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J.Riddle 3:19 Sun Sep 24
100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Following the murder charge on their colleague after the Chris Kaba shooting. Police are now panicking as there are not enough armed police officers to protect the public in case of terrorist attack or other incidents.

I don't know much about Chris Kaba incident some say if he was white he wouldn't have been shot? Others say he had many previous convictions some with firearms but that is not good enough reason to shoot him. Some say he was using his car as a weapon ramming police to try and get away others say not? Apparently Kabas family have viewed body cam footage and said they were making a step back made no comment and have no idea if Kaba committed previous allegations of crime?

I don't know without all the facts who is right or wrong but the decision has massive implications for all our safety as if I was an armed copper I would step back, good luck if they can find others to fill the void.

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Russ of the BML 2:27 Wed Sep 27
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Still staggers me that we have become such an insipid and weak country that there are sections of the community who give a fuck about dirty scum-bag cunts when they get bumped off. And have the platform to make a scene. They should be fucked off quick sharp.

The cunt was a wrong'un and the streets are safer without him around.

Willtell 9:47 Wed Sep 27
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
"Its a secret method we use to purge us of retards. Works very well"

Ha ha ha! Which one of us is called BRAINDEAD then?

BRANDED 9:53 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Willtell 11:06 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
BRANDED 10:57 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
“I no longer live in London and feel sorry for you that do.”

I would suggest the loss of you and people like you have made the place a joy to live in.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Why are you such a miserable cunt then BRAINDEAD?

Its a secret method we use to purge us of retards. Works very well

GBHammer63 9:47 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Mass downing of guns by firearms officers if shooter of Kaba named. Only to be expected, and justified I think. However Russell Brand’s name is everywhere for something he’s only accused of??

Far Cough 3:13 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
How does someone training to be an architect get caught up in all this

Hitler had aspirations of becoming an Architect

dealcanvey 11:11 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
''Kaba had been charged in 2018 with possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence,[1] in relation to an incident on 30 December 2017.[2] He was found guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court in January 2019, and sentenced to four years in a Young Offenders Institute.[2] He was released in 2021.[2]

In the months following his death, six men were charged with conspiring with Kaba to commit murder and grievous bodily harm; the charges relate to a shooting which took place in Tower Hamlets on 30 August 2022, days before Kaba's death.[3][4]

Kaba was a member of 67, a Brixton Hill-based drill rap group.[5] He was known by his stagename Madix or Mad Itch.[6] He had an apprenticeship to become an architect.[5]''

How does someone training to be an architect get caught up in all this.

Willtell 11:06 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
BRANDED 10:57 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
“I no longer live in London and feel sorry for you that do.”

I would suggest the loss of you and people like you have made the place a joy to live in.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Why are you such a miserable cunt then BRAINDEAD?

Willtell 11:03 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
It's a show trial for political reasons. Nothing to do with justice.

If you want the police to stop violent criminals before they end up killing innocent people then the only question any officer should face is from his senior officers. They can check there was no malice and official procedures were adhered to.

There's too much political correctness instead of common sense amongst politicians who want to be seen to be 'holier than though' by trying to please everyone.

It's so often the case that these criminals that get shot by the police are just dangerous animals. There must be a better way to qualify what happened than a court case with implied guilt.

BRANDED 10:57 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
“I no longer live in London and feel sorry for you that do.”

I would suggest the loss of you and people like you have made the place a joy to live in.

Westside 10:51 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
There has never been a shoot to kill policy. That would be illegal.

They're trained to shoot to stop..

That is correct. What most people don't realise, is that in their belt kit, armed officers carry military grade wound dressings. As soon as the threat is neutralised and no longer a threat, the armed police administer first aid, to the former threat.

Threats regularly survive, police shootings.

Armed old bill, are extremely well trained. The amount of times they deploy their weapons and don't shoot is astronomical.

My eldest niece used to be in the plod. There was (might still be) a shortage of female armed officers. She was invited to firearms training, failed. Excellent that the system, weeds out those not good enough. She emigrated to Western Australia, joined the police there. Which is a mandatory armed service. Had no trouble passing the firearms part of her training.

