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13 Brentford Rd 1:45 Fri Apr 15
Alphonse Areola
Thought he deserves his own thread.
Been really impressed with him, has played a big part in our European run, was also superb against Man City in the LC.

A definite keeper for next season as the No:1 imho.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

JayeMPee 11:00 Tue Apr 19
Re: Alphonse Areola
Sooner see us bring Pope in and Fabianski sllp to no.2

flyingV 9:24 Mon Apr 18
Re: Alphonse Areola
His contract expires with PSG June 2023 and he has spent his time there out on loan to other clubs. They’ve got Donnarumma as number 1.

If they aren’t interested in renewing it, or if he fancies a shot at being number 1 somewhere else then he will understand that nobody else is going to be paying him £140k a week. There’s no way he is going into negotiations with anyone else with that as a starting number.

Unless they bin off the Italian and decide to make him first choice then he will be taking the signing on fee and a pay cut.

daveyg 8:54 Mon Apr 18
Re: Alphonse Areola
I agree with dealcanvey tbh
Whoever plays in the semi should play against Chelsea. Will get plenty of practice too.

Side of Ham 7:08 Mon Apr 18
Re: Alphonse Areola
We won't get a better keeper and Moyes plays him in what is now our priority competition....the owners will do their best to keep the wages down or risk having their wages cap hiked across the board and I'd guess Moyes will also not want the disgruntlement in a squad that has a great togetherness so maybe Areola would compromise?

chim chim cha boo 6:55 Mon Apr 18
Re: Alphonse Areola
Listen to you, negotiating his wages as if you personally paid them, throwing super Fab under the bus as if he wasn't one of the best keepers we've had in my 50 years of watching West Ham, -it's almost funny.

Almost. Most of us have been around long enough to see a lot of you mob berating every single keeper we've played in the last twenty odd years, some of who I would agree with, even when we've had current England internationals and others who played for their national teams.

Think of it like this: We strengthen up in a few key areas and manage to keep hold of Declan so we have a very strong team to battle for anything between fourth to sixth spot for the next few seasons.

Then, instead of Fab or Ariola use your time machine to put David James or Joe Hart in goal. Or Rob Green (a player I actually liked) or Shaka Hislop, Roy Caroll, even Bernard Lamah, in fact every goalie going back as far as Big Phil.

Still think it's a false economy to pay big money for a great, trustworthy goalkeeper?

southbankbornnbred 3:55 Mon Apr 18
Re: Alphonse Areola
There's no way we'd pay £140k a week for a keeper.

That may well be his starting point for negotiation, but it will come down. IF he's trying to land that (could just be paper talk), then it's because his agent is using his PSG salary as his starting point. He'll be aware that he could price himself out of a move - and regular first-team football at a fine club - if he insists on silly money.

He's a good keeper, and I'd be happy if he signed for us. But not at £140k a week.

hammerintheorient 4:02 Mon Apr 18
Re: Alphonse Areola
Do the frickin deal!

master 7:29 Sun Apr 17
Re: Alphonse Areola
Fabianski today at the corner which they scored from.

That's poor keeping.

Eerie Descent 2:57 Sun Apr 17
Re: Alphonse Areola
£140,000 for a keeper who is a lot of dough. He'd be our current highest earner, by some distance.

Romfordboy 12:36 Sun Apr 17
Re: Alphonse Areola
140k is not that bad…

It’s a question of where we see ourselves if we want to be competing in the top 8 on a consistent basis we will need to pay higher wages.

dealcanvey 9:35 Sun Apr 17
Re: Alphonse Areola
Yet you take the time out of your Easter Sunday to reply to it.


Have a splendid day Manuel.

Manuel 5:23 Sun Apr 17
Re: Alphonse Areola

dealcanvey 6:38 Sat Apr 16

''I would play Areola in the remaining league games to keep him match sharpe for the Semi finals!''

What a completely pointless thing to say, it's NOT going to happen.

diehardhammer 2:48 Sun Apr 17
Re: Alphonse Areola
£11m is the the rumour

But apparently his wages are 140k a week

Barty 2:37 Sun Apr 17
Re: Alphonse Areola
Sign him up

How much do PSG want for him?

dealcanvey 6:38 Sat Apr 16
Re: Alphonse Areola
We have two very good keepers.

Both a big step up on the Adrian, Randolph pairing we had under Bilic.

Not much between them.

I would play Areola in the remaining league games to keep him match sharpe for the Semi finals!

Hopefully they make his deal permanent as he is an ideal long term replacement for Fabianski.

chim chim cha boo 4:20 Sat Apr 16
Re: Alphonse Areola
like super Fab at Swansea, Areola was player of the season at Fulham despite them getting relegated.

I really like that in a player (we can include Scotty Parker in that list) as it shows a real desire to dig in and battle despite all the odds (and your shitty team mates) being against you.

I love Fab but at his age it's about time we started a slow transition between using a great goalkeeper and a much younger great goalkeeper.

Remember that goalie is probably the most important position in the team. It doesn't matter how prolific you are in front of goal if the opposition just gun it up the other end and put one past your flappy keeper.

didn't I read somewhere that a decent keeper is worth about 12 points a season? Either buy him or look around for another relatively young World Cup winner for the money PSG are asking.

daveyg 2:13 Sat Apr 16
Re: Alphonse Areola
For me Areola should be number 1. Fabianksi has had a good season but will not be as good next year.
If/when we win the EL where would you have your number 1.? As Liverpool do Alisson plays EPL and CL. I feel that's where we need to go. There is the Caraboo cup too for Fabianski . If it's EL or ECL then Fab can have them. I also think both are better than Sam Johnstone currently who hasn't had the best season in the Championship.He could of come in if Fab hadn't signed. For me Hegyi will be a top keeper. He may need to go out on loan for the 1st half of the season , he's better than Trott or Anang already. One of them will leave probably Trott.

Eerie Descent 1:16 Sat Apr 16
Re: Alphonse Areola
How about if no one is prepared to pay the fee and the wages, Nage son? You reckon PSG would rather pay this wages for a year and still lose him on a free?

Nagel 12:49 Sat Apr 16
Re: Alphonse Areola
Another season loan with an option to buy might be ideal but there's no chance of it happening seeing as his PSG contract runs out next year. Even if it were longer PSG would be mugs to loan to a club who only use him for cup games, seeing as they'd want him in the shop window.

It's either buy him or let him go, and for £11m and a hefty wage (even if he takes a pay cut) you'd probably want him to be first choice. Is he good enough for that? Maybe...

Sven Roeder 12:09 Sat Apr 16
Re: Alphonse Areola
Another season loan with an option to buy would be ideal.
Fab has signed on for next season and you'd think Areola would be looking to take over during that ... think Fab could continue as number 2 for another season after that as well

Never rated Johnstone so hopefully someone else takes him

Eerie Descent 12:07 Sat Apr 16
Re: Alphonse Areola
I meant to say 'Nearly as bad is'

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