be. This is not stopping.

The vote was whether to extend free school meals outside of school term time. So basically all the time, even when the school is closed.

GreenStreetPlayer 10:33 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
In truth, the only headline I want to see is Sullivan selling up! Everything else regarding him doesn't mean very much.

Sven Roeder 10:25 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Can remember when George Michael died all sorts of stories came out about his generosity to random people and to charities including giving them the rights to royalties of various songs.
He also put Andrew Ridgely on the writing credits of songs he didn’t write to give him money. That’s charity!

ChillTheKeel 10:17 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
But they haven't stopped free meals, they want more free meals when not in school.


What are you on about?


"So when you give to the needy, don’t announce it with trumpets like the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets to be honoured by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full"

Jesus H Christ

Takashi Miike 10:12 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
the bloke who runs the food bank charity was also praising him about a donation on one of the fan channels, maybe it was a condition that it had to be publicised :.)

Nicey 10:11 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
ATBOG 10:54 Mon Oct 26
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Dave "Nicey" Sullivan does a lot for charidee but doesn't like to talk aboudit mate

Well that’s my cover blown!

stewie griffin 10:10 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
who knows?

no different when there's a charity thing on here. People post on here, 'I've donated'. Yes, it will say on the justgiving page that you have.

People are cunts. Cunts who try desperately to prove to everyone else that they aren't cunts. And behave like cunts in doing so. Cunts.

Kite 10:08 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
ChillTheKeel wrote...

Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
"He can't win"

He could stop donating to the cunt party that's voted to stop free meals for a start.

But they haven't stopped free meals, they want more free meals when not in school.

GreenStreetPlayer 10:06 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Why the fucking PR?

stewie griffin 10:02 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
good for him

doubt the other two cunts would bother

GreenStreetPlayer 9:54 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Don’t worry, that £25k has been accounted for somewhere else.

Mr Kenzo 9:51 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
£25k !! That's a lot of Dildo's

ChillTheKeel 9:31 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
"He can't win"

He could stop donating to the cunt party that's voted to stop free meals for a start.

Sven Roeder 8:23 Tue Oct 27
Re: Sullivan Donates £25K to School Meals Fund
Donating £25k isnt virtue signalling
Whatever anyone thinks of Sullivan and whether publicising it is a good or bad thing he has made a real contribution not just words.
Wonder what Lady Brady , Minister for Cheeseboards in this government,thinks of this

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