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charleyfarley 7:40 Thu Nov 24
⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread
........... V

    London Stadium
    Fri 30th Dec 19:45 GMT
    VAR John Brooks

Darren England: (7) - 24 2

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Awaiting team news

West Ham 19/20: Draw 12/5: Brentford 11/4


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

joe royal 10:49 Sun Jan 1
500/1 we stay up.

Sir Alf 10:48 Sun Jan 1
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
On the subject of mugs gph, I have never seen so many in the club shop before the game. ;-)

gph 1:56 Sun Jan 1
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Will Brentford issue a special mug if they beat us three times in one season?

The White Horse 8:12 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Someone mentioned Dyche as a serious candidate (yet again)

Mex Martillo 7:08 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Someone said we weren’t that bad and it just kicked off.

Far Cough 6:44 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Does anyone know what the argy bargy was in the Bobby Moore last night?

simon, yeah I laughed at that

simon.s 6:39 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
The best bit of last night was Antonio’s air shot. I’ve never heard a whole stadium erupt in laughter like that, as if some live comedy act was being watched, except it was more like some sort of horror show.

gph 6:19 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
I don't think that Cresswell's lack of pace was exposed as his slowness of thought.

The race was over before he realised he was in a race.

Which, of course, is far more worrying than slowness of foot.

That Arsenal reject, Jenkinson(?) was one of the fastest players in the PL at the time he got embarassed in a similar fashion while playing for us.

Dr Matt 6:17 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Sack Moyes
Sell Rice for £80m
Sell Paqueta for £20m
Sell Scamacca for £20m
Sell Vlasic for £12m
Sell Coufal for £1.5m

Take the money and rebuild from scratch using the current youngsters and hiring a DoF/Technical Director and a progressive young manager.

May as well do it now - nothing to lose now.

wd40 6:11 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Thank God the internet wasn't around when Parkes and Dev played their last games in that 6-0 defeat at Oldham!
fuck what a quote !

Of course these two lazy unskilled never putting in a shift players never ever won us fuck all or gave us any entertainment at any stage .
The pair of Wankers winning fuck all for us ,

Dicko75 5:54 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
I honestly thought my tv was buffering when cresswell was running back

nychammer 5:47 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
been screaming for quality backup / replacement to step in for Cresswelll for years now. He's being increasingly exposed

dealcanvey 5:43 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Never seen a defender look so exposed in the premier league as Cresswell did for their 2nd.

In 3 seconds he went from 3 yards in front of their player to 3 yards behind.

Another massive failure from our club not to replace him properly.

Side of Ham 5:36 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Takashi Miike 12:37 Sat Dec 31

As I don't come from Canning Town myself, I'm pleased that someone who does has said what you've said Miike. Also when I saw what some of our 'supporters' did to that invader killed some of the admiration I have for our support.....it was a cunt thing to do to one of your own even if you disagreed with their actions at the time.

Any Old Iron 5:29 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Sorry, wrong thread.

Any Old Iron 5:28 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Apart from the fact, and it is a fact, that this bloke has done fuck all for us the other thing that worries me about him is his fitness - or lack of it.

It's 3 weeks since Brazil left the WC so he's had a chance to rest and then prepare for the PL. No excuses, but last night he was blowing out of his arse before HT. He looked absolutely knackered and that is unacceptable.

Anyway the club clearly failed to learn from the Haller Anderson debacle and just repeated it with Scamacca and this fella.

Sir Alf 4:28 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Agree AOI

I don’t think they will bin him if we lose the next 2 either.

They don’t plan ahead or have contingency plans. They are amateurs at running a football club in terms of the playing side. All their wealth is thru property aside from getting the initial funding which was a result of being prepared to go into an industry that most people would not feel comfortable with or ashamed to be associated with.

Moyes is responsible for where we are now in the league but the continued under performance as a club over 13 years is the owners. The problem was always this but exacerbated by under investment in the past. We can’t accuse them of the 2nd part at the moment because they did invest but like with Pellegrini it’s will be a huge waste of money without seeing the holes in their investment ( no player with any pace ) and by not yet recognising that the manager and coaching team are massively underperforming to the point of incompetence. West Ham is their asset and if they want to risk shaving 100s of millions off its value that’s up to them I suppose nothing we can do about it. But as supporters and us part of our heritage, families and we have emotional attachment so are going to hopefully be very vocal once more about their ownership and guidance of the club.

only1billybonds 4:22 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Maybe the board have decided that this season is their last regardless of what it costs to get rid, therefore, the size of the fuck they give can be found on a pinhead.

Any Old Iron 4:02 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
So it's being said that Moyes has the backing of the board. I suppose he must have seeing as they haven't fired the twat yet.

But what I want to know is just how many more games are they prepared to lose before they come to the bleeding obvious conclusion that Moyes is the problem.

If we lose at Leeds and Wolves, which is very likely, then will they pull the trigger? If they do then they'll have wasted ten weeks. If they don't then they must have a death wish for the club.

only1billybonds 3:51 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
Bit confused about this 'bonus issue' he (Moyes) had.
Surely it was based on an agreement that it would be paid should the team attain a certain league position or higher?
He is in charge of team matters so a massive slice of the responsibility lays at his door. Surely his failure was the result of said bonus being witheld.

Not as if he's struggling for a shilling either, I wouldnt mind being a pound note behind him.

If there's more to it I'm happy to be proved wrong.

BRANDED 3:22 Sat Dec 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Brentford - Official Match Thread - Preview
One good thing about all this shitery is that losing Declan wont be seen as such a big loss innit?

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