WHO Poll

Hammer Oz 5:57 Mon Aug 29
Serious question - re WHOers
What percentage of posters are:
Thick, Euro 96ers - Sack Moyse, Emerson is shit........ (Wow, just Wow on that one)
Wind up merchants - See above
Other teams fans - Crossed Hammers etc

I first went to Hammers in late 70s and think the internet, Euro 96, modern society ( I need it now mentality) have breed some really thick fans

Had misfortune to listen to Moore than a Podcast and the fuckers on there complain about West Ham and say they can't be bothered going......
Simple, don't fucking go then

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hammer Oz 5:56 Wed Aug 31
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Weird, some posters are typical of WHO, slag off thread without any substance.
The educated agree with me... those who agree have been going longer than 5 minutes...

Was watching the game Sunday and thought (I do occasionally) the first time I went to Villa Park (FA Cup S/F) was 42 years ago.. Fuck my old boots
Was in the Everton end as my mate's uncle was a Villa season ticket holder. As a 15 year old bit dubious until a few other West Ham turned up.
Remember Freddie Starr being in the seats above us..
I know you care

Queens Fish Bar 9:28 Tue Aug 30
Re: Serious question - re WHOers

Queens Fish Bar 9:28 Tue Aug 30
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Hammer Oz 6:46 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Manuel, I forgot to add....

large percentage on incels.

Keep dreaming 9:16 Tue Aug 30
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
I've come across plenty of stupid threads here over the years, but this really is one of the weirdest one I can recall. Ag Ag fucking AG

ted fenton 8:46 Tue Aug 30
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Me and my son had season tickets for 10 years before the move in the Chicken Run but we moved to Chav Corner because the atmosphere seemed brilliant ! How wrong we were we couldn't wait to move back ! I'm sure a lot of them didn't understand the game and the slagging off of players was cringe worthy Oh and quite a few had the white stuff round their nostrils at halftime at least Alf Garnet only had a half bottle of scotch.

SDKFZ 222 8:12 Tue Aug 30
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
I’m a 72-er and my son is a 92-er. We have season tickets together and have done so since he started going with me.

Even he reckons that our supporters have totally changed during the past 30 years and I tend to agree with him. However, society has changed as a whole, not just football followers.

Mike Oxsaw 7:56 Tue Aug 30
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Certain combinations in a threesome may require that.

Nutsin 7:09 Tue Aug 30
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Well, when I masturbate I use two hands!

Hammer Oz 12:17 Tue Aug 30
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Just quick update
aqueta..... You're shit.... Over rated..... Waste of money

Says some fat knacker on WHO, who lives with his mum

Mike Oxsaw 3:38 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Consider uz skooled twiys - you sad lonely, deflecting twat.

Hammer Oz 3:19 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
I'm here to EDUKATE you dumb fuckers

I'm a proper fan unlike most of you

Hammer Oz 3:19 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
I'm here to EDUKATE you dumb fuckers

I'm a proper fan unlike most of you

Crassus 3:17 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
FFS what a wrongun

And there was me thinking 'Oz' was an antipodean reference - clearly a hamlet in the Forest of Dean

Johnson 3:09 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
You’ve posted on here fantasising about the tape of your own daughter by your brother and also posed on here as your own wife outing you for sexual relations with a young girl.

You are in absolutely no position to comment on anything anyone says on here Oven Chips you fucking deviant.

easthammer 2:49 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
With all honesty if an estimate of how many posters on WHO are misguided dickheads pretending to be somebody other than they really are constitutes a "serious question" you need to reassess how you prioritise your concerns

Serious answer 100%😄

Takashi Miike 2:07 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
"Talkingshit Miike 10.35..you're a prime example as you don't go and watch the team,but don't stop moaning and slagging others off non stop....miserable prick"

anyone that talks like this ⬆ needs to fuck off. especially you, you thick ginger lemming cunt

Side of Ham 1:09 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
In some ways this site is a good place to vent….then when you are away from it you can be your good self…..call it the ‘Snickers’ moment of forums….

happygilmore 12:46 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Hammer Oz 5:57 Mon Aug 29
Serious question - re WHOers

"Had misfortune to listen to Moore than a Podcast and the fuckers on there complain about West Ham and say they can't be bothered going......
Simple, don't fucking go then"



You pretty much stumbled across the correct answer in your last paragraph above.

If you don't like what you read on WHO, then SIMPLE, don't fucking go there then !!!!!

See ya !

Aberdeen Iron 12:35 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers

Iron Duke 12:31 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
By the way, what do you expect people to discuss on a West Ham United forum? Just because someone slates Moyes, Scamacca or anyone else, it doesn’t stop others from arguing something different. It’s better than the constant political threads that have ruined the site.

Iron Duke 12:23 Mon Aug 29
Re: Serious question - re WHOers
Takashi Miike 10:35 Mon Aug 29

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