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Sydney_Iron 9:26 Wed Nov 22
This new President of Argentina
Looks and sounds like an absolute nutter, that 70,s hair style doest help and the fact Trump has hailed his election as a milestone and great victory only makes me think that we are going to see some fun and games in that neck of the woods!!!!

Also has already declared the Falklands belong to Argentina and he wants them back! See Rishi has already sent a navel ship and more troops in the coming weeks.

Dont think we will see another war but expect strained relations with the UK in the coming years.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

violator 2:43 Thu Nov 23
Re: This new President of Argentina
Gets pulled up for double standards, wants thread locked...

Hammer and Pickle 2:37 Thu Nov 23
Re: This new President of Argentina

Oh ffs lock this shit!

Lee Trundle 1:33 Thu Nov 23
Re: This new President of Argentina
Hammer and Pickle 12:42 Thu Nov 23
"Well, that’s the way it works"

It's a shame you've never listened to your own advice when you look at the brexit results, Hamas & Pickled.

Unfortunately, I don't think Wilders will hold a Nexit vote just yet.

Westside 1:26 Thu Nov 23
Re: This new President of Argentina
Thus are we run, here, consistently by government of the minority.

Which is what the majority want, as they massively rejected PR, in a referendum.

Mike Oxsaw 1:14 Thu Nov 23
Re: This new President of Argentina
Is this house contesting that, as a fact, "Popular" has linguistically replaced "Bad" as the polar opposite of "Good"?

Hammer and Pickle 12:42 Thu Nov 23
Re: This new President of Argentina
Actually, it’s not even about PR, is it. Wilders, like PiS is the party with the largest single bloc of seats but no parliamentary majority. They have the right to try to form a government in any system. And in any system they will find they won’t be able to gain a single vote of confidence in a single minister or pass the budget or form a single committee without a coalition partner. And nobody is going to work with them?
Why you ask? That’s not FAIR!
Well, that’s the way it works if you’re a useless populist nutjob: NOBODY WANTS TO KNOW YA!

, 12:05 Thu Nov 23
Re: This new President of Argentina
It’s all very well poo pooing the Dutch PR system of parliamentary democracy but the Dutch electorate are sophisticated enough to use it to their satisfaction. They know that Wilders having gained 37 seats in a House of 150 representatives will have to negotiate with other parties if he wants the right to govern. The Dutch electorate also know that the other parties can themselves combine to form a government because they heavily outnumber Wilders with his 27 seats.

Rls seems to think that because Wilders won the most seats of any party he has the right to govern in his own way, to his own programme without any interference from any other party.

That is not what PR is about. PR is about giving everyone a voice and a vote the counts and the fact that smaller parties need to collaborate to find common cause is one of its advantages. In comparison the Westminster system is profoundly undemocratic and the party of government never garners more than 45% of the votes cast. Thus are we run, here, consistently by government of the minority.

The best and most recent example of our democratic deficit is when Farage’s UKIP obtained nearly five million votes but failed to win a seat yet the SNP won 60 seats with half that number of votes in Scotland.

Capitol Man 6:02 Thu Nov 23
Re: This new President of Argentina
Be interesting to see if he can get anything done. Populists are all about stirring up anger with power for its own sake being the only goal. They all flounder when they meet reality though and people find out they are full of shit.

This guy is a libertarian, so another level of utter fantasy at work.

Still, even a modest bit of stability would be a win - but I’d certainly beef up the Falkland defenses for when things don’t go as planned domestically.

riosleftsock 10:56 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
Lee, and yet again, the BBC were calling the election right up to this morning for the turkish bird.

The BBC are reporting that nobody will form a govt with Wilders, which pretty much means that democracy has failed in Holland as it has done in many countries with PR. One side wins the most seats but the other little WEFlers refuse to form a coalition with them, so you end up with much the same repeated, and public dissatisfaction, followed by worse policies and another election.

There seem to be quite a few parties and PMs in Europe who don't really have a democratic mandate (I'd include Sunak in that)

Lee Trundle 10:18 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
Geert Wilders has won the most seats in the Netherlands, if you go by the first exit poll.

riosleftsock 10:09 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
It was quite a remarkable election, not so much because of who was elected, but they did the whole thing without machines and completed it on time.

Why do those states in the US with super efficient and super expensive machines seem to take so long?

Sydney_Iron 9:56 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
Lee Trundle 1:48 Wed Nov 22

Maybe it was? But the media (some of them) are making out its being sent as a direct result of this fella being elected and comments, he has made of wanting the islands back, as ever the media want a story, just saying a routine warship going down to the South Atlantic isn't really newsworhy, being sent however gets the clicks.....

Going to be interesting watching what happens in Argentina, think this bloke has other priorities than getting the Falklands back, some of what he proposes to do is bonkers.

Lee Trundle 6:18 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
The best description I've seen is a crazy Michael Knight (from Knightrider).

british is best 6:17 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
I've got to give the argie president credit . His syrup is up there with Phil Spectors and Micheal fabricants . Yet he gets taken seriously. Bloody impressive feat in itself .

GoalLazio 3:49 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
Send a Sub (even though half are broken) not that old rust bucket. RN hardly fit for purpose with disgraceful government cuts.

joe royal 3:01 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
Hope they don’t do anything until feb as I’m going Argentina and the Falkland Islands in January.

Lee Trundle 1:48 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
HMS Forth was scheduled to get back down to the Falklands as a Falkland Islands Patrol Vessel way before this bloke was voted in, Sydney_Iron.

Coffee 1:41 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
Sydney_Iron 10:49 Wed Nov 22

What's another word for your tummy button? Nowt to do with warships.

Bullet 1:39 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
Argentina considers Thatcher a war criminal for sinking the Belgrano. A school mate was in 2nd Para out there, I wouldn't want any of our boys to go through that again. 1 in 20 advocated nuclear strikes against Argentina during the Falklands War. If it kicks off again let's hope we can get those numbers up and finish the job.

zico 11:36 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
He looks like the son of Dickie Davies!

El Scorchio 11:23 Wed Nov 22
Re: This new President of Argentina
Looks like evil Michael knight

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