WHO Poll

Problem Child 9:46 Tue Aug 30
Self-driving cars
I don’t know about you, but I’d rather jam an old fashioned glass thermometer up my jap’s eye and then introduce a couple of rough twists to my harpooned member before I’d let a car drive me anywhere.

What about you cunts? Ever trust a Toyota to whisk you down the Old Kent Road?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

mallard 7:42 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
Do they give a wide BERTH when overtaking Cyclists?

Hammer and Pickle 4:56 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
This should be introduced on French motorways on pain of death with immediate effect.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 4:12 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
When all cars self-drive , which they will, nobody will need to own a car.

Biggest cost is typically labor. Remove the driver from a taxi and suddenly trips are cheaper.

All the cars parked on top of each other on every street in the UK will be a thing of the past. There is no space left.

Tap an app and on 2 mins the car is outside your house and for a couple of quid off you go.

Car manufacturers will switch to taxi companies / fleet suppliers / maintainers.

In the future you will own nothing and be happy.

If you don’t believe this will happen then let’s catch up after 2030

gregan 12:36 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
I think they would be perfect if every car was one. That's about as likely as West Ham going into a season with 3 strikers.

Problem Child 11:56 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
But if you're not driving your car, presumably it doesn't matter if the other car indictates or not? As long as your car 'knows' the other car is turning...

Fuck that shit.

Problem Child 11:56 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
But if you're not driving your car, presumably it doesn't matter if the other car indictates or not? As long as your car 'knows' the other car is turning...

Fuck that shit.

yngwies Cat 11:47 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
I'm assuming the fuckers would indicate and not hog the middle lane

zebthecat 11:38 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
Insurance is going to be the big sticking point. If your self driving car hit by another self-driving car who is liable? You, them, the manufacturers, all of the above?

zebthecat 11:31 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
Not yet.
On motorways and A-roads perhaps but not narrow roads or in urban environments.
The was one large-ish scale test of Google's cars (there is a reason they have been out of the press recently) on a British island and it had to be abandoned as they were incapable of making decision on crowded roads and were flummoxed by roundabouts causing a huge uptick in road rage. A fair proportion of them got vandalised,

BRANDED 10:16 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
I would happily do this. Assuming they work.

Travelling Iron 10:13 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
After sampling the idiots driving around the M25 I would welcome self-driving cars with open arms.

goose 10:13 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
Crazy isn’t it?

Your kids will probably never have to drive a car or maybe even pass a test.

Bet my fucking insurance still doesn’t go down though.

roltrader 9:57 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
Apparently Apple have pulled out of the self driving car development. They have discovered that they will still need to install Windows.

gph 1:04 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
Let me reassure you.

I went for a job involved with developing self-driving cars.

I didn't get it.

Any Old Iron 12:12 Wed Aug 31
Re: Self-driving cars
These things are doomed to fail in the UK. There would be carnage on narrow country lanes where they would have a complete meltdown if they came to a point where they couldn't pass an oncoming vehicle.

Problem Child 10:49 Tue Aug 30
Re: Self-driving cars
Not going to be mainstream for me, I tell you.
That cunt Musk can do one.

joe royal 10:42 Tue Aug 30
Re: Self-driving cars
A few years ago I had the job or babysitting a prototype nissan self driving car. All the sensors were installed and the car sorted itself out (motorway only) Everything worked perfectly except they couldn't get it to slow down smoothly.

They will be mainstream soon.

The testing was in Scandinavian countries.

ak37 10:28 Tue Aug 30
Re: Self-driving cars
It’s still gotta be safer than a woman driving.

lab 10:27 Tue Aug 30
Re: Self-driving cars
I didn’t think you had to be in the car ,I thought they took themselves off for a little jaunt .

Hammer and Pickle 10:19 Tue Aug 30
Re: Self-driving cars
"Ever trust a Toyota to whisk you down the Old Kent Road?"

There is something moving about this question but I can't quite put my finger on it.

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