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Dicko75 7:20 Mon Aug 30
This Pen Fathing geezer
Anyone else think he’s a bit of a cunt.

Saving fucking cats and dogs ahead of people. Twat.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 1:51 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Yeah, but these cars has one, maybe two go-faster stripes along their sides.

Don't want to be leaving powerful stuff like that lying about, someone might get hurt using it.

Crassus 1:10 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
It’s rich the MOD brass whining about Pen
He wanted to get people out
They were shifting fucking CARS
Moreover, how can we shift cars and leave an arsenal of weapons to the wronguns?

Northern Sold 12:24 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
In one claret...

claret on my shirt 11:59 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Didn't he charter his own plane to get the animals out. Maybe the question you lot should be asking is why did we leave it so late to get people out and why did we not get more planes in there ourselves.

Its not his job to get people out!

ludo21 11:50 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
And FYI Mr Chocolate, Pen Farthing is not a Rupert he was an NCO in the Royal Marines. Left as a sergeant I believe.

Northern Sold 11:37 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer

Mr Chocolate 2:39 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
So this Pen-is Rupert demands his street dogs be transported by the British Military, regardless of all that logistics entails.
Why was the fucking deranged, up- his own - arse self entitled prick 'rescuing' street dogs in that shithole anyway? , couldnt he do the same fing in Turkey. ?

What rescuing Afghan street dogs and reuniting them with US and UK military personel that served in Afghanistan in Turkey??

Oh and he had no help from the British Military... it was a chartered jet... otherwise spot on my ol China...

Coffee 8:25 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Whole nutter Chocolate.

claypole 8:22 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Chocolate knows the coo

Mr Chocolate 8:18 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
All the 4444s

Mr Chocolate 8:17 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Just ask Peckham and his double lively division.
Its all bollocks
Peckham is my hero

Mr Chocolate 7:05 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Serving in the forces doesn't excuse shite.
That's a cop out.
Plenty of proper cunts in the forces, just like in civvy st.

Mr Chocolate 3:02 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
was 'she' was sporting a warbonnet?

gph 2:52 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
By coincidence, I've just met a woman with the surname Jeronimo (nothing romantic).

I'm congratulating myself on not mentioning the other Geronimo.

Mr Chocolate 2:39 Thu Sep 2
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
So this Pen-is Rupert demands his street dogs be transported by the British Military, regardless of all that logistics entails.
Why was the fucking deranged, up- his own - arse self entitled prick 'rescuing' street dogs in that shithole anyway? , couldnt he do the same fing in Turkey. ?

Fuckin cunt

New Jersey 4:36 Tue Aug 31
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Be careful Nurse or Mr Chocolate will be on the thread, he reminds me a bit of that Erith (John?)character. Also where's Chill nowadays?

Mike Oxsaw 4:32 Tue Aug 31
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
More food for the dogs.

Nurse Ratched 4:30 Tue Aug 31
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
FMOB, all that Geronimo caper...

New Jersey 4:21 Tue Aug 31
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Spent 20 years in the forces, served in Afghanistan and started up an animal shelter, fuck me the bloke deserves a knighthood.

If he had got back to the UK a few days earlier, there's no way Geronimo the alpaca would have been put down, the cunts!!

Fifth Column 4:14 Tue Aug 31
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer

When you have an argument with your Mrs does "being there" somehow make you entirely objective? You may as well say "Pen Farthing says he's a top geezer therefore Pen Farthing is a top geezer".

GSB do an amazing job. Brady tells us often enough therefore it's true because she's the one in the boardroom.

Northern Sold 4:10 Tue Aug 31
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
You should be charged by the WHO police at some of the shit you spout on here COYI... locked up... key lobbed...

Come On You Irons 4:05 Tue Aug 31
Re: This Pen Fathing geezer
Threatening to "fucking destroy" a government official is surely a malicious communication and Farthing should be charged by the authorities.

He won't though as he's nice to cats and dogs. Pathetic!

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