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Kaiser Zoso 8:26 Sat Oct 29
Paul Pelosi
Does anyone else smell a crock of shit here?

A bloke in his underpants breaks into the hone of the second most powerful person in the US?

Perhaps he just wanted some investment advice since the Pelosi’s out perform Warren Buffet?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Kaiser Zoso 8:24 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Yeah, I read the bit about him being unemployed, and listening the right wing propaganda, and how he suddenly loved Trump and the clincher was a unicorn uniform and I thought to myself yeah, I can easily see why this could happen

*wanker sign

PwoperNaughtyButNot 8:08 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
The main difference between Paul Pelosi and DePape is one has killed someone and the other hasn’t.

Manuel 6:25 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
joyo - Sorry, but this is fucking pathetic. Poor.

Jaan Kenbrovin 6:21 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
His nudist hippy commune ex wife and son have a blogsite claiming this is a cover up.


goose 6:11 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
honestly joyo - even your attempted insults are just bland.

you're probably the kind of person who goes to mcdonalds and orders a plain burger.

joyo 5:28 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Lee 4.42..very true and the fact it was orange proves it beyond doubt

joyo 5:26 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
gosse you still having sex with your mum and jealous of her because her moustache is bigger than yours?

goose 5:20 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
joyo 5:12 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Yes snide I've fucked the groomed

At least you’re being honest about it now.

joyo 5:12 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Yes snide I've fucked the groomed doom and gloom loons on this

Side of Ham 5:06 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
You just wanted to BUMp something joyo….

joyo 5:03 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Looks like I've triggered the usual conspiracy theorists freaks who can't admit once again they're well wrong

Takashi Miike 5:00 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
ginger oddball defending fellow oddball

goose 4:44 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Yeh unicorn costume definitely doesn’t scream ‘bender’.

Lee Trundle 4:42 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Nothing says MAGA and "I LOVE TRUMP" more than an inflatable unicorn costume.

Side of Ham 4:34 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Why did you feel the need to BUMp this?

joyo 4:04 Wed Nov 15
Re: Paul Pelosi
Looks like the trial on at the moment proves DePale was in fact a pro Trump conspiracy theorist nutcase and the usual suspects like goose/Zoso etc wrong with their bollocks about Pelosi been bender/gay argument etc totally made up.

only1billybonds 5:07 Sat Jan 28
Re: Paul Pelosi
See your inner Nazi showing itself there Dopey.

MrTrentReznor 4:08 Sat Jan 28
Re: Paul Pelosi
People are seeing what they want to see in the bodycam footage.
Pelosi has a drink in his hand - to me it doesn't look like a cocktail. I think it is a glass of water.
I don't think it was a gay hook-up gone wrong.
I think Pelosi went to bed drunk.
He didn't set the house alarm because he was drunk.
The crazy guy broke in.
Pelosi didn't hear him.
Pelosi was awoken by crazy guy.
Crazy guy allowed Pelosi put on his shirt.
He was also allowed get a drink of water which a drunken Pelosi needed as he had a drunk thirst.

I think the police have been to the Pelosi household on numerous previous occasions as the Pelosis like to drink & this has resulted in numerous dramatic outburts.
This is why the police officer said he definitely didn't want all of you at the start of the bodycam footage.

Hunter Biden isn't going to jail.
A New York/DC/Delaware jury would not convict him.
Even if it did he would be pardoned.

Kaiser Zoso 3:22 Sat Jan 28
Re: Paul Pelosi
Joyo, Joyo, Joyo
Don’t care where he is in the world,
As long as she’s deaf,
And as long as she’s dumb,
He can nonce along and brag when he’s home.

Hammer and Pickle 3:19 Sat Jan 28
Re: Paul Pelosi
“Shall we do it your way and all threaten to kill eachother?”

It would go some way to raise the tone around here.

bruuuno 3:10 Sat Jan 28
Re: Paul Pelosi
Joyo takes it,
Joyo takes it,
Joyo takes it up the arse,
Joyo takes it up the arse

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