The police shouldn't be above the law, but to me shooting somebody driving a car at you, shouldn't even reach charging stage.

chim chim cha boo 3:13 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Sxboy_66 1:15 Tue Sep 26

If that's the case I stand corrected. I'm not even going to look it up and try and argue because if you WANT to find something to back up an argument, unfortunately you'll find it on the mental internet.

I'd always trust my peers on here if I think they know what they are talking about which is clearly the case here. Cheers x

Sxboy_66 1:15 Tue Sep 26
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed

chim chim cha boo 4:05 Mon Sep 25

On the 1% you disagree with you're 100% wrong.

There has never been a shoot to kill policy. That would be illegal.

They're trained to shoot to stop.

The most effective target area to ensure stopping someone is also most likely to be fatal, but that is never the intention. It's a very important distinction.

At best it's a show trial, and one brave officer's career, and life, is ruined whatever the verdict.

Willtell 11:59 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
I no longer live in London and feel sorry for you that do. There’s no way any policeman should have to face a court case for the events described here.

It’s unfortunate that race becomes an issue when it clearly isn’t. It’s a simple case of we’re the procedures followed? If yes take a holiday officer resume duty next week…

End of story!

Eerie Descent 10:42 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
I can't compete with any of that.

I did, however, once meet Anthea Turner, when she was the hottest ticket in town. What a great time that was. She said to me, "What are you doing in my garden?"

Heady days indeed.

chim chim cha boo 9:54 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Eerie Descent 8:03 Mon Sep 25

You could have been the drummer in punk bands, taken shitloads of drugs, ridden motorbikes, pulled an undercover policewoman at a club while out of your head on E, pulled another who happened to be the maid to the princess of Spain looking after her London mansion while she was away (she also had a Ducati), been pulled up in a roadblock on London Bridge and had a gun put in your face primarily it seemed for having long hair and a bit of an attitude.

So I've lead a dissolute life and have a few stories I think some people on here might find amusing or diverting. They are all true and I don't care if you believe them or not. In fact you'll see I'm hardly on here anymore because most of the people I used to find funny and interesting have gone.

Side of Ham 8:50 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
IF the feller was using his car to ram them then he is in control of a deadly weapon….forget protecting themselves this feller could have escaped them and then easily killed a member of the public….such was his desire to look after his freedom…..no one ever considers how self preservation of his freedom is as deadly as carrying a firearm….

joyo 8:05 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Comma have the armed County lines gangs,ISIS,and other scumbag drugs and anti English scum put their arms down.....lol

Eerie Descent 8:03 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Chim, what makes you think I have an unhealthy obsession with you? I'm just one of a few people on here who's prepared to question some of the utter bollocks you post (although it's so rare, I'm not sure how that equates to an obsession, but whatever) and you're obviously very insecure so you have a fucking meltdown about it.

If you think I'm a bore because I don't come on here telling everyone my life story and apparent daily tribulations, fair enough. I couldn't give a fuck.

You said earlier, a policeman stuck the muzzle of his gun into your crash helmet and called you a cunt on a random road check. I mean, ffs.

, 7:18 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
The army have been stood down because in the words of the Met they now have a sufficient number of armed Police to cope.

A number of Officers have resumed their arms carrying duty.

GBHammer63 5:00 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
Tending to mostly agree with chim here, if you’ve got to fight to protect yourself or your family do it as best as you can with no rules.
If an armed cop points a gun at you and tells you to get out of a car do it cos they’re not pointing it at you for nothing.
Not all OB are complete cunts have met quite a few who are ok, but perhaps he’s just been unfortunate in meeting the bullied at school ones.

Anyway back to the main agenda, it’s got nothing to do with race and everything to do with the intelligence of the driver.

, 4:51 Mon Sep 25
Re: 100s Armed Police hand in their tickets refuse to be aimed
We need to know in precise detail how this fatal episode played out.

Nobody is above the law and for the CPS to press a charge of murder there must be some things, which we are unaware of, that compel them to so do.

I will wait for the Court case and evidence witness statements in order to make my mind up.

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