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w4hammer 11:53 Tue Aug 29
Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
....the usual chaos from the usual suspects at NHC, again...

time someone grew some balls and moved this to Hyde Park and make them pay for it...

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J.Riddle 1:32 Fri Sep 1
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests

Theres talk of moving Carnival to London Stadium and charging a fee to enter as worked in Rio. Security is improved with weapon checks on all who enter. LS security already have experience dealing with large crowds, rail and road connections are excellent
and there are the additional wide open spaces of the surrounding Queen Elizabeth Park for those without tickets who want to soak up the atmosphere.

Oi wot u looking at? 10:43 Thu Aug 31
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Not enough stabbings or arrests for my liking.

violator 9:10 Thu Aug 31
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
My boy is a met officer who was on duty all weekend. He told me there were a lot more stabbings and knife related incidents than 8. I can't fathom out why the stats have been diluted.

Jim79 4:12 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Im sorry but everyone seems to have missed Iron Duke's comment lower down that was absolute comic genius about Lost Prophets and banging dustbin lids.

Massive, MASSIVE, clap of the hands ID. That was fucking funny.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 10:33 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
What’s this? joyo breaking ranks from the narrative?

This won’t do. Re-education for you sir (sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed your gender and pronouns)

Capitol Man 4:47 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
It’s the one week a year they step away from their allotments and book clubs to indulge in a crime spree is it? 13k odd knife “incidents” in London in the past year is about 250 a week. If you’ve got what, 5% of the population of London in the area for what’s likely the busiest days of a long weekend.


900k + offenses recorded in London a couple of years ago - about 17,500 a week.


joyo 2:56 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Capital don't make excuses for the Carnival its a horrible experience after dark,and no the crime doesn't reduce in other boroughs,say what it is ...it attracts the criminal scum to commit more crime,mainly black criminals,its just a fact which lefties like you can't accept

Capitol Man 1:17 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Real question is does this just move the crimes from other parts of London to the carnival for the weekend. Imagine a few are getting stabbed on the average summer weekend anyway.

Cabbage Savage 1:13 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Capitol Man 1:10 Wed Aug 30

Shut your mowf you gave collywob the AIDS

Capitol Man 1:10 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests

Cabbage Savage 12:52 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests

It’s funny when you get all flustered and fall out of character.

GoalLazio 12:57 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Jungle savages

Cabbage Savage 12:52 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
collyrob 12:19 Wed Aug 30

No body arsked you about your AIDS

collyrob 12:19 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests

Cabbage Savage 10:20 Tue Aug 29
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests

Painfully unfunny

Cony Tottee 12:14 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Just out of interest, how many of the arrests at Glastonbury were for people stabbing each other with machetes or sexually assaulting a police officer?

BRANDED 12:07 Wed Aug 30
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Wah Gwaan CUNTS?

arsene york-hunt 11:18 Tue Aug 29
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Went to the carnival in Trinidad 1974 and was made to take part by her family. Had to be very pissed, and I think I enjoyed it Puncheon Rum plays tricks with the memory. Went To Notting ill and thought it was shit in comparison, not much fun at all and did not look right.

Don't really see the point of carnivals, same old shit every year.

Iron Duke 11:10 Tue Aug 29
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
A band banging dust bin lids? Were the Lostprophets there?

joe royal 10:50 Tue Aug 29
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
A few years ago (10?) I drove a float around the carnival, being a middle aged white man I was looking forward to it.

My memory is loads of ladies not wearing very much (dancers)

Shed load of what we would call muscle Mary’s (the black blokes watching)

Lack of toilets

Few fights breaking out over the prices of (Chinese) food and the homies that didn’t want to pay £10 for rice and gravy + £5 for a small bottle of water.

But what topped it off for me was I stupidly left the truck doors unlocked when it was all over to secure the trailer and a carnival goer opened the door and stole my phone.

I was paid to be there - won’t be going again.

Nurse Ratched 10:47 Tue Aug 29
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Arf! @ Savage.

Good to see Pickle getting into the spirit of things, though:


Hammer and Pickle 10:42 Tue Aug 29
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
It's a Tuesday night, Ratched.

Don't you and Terry Ball have a moonlight tryst or something?

Cabbage Savage 10:20 Tue Aug 29
Re: Just ....two stabbings and 300 arrests
Picjkle organize bnech krew nothing hill carnival on sunday.

He cook best jerk swan with rice & cabbige and the salt carp fritta

then he mayke Jakub stab Tomaz

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