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twoleftfeet 2:47 Sun Oct 24
Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
What the fuck is going on in this Country?

2 teenagers murdered and another seriously injured. 8 people arrested.

Brentwood! No one should go out after dark these days.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

bruuuno 9:00 Thu Jul 7
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
The ‘victims’ apparently chased the defendant with machete and a knuckle duster. Gutted? Hope the bloke gets a light sentence, moral of the story is don’t chase people with machetes and you won’t get killed

solidbond 3:26 Fri Oct 29
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
Too much dummy dust

JAC 1:01 Fri Oct 29
Re: 18 year old murdered by a 15yo.
Very sad but Brentwood is nothing like Ilford.

joe royal 11:04 Thu Oct 28
18 year old murdered by a 15yo.
Early hours in Ilford.


PwoperNaughtyButNot 8:27 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
Watson of Baker Street

I swear the matrix has run out of names

twoleftfeet 8:01 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
According to an earlier post on here one of these lads was known to frequent the Brentwood area where they would use knives on people in order to relieve them of their expensive watches.

RichyP 6:08 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
Police have said it was a targeted attack. You have to wonder why 2 16 year olds from Romford were roaming the streets of Brentwood at 1:30 am. Whatever that reason was, whatever, they were up to, it ended up getting them both killed.

Absolute tragic waste of 2 young lives, 3 if you include the lad arrested for the murders. Kids that age are still kids, they shouldn't be fucking around playing gangsters at 1:30 am, they should be safe at home in bed.

, 5:06 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
Years ago these two kids might have got away with a good hiding but now they are simply stabbed to death.

A summary execution that hints at a back story to me.

Eerie Descent 4:35 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
You're absolutely spot on, bruuuno.

Bad boyz are now glamourised in our new 'culture'. Not directly as such, but we all know what's going on.

bruuuno 2:45 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
‘Cunch yutes’ (young people from outside of urban areas are emulating gang members from cities based on what they see on SM. See mad Frankie from orsett

bruuuno 2:43 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.

TheBoleynBoy 12:26 Wed Oct 27

The whole gang, road man thing is massively down to social media and the idiot cunts glamourising that way of life

smartypants 2:17 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
Frankie Watson, from the mean streets of Orsett.. just goes to show

ornchurch ammer 2:08 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
Boom Boom

legrandefromage 2:05 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
After a police chase, Frankie Watson was caught by the Cock at Orsett.

Eerie Descent 1:14 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
Ah, the old Krays line is trotted out again.

*rolls eyes*

TheBoleynBoy 12:26 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
What has social media got to do with killings?

Don’t remember the Krays or the Richardson’s having social media accounts to be honest.

I suppose they loved their mum and you could leave the door open back then.

Charoo 12:09 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
It’s all so fucking tragic - gang members, little fuckers, dealers or just victims of stupid “beef” or whatever - at 16 they were kids with their whole lives in front of them.

I like many of you probably know a little group that we’re fuckers at that age but have actually grown to become good people and made a success out of their life.

Also the kid charged with Murder, that’s gonna be a minimum 25 years of tax payers money, the best years of his life gone.

3 families split to pieces - no one fucking wins.

It’s just stupid, mindless and needless.

Shit has always gone on in all of history but social media glamourises extreme actions and a get rich quick lifestyle where designer trainers, watches and cars mean more than human life and a reputation for being a bad man is the ultimate goal.

I fucking weep for the young - as a parent of two young boys I hope like fuck someone invents an incurable virus that shuts down social Media for good. It’s the fucking devil.

Syd Puddefoot 11:55 Wed Oct 27
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
A 19-year-old man has been charged with murder after the death of two teenage boys.

They were found fatally injured in Regency Court, Brentwood, Essex, at about 01:30 BST on Sunday.

Frankie Watson, of Baker Street, Orsett, was charged with two counts of murder, attempted murder and possession of an offensive weapon.

He has been remanded in custody and will appear at Southend Magistrates' Court later.

Essex Police said two men, aged 20 and 21, had been released on bail and a 40-year-old man had been released under investigation.

Vexed 8:45 Tue Oct 26
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
You sound a bit mental Rickaaay.

Vexed 8:40 Tue Oct 26
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
You sound a bit mental Rickaaay.

Eerie Descent 8:39 Tue Oct 26
Re: Brentwood - 2 teenagers murdered.
The police have got far too much to worry about investigating Tweets than worrying about cause and prevention of stuff like this.

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