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whu 9:23 Mon Aug 1
Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
This subject is on the season ticket thread, not looking to offend. However, I think this deserves its own thread, possibly even pinned?

There are many many West Ham supporters of a certain age that simply cannot do the whole 'ST on you phone' thing.

I won't list the reasons, they are many and obvious but many of these people are the heart of this club. Many still following home and away.

To make these loyal supporters feel awkward over something the young see as so simple, is embarrassing and simply not on. A bit of respect is due.

Why the club cannot make it easy and offer this service to people (example) over 55 years of age, is beyond me.

We all get the logic, streamlining and efficiency side of the cardless /paperless system BUT please let's not make this a big deal for some of our most loyal of supporters. Many of whom have backed this club through the toughest of times, for decades. Let's have a bit of respect.

Please sign attached and be vocal on this to WHUFC ticket office.



Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

On The Ball 5:00 Wed Aug 10
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Interesting - I had the opposite as none of my NFC tickets from last season had disappeared (hence me trying to get in on SUnday with last season's Man City ticket). I wasn't able to delete them on Sunday but today it let me, now I've got a nice Brighton ticket.

charleyfarley 4:50 Wed Aug 10
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
oioi yes I lost my ticket to expired folder and so did 2 of my mates

El Scorchio 4:46 Wed Aug 10
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Just checked. Mine also went into the expired bit. I rescued them but they still say Man City rather than having been updated to Brighton. Even though I have updates switched on.

oioi 3:48 Wed Aug 10
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
My Man City phone ticket worked a treat. Today I noticed that my season ticket had disappeared from my iPhone wallet. I thought it was odd but presumed it would reappear before the Brighton game. Being bored I started flicking through my expired passes folder and, by pure chance, found my season ticket all set up for the Brighton game. I pressed 'Unhide' and now it's in my wallet.
No idea if it's just me or have you all lost your STs to the expired folder?

easthammer 1:53 Tue Aug 9
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Before the new tickets were issued I wrote a long email to the club complaining that when the NFC tickets had been trialed last season and that both occasions I received them despite being able to download them to my phone they hadn't worked at the turnstile. I asked a raft of questions about what I might be getting wrong including having more than one ticket on the phone. I also complained about their instructions for android phones with google pay were out of date as the app had changed to google wallet.

didn't get an answer so phoned the club to complain that I hadn't received the tickets with less than a week to go and that they had ignored my email. They told me not to worry and that if the tickets didn't work I would still get in and that they had had a lot of queries to work through.

I eventually got the tickets and downloaded them and guess what?

They worked fine. I am still working out what I learnt from this

whu 10:07 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
you cant screenshot the qr code on my samsung - 'security issue' etc.

fraser 8:17 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Used a screenshot on my phone in the QR reader, worked fine.

billywhitehorse 7:46 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
I picked up my card from the ticket office before the game.
There were about a hundred in the pile of cards about 45 minutes before kick off.

It didn't work at the turnstiles so I went to see a senior steward. He just let me in without checking or using the card.

SnarestoneIron 7:44 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022

HAMMERNH 2:43 Sat Aug 6

Of course they are, they are for a different ground!!!

Billy Blagg 7:31 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
arsene york-hunt 5:07 Mon Aug 8

Click on the link on the email the club sent out last week and it will take you to the 'Digital Ticketing on Match days' page scroll down to the section about 'What to do if you don't have a Smartphone'. There's a link there.

arsene york-hunt 5:07 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Can anyone point me in the direction of how I can apply for one of these tickets with the photo id?

scott_d 11:46 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
got there about 30-40 mins before KO.
Both queues to get into concourse and the ground were reasonable, not too long.
No real drama in the ticket queue, few people having problems but no more than normal.
Tried the QR code to get in and worked fine so reckon you can screenshot and sent it on to someone else?

one iron 11:22 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
crossed hammers, you seen the size of my hands. thats why i cant use a i phone ect.

On The Ball 11:12 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Missed the first five minutes as I got there late having come straight from City Airport. It was slow at H.

My NFC ticket didn't work and the QR code didn't work - I showed the bloke who pointed out that it wasn't working because it was the ticket for the last game of last season. Whoops! Worked first time when I used the right ticket, although I don't get why the old one was still on there.

BRANDED 11:10 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
The digital ticket worked perfectly unlike the team

1964 10:51 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Turnstile J. Got there 40 minutes befor KO. Small queue.

NFC ticket worked fine after my cynical doubts.

Only positive thing about the game really.

oioi 10:49 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Got there just as the turnstiles opened, short queue, phone ticket ticket worked perfectly. Straight to the bar, no queue, £6 for a pint of Amstel.

⚒️ 10:46 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
I wonder what the weason for that was, Bill?

one iron 10:44 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Went over the ground at 10am sunday. Club sent my weason card to a person i did not know, loads of fans waiting to be seen at the office .we are a fucking joke. any other buissness you would say fuck off, but we love westham,and thats known by gsb,thats why this shit happens.

El Scorchio 10:43 Mon Aug 8
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022
Heard it was dreadful outside. (Luckily) Anticipated it and got there almost an hour before KO with my dad and only queued for a couple of minutes, (and two passes on one phone worked just fine after all) but those that sit behind me were in at least 10-15 mins after kick off and they are never late. One bloke only got in half an hour into the game and was furious. This is turnstile J.

How was it for everyone else?

Mike Oxsaw 5:20 Sat Aug 6
Re: Plastic Card Season Tickets 2022

one iron 2:43 Sat Aug 6

Sounds like Sullivan's cut a deal with the Post Office on mailings.

How can you have so much information about your customers and still fuck things up?

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