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Far Cough 7:17 Sat Feb 5
Jimmy Carr
What a fucking helmet:


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Sydney_Iron 10:27 Thu Feb 10
Re: Jimmy Carr
master 9:59 Thu Feb 10

Judging by that lot of "Protesters" at least the roads will be clear of the insulate Briton types when Carr has a gig!

Mad Dog 10:14 Thu Feb 10
Re: Jimmy Carr
"Careful now"
"Down with this sort of thing"

master 9:59 Thu Feb 10
Re: Jimmy Carr

Hahahaha hahaha. As with all things twitter, it's never backed up properly in the real world.

peroni 12:57 Wed Feb 9
Re: Jimmy Carr

Sniper 11:15 Tue Feb 8

Sniper 11:15 Tue Feb 8

Sniper 11:15 Tue Feb 8

Sniper 11:15 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
The show has been on Netflix since Christmas Day

The complaints started because one joke was shared on social media 6 weeks later. Nobody cared before that

He literally starts the show explaining that he’s making jokes about terrible things but the show isn’t the terrible things themselves

He starts the end section stating to the jokes are aimed to offend calling them ‘career Enders’

He then rightly points out after the traveller joke that, before he said anything, most people didn’t even know Nazis had targeted those communities as well

It’s just people looking to be offended.

Cabbage Savage 8:40 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
at less he never kicked the cat

Feed Me Chicken 8:34 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
Used to like him not so much now so i don’t watch him, pretty simple process really.

Adele’s music offends me but i don’t try and get her cancelled i just don’t listen to her

Queens Fish Bar 8:30 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
wasn't bothered about him on the TV.

But went to a live show - he crosses the line, thats part of his act. I'm woke but I laughed like a drain.

only1billybonds 8:08 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr

I was born in Limehouse and my old mans family goes back 5 generations in the East End.

I would be concerned about my mental state if i took offence at a joke made about the place of my birth or at the expense of the people who have lived there.

BBondsBootlaces 6:08 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
Not a huge Carr fan but I don't have a problem with free speech.

I'm sure most of the pearl clutchers haven't even seen the show.

As he said, they are jokes & not the actual acts.

Aberdeen Iron 5:52 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
Went off him years ago because of his rape jokes.

Mike Oxsaw 5:39 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
Whoopi Goldberg could probably do without the controversy at this point in her life/career - Jimmy Carr makes a living from it.

Wouldn't be surprised if various PR teams are playing this like a Strad on both sides.

zico 4:09 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
What's interesting to me is the level of criticism shown towards Jimmy Carr compared to the seemingly dwindling criticism to the comments recently made by Whoopi Goldberg. One makes a joke (albeit not a particularly funny one) the other actually believes in what they say and the one who makes the joke gets more criticism!

chim chim cha boo 12:54 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
'the Germans decided to bomb East London and the blitz killed over fifty thousand Cockneys. So that was an upside'.

Anyone offended by that?

Alfs 5:22 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
I've just watched the first ten minutes of said show and it's as funny as acid thrown in your face.

Stevethehammer 2:14 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
I don't like Carr really but would rather watch him than dross like Stephen K Amos.

joe royal 12:20 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
Why do seagulls have wings?

To beat the pikeys to the tip.

riosleftsock 12:07 Tue Feb 8
Re: Jimmy Carr
He did this one on R4 Loose Ends 16 years ago

"‘The male gypsy moth can smell the female gyspy moth up to seven miles away – and that fact also works if you remove the word “moth”.’"

Actually did make me laugh.

Nurse Ratched 10:54 Mon Feb 7
Re: Jimmy Carr

Queens Fish Bar 10:45 Mon Feb 7
Re: Jimmy Carr
Right wing cancel culture big on this thread.

I'm woke, saw Carr live laughed like a drain at his sickest jokes.

Its fucking comedy you snowflakes.

Mike Oxsaw 8:31 Mon Feb 7
Re: Jimmy Carr
Tuesday it must be. Yes.

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