WHO Poll

El Scorchio 3:32 Sat Aug 5
In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
There’s usually some angst every summer, but it feels pretty justified this time round. It’s hard to remember quite so much concern for a while.

Best player gone, a few more looking likely to leave. No sign at all of any replacements a week out from the new season. Coaches leaving. Rumours of massive internal disharmony at the club. Dismal preseason with no hint of playing any Decent football. All improbably coming off the back of winning a European trophy albeit at the end of not a great season overall.

So how will we actually do, in your opinion? Are we destined for a miserable season at the foot of the table and early cup exits? Are we going to end up mid table, or are we going to somehow exceed all expectations and have a good season?

Thoughts? Is this the most depressed you’ve been going into a season in recent times or is there no need to panic?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Capitol Man 4:03 Tue Aug 8
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
It’s ok - we’re simply lulling everyone into a false sense of security.

Admittedly it looks like we’ve sold our best player, our best striker, let other players go and had a messy pre-season where we’ve looked awful.

But four days to go until the start of the season and it’s all part of the Sullivan/Brady master plan.

joyo 3:32 Tue Aug 8
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
I'm still buzzing from 7th June and l don't take gear,unlike you miserable doom and gloom merchants on anti depressive tabs that just can't enjoy something we're waited for 43 years
Life is like Oxbore's cock .....too short so fucking enjoy the moment

gph 1:08 Tue Aug 8
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
No trouble at all.

Moyes is spending the last week before the season perfecting his system.

You'll see, 38 1-0 victories later, all achieved with a maximum 10% possession in any match

Coffee 10:08 Mon Aug 7
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
southbankbornnbred 10:03 Mon Aug 7

Rossal 10:07 Mon Aug 7
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
If you had asked people what's your worst case scenario the day after Prague till the opening day of the season..... I am not sure anyone would of correctly guessed the state we are in now

Looks like will be a tough gruelling season, which will only start when Moyes is sacked

southbankbornnbred 10:03 Mon Aug 7
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
I didn’t see the game on Saturday, so won’t fake insight on the performance.

But it stands to reason that, having sold our captain and best player, and not replaced him, we are much weaker right now. Having let experienced players like Lanzini leave, and not replaced them, we are weaker. Having let experienced backroom staff like Warburton and Nevin leave, we are weaker,

Right now, five days from the start of the new season, we are significantly weaker than last season. And we stayed up by the skin of our teeth, after some gobsmackingly bad league performances.

So I’d say we’re looking fucked right now.

That could change. But these incompetent fools need to get a shift on. It takes an almighty effort to have been as bad as we have this summer. We won a trophy in June. You couldn’t design a worse follow-up to that.

Charoo 9:18 Mon Aug 7
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
If that cunt if a manager is still in charge for Sheffield United then start planning for relegation. We have 0 chance of anything if that arrogant, ignorant prick is still here.

Texas Iron 4:22 Mon Aug 7
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?

factory seconds 1:38 Mon Aug 7
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
a hybrid of moyes and anything other than a p45 spells major trouble.

Iron2010 11:18 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
Having not spent anything yet this summer we still hold a lot of aces.

If they are keeping Moyes I just hope they invest in his players !

A hybrid of Moyes and new players he doesn't want spells major trouble.

Stevethehammer 8:55 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
17th or below, no higher and a relegation battle all season

Steady 8:06 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
With this current squad and manager, we’re finishing 20th to 13th, take you pick on which one

Helmut Shown 7:49 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
While Moyes is in charge we are up shit creek without a paddle

SUM A DING WONG 7:12 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?

brundal 5:36 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
We have got players who hate playing Moyes system and clearly want out. Moyes could have a squad of 11 world class players and we would still play the only way he knows . How deep are we in the shit wellington’s would be useless, waders might just be enough. New owner and manager is the only way forward.

marty feldman 5:19 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
If we go into the season with the current squad were fucked . But surely something's gotta give . It's obvious that the board want rid of Moyes . but the dwarf hasn't got the backbone to do it . And is trying to make him walk instead . Sullivan is a cancer that needs removing as urgently as Moyes .

yngwies Cat 3:50 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
When we have a great squad, that promises much we often balls up. Yet when up against it we seem to prevail.

It's just West Ham..

Ask me in a few months.

13 Brentford Rd 3:35 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?

Hammer and Pickle 2:47 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
I haven’t yet given up on Mark Noble but if he doesn’t seize the day now, he probably never will. If he leads the rumoured players’ revolt, they have a fighting chance.

Roby 2:43 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
We’ll get players in I’m sure but Moyes must be at risk with the opening fixtures looking dodgy.

Loose to Bournemouth and Luton away would be a disaster with the other early games looking like L, L and L.

We need at least a solid away point next week.

only1billybonds 2:29 Sun Aug 6
Re: In your opinion, how much trouble are we in ahead of the new season?
Seems to be an underlying feeling that '17th will do.
Cant see any ambition anywhere other than to make/save money.
And as i said last season, you can rest assured that the owners, manager and players wont give nearly as much as the fans so as per last year, fuck them. This club is a massive part of my life but i wont let their performances ruin any more of my weekends, i grew out of that a while back.

I see nothing other than a struggle ahead and i dont think we should be so up ourselves to suggest there are 3 worse teams than us so we'll be alright.

Still, there's always Millwall to look forward to. :-)

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