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Sven Roeder 10:33 Wed Oct 19
100 years of the BBC
National treasure or overbloated, overfunded protector of PAEDO'S?

Thats enough about the Royal Family .... how about the BBC who were 100 years old yesterday?

In my view it needs a strip back from the endless levels and channels and a cull of people like Lineker being paid a million quid when there would be queue round the block of better performers at a tenth of the price.
The licence fee should be scrapped and replaced with SOME government contribution and while not going as far as advert breaks from McDonalds et al but to have sponsorship of shows like the dancing & cooking nonsense and EastEnders etc

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

factory seconds 6:14 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
that all the best BBC stuff is in 4:3 is a bit telling.

GreenStreetPlayer 6:08 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
“Our BBC?”
Not for the majority view of this country.
Don’t recognise them anymore.
Certainly don’t trust them.

zico 4:17 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
I read it here - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-63131429

zebthecat 3:46 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
Mike Oxsaw 3:40 Wed Oct 19

Yes, it is Radio 4 Long Wave. I read that it was the Archers.

If anyone fucks about with Test Match Special there will be blood.

Mike Oxsaw 3:40 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
zico 2:11 Wed Oct 19

That criteria may well have been laid down when Radio 4/The Home Service was broadcast on AM at a frequency and power that could reach deep-lying nuclear submarines.

The world is rapidly running out of the technology needed to make such broadcasts - although there may be stockpiles of such shit languishing in a long-forgotten ex-Soviet warehouse somewhere..

El Scorchio 2:44 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
zico 2:11
That is a great bit of trivia! Love it. Guess it makes total sense as well. I'd like to know what the other three are, now.

Northern Sold 2:44 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
Still do the greatest nature/wildlife doc's so for that alone worth the dosh... some great historical docs etc... but apart from that I find myself less and less watching Auntie Beeb..

RBshorty 2:40 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
The TV License is a tax. And offers absolute nothing to myself. The sooner they do away with it. They quicker you will find how much people really want it.?

zico 2:11 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
Bit of trivia - The broadcast of BBC Radio 4's Today programme is famously one of the official measures the Royal Navy uses to prove that the UK still exists. If it can't be picked up by nuclear submarines during their isolated missions for three days in a row, then it could signify Britain's demise, triggering the doomsday protocol.

WHU(Exeter) 2:02 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
I used to really like a load of the BBC's output from years ago, the Big Match was better but MoTD was always a must watch, and I used to really like stuff like Play For Today and the fact that they'd stick on some decent foreign films, that ITV would never have bothered with.

They've just one downhill though, particular lowpoint for them (imho), was their tryin to scare everyone witless every morning during lockdown.

It's just the little things as well, quiz programmes such as House of Games, where the contestants get a big "well done" for identifying a breed of a dog, with the anagram of 'ODLOPE' as happened last night. "NICELY PLAYED"..."And well done anyone watching who got that" etcetc...

I'd miss radio 6, that's it.

Gloucester Iron 1:56 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
An absolute national institution and have absolutely no problem paying the license fee as it's worth every penny for the local, national and international broadcasts coverage...

Takashi Miike 1:15 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
hopefully it's buried soon, along with that eugenicist cunt attenborough

Lee Trundle 1:11 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
I reckon you'd feel a whole lot better if you just came out of the closet, Sven.

Its 2022, for christ's sake. No one will batter an eyelid.

Sven Roeder 1:08 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
Rather than in programme advert breaks I was talking about companies paying to be the sponsor of shows .... mentioned at beginning and end as in 'brought to you by ...'
ie EastEnders proudly brought to you by the Samaritans
Bake Off proudly brought to you by Fat Cunt Cake Mix
Strictly proudly brought to you by Spangly Gay Trouser Co.

What would I miss?
Natural history stuff with D Attenborough
Music & arts doco's on BBC4
That show where Fiona Bruce tries to prove whether art is fake or not with the help of Phillip Mould and a bloke called Bender
The World Cup
Test Match Special
Elizabeth Rizzini doing the weather on the London news

Lee Trundle 1:05 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
You just woken up to watch HOMES UNDER THE HAMMER, comma?

, 1:02 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
Long may it continue.

Swiss. 11:41 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
I'd keep BBC sounds. Some good podcasts on there.

Lee Trundle 11:38 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
Percy Dalton 11:19 Wed Oct 19
"Although it's lost its way it still makes great documentaries."

Some of the criminally underrated Storyville documentaries (which haven't been made since 2018) are excellent, but I can't think of many others.

I'm one of the few that doesn't get moist over Attenborough, though.

BRANDED 11:27 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
Raggead Vaccines Inc?

Coffee 11:24 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
BBC World News TV adverts in South Asia this morning included:

Amul butter
Turkish Airlines
Hawkins pressure cookers
Life Insurance Corporation of India
Tata cars
Some Arab biotec company, forget the name

Lee Trundle 11:23 Wed Oct 19
Re: 100 years of the BBC
Alex Scott?

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