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joe royal 8:37 Sun May 22
Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
Rip to all the victims.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

mashed in maryland 9:47 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.

whu 9:20 Thu May 26

Absolutely spot on.

The Tories promise to get a hold of the borders, and the only thing guaranteed is year on year the amount of people getting into Britain increases; legally and illegally.

Their goal is exactly the same as Labour's, just Labour are honest about it.

collyrob 7:37 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.

Been back and forward my whole life. Plenty of friends & family there.

Milly, still chasing birds around stansted son?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 5:42 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
collyrob is so multicultural and loves London so much that he supports a group that placed lethal explosives in its pubs, railway stations and large office buildings with the specific intent of killing members of its diverse population. He also supports the shooting, blowing up and torture of his protestant countrymen in the north.

You can't get any more right on than that. Not being as caring and nice as him makes me feel dirty.

Leavemyarcelona 5:21 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.

Where did you got that bollox from

Eerie Descent 4:33 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
How long have you spent living in London, collyrob?

collyrob 4:29 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.

I never said England isn’t multicultural, it certainly is and it’s great. I love how diverse London is.

Just a shame there’s some knuckledraggers who voted for Brexit based on racism and xenophobia.

whu 12:58 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
surface - yep, if only there was a viable opposition

Lee Trundle 10:41 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
collyrob 8:57 Thu May 26
"According to a quick google search 87% of England is white."

According to google, 94% of Ireland is white.

The last time England recorded 94% was in 1991.

So Side is bang on. We are decades & generations of people ahead of you.

violator 10:30 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
I'm black and i'm proaaaaaad *picks up saxophone*

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 10:24 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
Not quite whu.

Exiting the EU has given us the power to have firmer control of our borders.

The fact that the government has signally failed to do this is now a matter between them and the electorate. They are no longer able to blame the EU.

whu 10:17 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
The soundbite was to give the impression that exiting the EU would give us firmer control of our borders, which it clearly hasn't. I know all about the Lisbon Treaty btw but we live in a soundbite world. It was a major Leave voter factor at the time and a major Tory vote grabber also.

goose 9:46 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
But it was never anything to do with Brexit.

whu 9:20 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
Tory manifesto promises and their actions, are sadly a million miles apart when it comes to illegal immigration. We all know what a huge vote grabber this issue is, with the right soundbites through MSM. It never got beyond a soundbite though. It's an expensive and dangerous mess.

Side of Ham 9:14 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
I haven’t as you were talking about cities like Dublin……doh!

collyrob 8:57 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
“One street that is deemed multicultural” lol, you have no idea at all do you.

According to a quick google search 87% of England is white.

You’ve had a mare here son.

Side of Ham 8:45 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
Dublin probably has one street that is deemed multicultural, and I doubt you even grew up with many folk from far away, we even have multicultural accents now across parts of England…..80% of Dublin is still white so do us all a favour and keep your nose out when it comes to knowing what multicultural is and how racist we are…..we are pretty well inclusive of all cultures…..including yours….seeing as Ireland likes to include the U.K. folk there as being part of their ‘multicultural society’….we are decades & generations of people ahead of you.

collyrob 4:25 Thu May 26
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
"Hermit, this is why our usual Irish posters (not all) get torn a new one along with the Polish pisshead and the like, none of them actually reside in a multicultural society to even understand the nuances and often worse the communities with communities"

I've lived in dublin my whole life, you are seriously misinformed if you think it isn't multicultural.

Side of Ham 6:17 Wed May 25
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.

Side of Ham 6:16 Wed May 25
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
Hermit, this is why our usual Irish posters (not all) get torn a new one along with the Polish pisshead and the like, none of them actually reside in a multicultural society to even understand the nuances and often worse the communities with communities....especially in large cities......that throw up all sorts of problems that are getting masked behind the accusation of racism.

Trevor Phillips once did a documentary on East London and the white folk moving out......it turns out many of them were told to go and they wouldn't get a council property near their relatives due to another skin colour taking priority.....he said himself it wasn't due to racism on their part.....ignorance of historic events now get sept under a presumption of racism.

Hermit Road 5:50 Wed May 25
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
Within 2 generations the Irish completely discarded one set of religious beliefs that captivated 95% of them and replaced that creed with the creed of Wokeism which they seem to be buying into with just as much gusto. It is remarkable how dull and woke they have become. Also, when they were conventionally religious they weren’t that preachy about it but now they are evangelical.

What gets me most though is when they preach about how racist the English are. Their kids still go to school where everyone looks like them, they live in towns where practically everyone looks like them, and they are permitted to celebrate every facet of Irish culture that their ancestors celebrated for generations.

In short, if you’re Irish (and I have a fair bit of insight into it), shut the fuck up about how racist you think the English are just because they voted to not to be controlled by Germany.

Side of Ham 5:37 Wed May 25
Re: Manchester arena and Lee Rigby.
collyrob 4:30 Wed May 25

It can't be racism can it look at what Brexit stopped....the freedom of movement of people who are the same race......it's xenophobia at best and you're pretty good at that yourself collyrob with your sly digs at the English at every opportunity......

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