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stewey 8:40 Mon Nov 9
So will you be taking the new vaccine
Fuck yeah bring it on

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Guy Gibsons Dog 8:36 Sat May 1
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine

chim chim cha boo 4:33 Sat May 1
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Had my second Oxford Astrazenica jab more than a month ago and there were absolutely no side effects to either.

I suffer from blood clots anyway and have to attend the anticoagulation clinic every two weeks to get my warfarin dose adjusted to thin my blood.

I guess that I am now fully vaccinated and feeling pretty good about it. Great, in fact.

El Scorchio 2:52 Sat May 1
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Had my first one today. AstraZeneca. No real side effects so far, aside from a few aches.

ForeverHammers 2:40 Sat May 1
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Takeup is still high as they keep lowering age. It has been interesting what happens for 18-30 age group.

I do agree with some that part of the reason to mention Vaccine Passports and travel is to drive more of this age group to Vaccine.

Government has been wise to remove the AztraZeneca Vaccine as a reason to not get vaccination in that age group as Media had been portraying significant negative. Media has focused on deaths after that but there have been deaths following Pfizer that will start getting more attention eventually.

riosleftsock 12:06 Fri Apr 30
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Hardly anybody is travelling at the moment and there are already 6 hour queues at the airports because of the additional measures.

I might need to travel for work, but it can probably wait til next year if needed.

The EU are talking about only allowing people with EMA approved vaccines, so no chinese, japanese or american travellers.

Yeah right, this is just a ruse to persuade people to take the jab.

fraser 11:28 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
I just think you'll need a negative test for most countries.

chim chim cha boo 11:27 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Nothing to do with needing to be vaccinated to travel from THIS end.

Everything to do with other countries not letting you in without vaccination and a negative covid test.

It's exactly what I wish Britain would do before letting potential covid carriers in to the country.

fraser 11:20 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
I'll be amazed if you need to be vaccinated to.travek.

BRANDED 11:03 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Israel, The Lebanon, Jordan and Iran are all on my list of places to visit ASSP

Vexed 11:02 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
That's a good point chim, a small upside of pikey Brexit Britain.

riosleftsock 10:53 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine

I've been loads of times and have family out there. Not as chap as it used to be, but its a great holiday

riosleftsock 10:52 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine

The reason the passports are in the news is because they think they can use them to persuade more people to take the jab.

In your case, it worked.

joe royal 10:50 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Apparently Israel, Gibraltar, Channel Islands and Malta will be on the green list.

Never been to Israel.

BRANDED 10:43 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Most countries will allow anyone in if they’re rich enough.

If you’re a plebs they’ll find all kinds of reasons to keep you out

chim chim cha boo 10:41 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Sorry, did I just go back in time and become a school pupil again?

Fuck your example, with all due respect, vaccination passports have been all over the news for ages.

riosleftsock 10:36 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Is that right chim? Give me an example?

chim chim cha boo 10:35 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Can't say I really understand you Rios. All I'm saying is that there are going to be many countries you're not going to be welcome in unless you've had the jab.

riosleftsock 10:33 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Great idea chim, I hope you are a millionaire who enjoys spending 6 hours in an airport or can afford a private plane

chim chim cha boo 10:22 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Can all of you who don't want the jab please firm that idea up in your heads and NEVER have it please?

It'll stop all the utter boring cunts trying to talk to me on holiday just because I have an English accent. Holidays in Jaywick for you, my friends.

'Sorry mate, I heard your accent, where are you from'?


'Oh wow. I'm from...Royston in Hertfordshire...'

Lily Hammer 8:59 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
You’re going to need more updates than Microsoft Windows.

, 8:15 Thu Apr 29
Re: So will you be taking the new vaccine
Grapes, the best reason to have the follow up jab is because it prolongs the immunity that the first jab gave you.

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