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joe royal 3:05 Fri May 6
So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?

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pdbis 7:42 Tue May 10
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
We aren't in it so I don't care who wins.

Hammer-ed 7:29 Tue May 10
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Personally I don't give a "Donald" but if Rangers beat Frankfurt no doubt they would have said that they would have beaten us if we made it to the final.

Northern Sold 2:57 Tue May 10
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Been up to Glasgow a couple of times for football…. Once playing and once watching… looked after both times by some ‘Gers lads… fucking good as gold… yes the bog walls make interesting reading about all the things the Pope has had stuck up his arse but apart from that religion was hardly mentioned (more from our lot querying it than anybody else) just a bunch of decent footy lads with loads of banter… we had a brilliant time up there.

AKA ERNIE 2:45 Tue May 10
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Wouldnt open my curtains if it eas in the back garden
Jock fans are fucking pathetic absolute waste of space tossers oooh our religions bettrr than yours wankers

Wilko Johnson 1:49 Tue May 10
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Over the two legs the Frankfurt fans I met were pretty decent apart from a small minority of very angry, aggressive ones. Then again in the upper tier last Thursday some of our idiots were throwing half full plastic beer glasses over at the fans to our left who were all harmless. Not nice if you're watching the game and get smacked in the side of the face with one of them. Almost all the Rangers fans I've ever met have been one-eyed gobshites so I'll definitely be hoping for a Frankfurt win.

Agent Scud 11:58 Tue May 10
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Both foreign teams as far as I'm' concerned so really couldn't give a flying fuck.

Pub Bigot 12:44 Tue May 10
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Reading this thread, and they say the Scots are the ones with chips on their shoulders.

fraser 10:44 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Sir Alf - I think they'll win, they've already knocked out two better German teams who are 2nd and 4th in their league.

Sir Alf 10:35 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Would like the Sweaties to beat the Jerries but suspect Frankfurt will win. Better team than their league position suggests.

fraser 10:20 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Chim - one was a cup semi final and yeah their league is shit. But it doesn't change the fact that they won their semi final and played at 100% with no rested players in between it, unlike us.

Then turned up in the second leg

chim chim cha boo 9:33 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
'Rangers played two old firm derbies in between their qf and sf ties.. Won one after extra time and drew the other'.

All that does is show you what a pile of Shit the sweaty league is. Don't those two cunt teams play each other ten times a season, just like in the EPL where Man City play Liverpool every other week? It certainly feels like it anyway.

fraser 8:56 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Rangers played two old firm derbies in between their qf and sf ties.. Won one after extra time and drew the other.. Played at a much higher intensity than we did in our corresponding matches against Brentford and Arsenal.. He has a point.

Barty 8:18 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
How about the Rangers striker Morelos

He's wasted in the Scottish league

Hammer-ed 8:11 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
That fat c**t Alan Brazil said in talk sport that " ...West Ham had the same issues as Rangers regarding having a small squad but at least Rangers made it to the Final".


Rangers could easily field a second string players against the like of Dundee Utd ( which they give FOUR teenagers their debuts last weekend) and Hibs and still beat them.
I mean Dundee Utd are 4th in the Scottish Primer League, pushing for Europe but a Rangers team with kids still beat them!!

The complete t**t shouldn't compare the EPL to the Scottish Primer League!. Rangers have an easier season then us, but Brazil can't contemplate that. Dim witted T**t!.

Lato 7:54 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
I have a soft spot for Rangers always have dunno why though ?

I also have a Jock mate who is a massive Celtic fan......so yes come on you GER'S!

mashed in maryland 6:29 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Fuck no.

If they win it'll mean we were beaten by a team who lost to a Scottish club.

Imagine that ffs.

Fuck all the politics of it, jock football is just shit

SDKFZ 222 5:11 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
I’d love Rangers to win, not because I support them, but just to see the Frankfurt fans get some back after their behaviour towards us throughout the competition.

They reminded me of the Wigan fans when they had relegated us, but more so the behaviour of the Birmingham fans when they beat us in the League cup semifinal second leg at their place. Anyone who was there that night at St. Andrews will know what I am speaking about.

I don’t agree with those who have said that we’d have behaved the same way. In my heart of hearts I know that we wouldn’t have invaded the pitch or trashed our own seats and then marched towards them and trying to get at them. However, fair play to the police for batoning a few of them.

Alwaysaniron 3:36 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
I too was christened a Catholic and was bought up to hate Rangers. I will 100% not be supporting them. I don't particularly like Celtic either.

El Scorchio 3:32 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
Probably Rangers but I really have no interest.

TBH I want to see the German fans looking gutted. It really sticks with me that we were so shit against them in both matches and I hated all the shots of them lording it up and celebrating. Just call me jealous and bitter and a bad I guess. Sickening that all we had to do was beat a mid table German side and Rangers (way better than both on paper) to lift a major European trophy and we fucked it spectacularly by turning in two dreadful performances along with getting basically everything go against us in both legs of the tie. I'm angry with the team for throwing away a golden opportunity which might never come again in my lifetime.

Are they going to get into any trouble for ripping their own seats out and invading the pitch, by the way? Doubt it, but we'd probably get banned from our supporters attending the final if it was us or another English club that had done the same.

chim chim cha boo 2:59 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
My insides can only take so much so me supporting another bunch, a Scottish one especially?

Fuck that!

daveyg 2:02 Mon May 9
Re: So…… we all shouting for Rangers now?
I hope both set of fans are a disgrace and both get kicked out of Europe.

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