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Nutsin 8:52 Mon Nov 7
What will it be for the holidays?

Cherry pie n custard?

Rhubarb crumble and custard?

Christmas pudding and Brandy butter?

What’s your joy?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

zebthecat 1:00 Thu Nov 10
Re: Dessert
This is an utter pasting.
India have given up.

The Fonz 12:51 Thu Nov 10
Re: Dessert
Christmaskkah for me Ironsofcanada

Nothing like a doughnut around that time of the year

ironsofcanada 4:45 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Surely those of us with East End roots have a little Hanukkah-celebrating ancestry.

That is one of a few reasons to maybe say - holidays

Mike Oxsaw 1:09 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
eusebiovic 1:00 Wed Nov 9

In a couple of weeks it will have evolved far enough to donate itself - but not before solving the dilemma of "Dark Matter", "Religious Intolerance" and why we are so shit this season.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 1:02 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
eusebiovic 12:44

Crème Brulee?

eusebiovic 1:00 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Mike Oxsaw 12:53

I guess you'll be donating that one to the nearest food bank

Northern Sold 12:53 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
My 3 personal favs are

1. Sahara
2. Gobi
3. Kalahari

Mike Oxsaw 12:53 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
I've just found a Christmas Pudding in amongst my stuff that has a Best Before date of 1997.

eusebiovic 12:45 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Tiramisu is my favourite - homemade is even better...I'm a dab hand at those.

Crème Brulee or Caramel (flan)
Ice Cream is always good.

After a gut busting main dinner - I've always liked desert to be modest but very tasty.

Nothing worse than a sickly Eton Mess/Trifle or a Christmas Pudding when the belt has just been loosened IMHO

eusebiovic 12:44 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Tiramisu is my favourite - homemade is even better...I'm a fan hand at those.

Crème Brulee or Caramel (flan)
Ice Cream is always good.

After a gut busting main dinner - I've always liked desert to be modest but very tasty.

Nothing worse than a sickly Eton Mess/Trifle or a Christmas Pudding when the belt has just been loosened IMHO

Side of Ham 12:32 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
When it comes Anglo/American terminology the yanks are secondary just like their lack of history in these matters....they are post 96er's when it comes to this type of thing.....whatever WE say is what it is history dictates this......so happy holidays Nutsin all the same! :-)

Mike Oxsaw 12:28 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Sweet, Afters, Dessert AND Pudding?

No wonder those living in the USA are all fat bastards.

Get a proper job instead of shovelling shit in yer norths 24*7, you lazy, lardarse cunts.

Crassus 12:25 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Nuts, mate, if I lived out there I would not be igniting brandy on the CHRISTMAS PUD', I'd be blowing the motherfucker away with an AK

Still, when in Rome and all that, so over HERE it's a solid Happy Christmas from me

Nutsin 12:21 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert

See if u lived out here you’d get to enjoy the 4 day weekend that is Thanksgiving….full of good food, booze, sport and shopping for the ladies.
Throw in an edible or two and Bobs your uncle!

All in all it’s a nice way to warm up for Christmas and New year!

Happy holidays!

Crassus 12:21 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Merry holidays and a happy new holiday

Oh; another vote for 'afters' too

Coffee 12:01 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Nutsin 11:46 Wed Nov 9

Oh, I wish it could be Holidays every day

So here it is, merry Holidays, everybody's having fun

Coffee 11:58 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
*flexes biceps*

lab 11:56 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
It’ll be a HOME made tiramisu for me made with really strong coffee .

Nutsin 11:46 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
It’s fucking holidays, I was talking to my fellow ex pats too, Holidays include Thanksgiving and Christmas…..

And it’s dessert for those that will have a digestif instead of a pie or pudding, oh and anyone who listens to Braindead is a right cunt!


Swiss. 11:28 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Oh you mean the Winter Break ?

No I’ll be celebrating Christmas

Haz 9:59 Wed Nov 9
Re: Dessert
Mary Millingtons Ghost -

All over that mate! Fucking delish. I'd even add whipped double cream and proper custard to that too, just to be really disgusting.

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